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Aria Knowledge Central

Enable Usage Pooling


You can pool usage across multiple services within the same plan instance to determine the rate to bill a customer. The customer is billed for usage based on the total usage pool for all of the services on a plan, instead of the number of billable units for each service. The total usage pool is reset to 0 after each invoice is generated for a customer unless usage accumulation is enabled for the customer.

This article explains how to enable this functionality via the client parameter Allow MPI Level Usage Pooling.

Note: Once a customer has been billed for usage on a plan, you cannot enable or disable usage pooling for that plan. If you plan to rate usage Per-Record, you cannot use Usage Pooling.

Enabling Usage Pooling

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings

  1. Click Allow MPI Level Usage Pooling.
  2. Select True from the Value drop-down.
  3. Click Save. Usage pooling is now enabled.
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