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Plans (Product Catalog) Visualization

Plans (Product Catalog) Visualization

This feature supports the visualization of detailed Plan hierarchy in the form of a tree diagram via a screen overlay launched from within the Aria application. You can access a Plan's visual Plan hierarchy via the Plans screen or while editing a Plan.

Accessing a Plan's Visual Plan Hierarchy Via the Plans Screen

Getting Here: Products > Plans

Main Plans Screen.jpg

  1. Click on a Master or Supplemental Plan's Plan Hierarchy symbol

Main Plan Hierarchy Screen.jpg

  1. A Plan Hierarchy screen displays showing the selected Plan's (blue Plan card) relationship or hierarchy to other Plans within the product catalog. In the above example, the selected Plan (Master Plan A) has three Supplemental Child Plans (Supplemental Plan A-1, Supplemental Plan A-2,  Supplemental Plan - A3).
  2. And Supplemental Plan A-1, has it's own Supplemental Child Plan (Supplemental Plan A-1_1)
  3. Each Plan card in the hierarchy displays the following:

4a. A colored dot indicating the status of the Plan. A green dot indicates the Plan is active. A red dot indicates the Plan is inactive.

4b. Plan name and client-defined identifier.

4c. Number of associated child Plans.

4d. Default currency.  

4e. Default rate schedule name.

4f.  A "Services" and "View Details" link.

  1. Click on the Plan card's Services link.

    A "Services Used on This Plan" popup screen is displayed showing the services that are being used for the Plan.

5a. Click on any link under Where Used to see the Plans that include the corresponding service.

Note: Only the first 100 in-use Plans that include the service will be listed. To see services included in any Plan that is not listed, go to Products > Plans > click on a Plan > click the Services tab.


  1. Click on this popup screen's X to close the screen.
  2. Click on the Plan card's View Details link.

Plan Flyout.jpg

  1. A "Plan" popup screen is displayed showing:

8a. Plan number and name.

8b. Number of accounts subscribing to the Plan.

8c. Number of rate schedules associated to the Plan.

8d. Total number of inventory items (Non-Subscription Offerings) associated to the Plan.

  1. Click on the Accounts' View All link to view/access the accounts associated to the Plan

Account Display.jpg

  1. Click on an Account Number to access the account's Account Overview screen.
  2. Click on the Plans tab and repeat step 1. to re-access the Plan's visual hierarchy screen.

Rate Schedule - View Details.jpg

  1. Click on the Rate Schedules' View All link.


The Plan's Rates screen displays showing the rate schedule(s) currently associated to the Plan.

  1. Click on the Plans tab and repeat step 1. to re-access the Plan's visual hierarchy screen.

Accessing a Plan's Visual Plan Hierarchy in Plan Edit Mode

Getting Here: > Products > Plans > Plan > Plan Relationships


  1. Click on the Plan's View Plan Hierarchy link.


  1. The Plan's hierarchy screen is displayed as shown previously. Click on the Plan Hierarchy screen's X to return to Plan edit mode.

Plans (product Catalog) Visualization 15.jpg

  1. To add a Supplemental Plan to the selected Plan's hierarchy, first click on the > Plan Relationships > Child Plans Browse link.

Plans (product Catalog) Visualization 16.jpg

  1. Select a new Supplemental Plan to add by clicking the Supplemental Plan's corresponding check box.
  2. Click on the Select button.

Plans (product Catalog) Visualization 18.jpg

  1. The selected Supplemental Plan displays as a new Supplemental Plan in this Master Plan's Plan hierarchy. Click on the View Plan Hierarchy link.


The added Supplemental Plan now displays in the Plan Hierarchy with a "hashed" border until the new Plan is committed (saved) via the Plan edit process. 

  1. Click on the Plan Hierarchy screen's X to close the screen. 

Plans (product Catalog) Visualization 20.jpg

  1. Click on a Supplemental Plan's Plan hierarchy symbol.

Plans (product Catalog) Visualization 21.jpg

A message appears if the Supplemental Plan has multiple Plan Hierarchy parent assignments.

  1. Click on the Select a Parent down arrow and select a Parent Plan to view the Supplemental Plan's Plan Hierarchy.

Plans (product Catalog) Visualization 22.jpg

The Plan Hierarchy screen is refreshed to show the Supplemental Plan's Plan Hierarchy respective to the Parent Plan selected. 

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