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Aria Billing Cloud Reporting

Aria Systems Academy Course Abstract
20 minutes / Elearning / Aria Billing Cloud

The objective of this course is to demonstrate the functionality of Aria’s reporting engine, and highlight some of its features. At the end of this course, you will know how to run and schedule a report; how to organize reports in catalogs and associate those with user roles; and how to request a custom report.

Who Should Complete This Course?
  • Business Intelligence specialists charged with extracting customer data from the Aria monetization platform
  • Database or system administrators who need incremental data to feed systems outside of Aria
  • Finance managers who need to track transactions recorded in Aria
  • Marketing managers who need to analyze the effectiveness of promotional activity

Running and Scheduling Reports

8 minutes

  • How to run a report with runtime parameters
  • How to schedule a report with runtime parameters
  • How to print and download reports
  • How to configure reports for ftp delivery

Configuring Report Catalogs

4 minutes

  • How to organize reports in catalogs
  • How to associate report catalogs with report groups
  • How to associate report groups with Aria user roles

Requesting a Custom Report

8 minutes

  • How to fill out the Report Request Form spreadsheet
  • How to translate data needs to report request
  • A note on revenue reporting and SmartRec

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