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Aria Knowledge Central

Refund for Proration Credit Action


As an alternative to creating service or cash credits, you can configure Aria to automatically refund net negative charges resulting from the proration of plan cancellations and downgrades.

Setting up Automated Refunds

To set up automated refunds for prorated actions that result in net negative charges, you must configure this client parameter to work in tandem with another client parameter, Net-Negative Pro-Ration Action. First set this client parameter, Refund for Proration Credit Action, to either the, "Refund for Cancellation" or "Refund for Cancellation or Downgrade" option, which provides flexibility for handling refundable plan changes. Then set the Net-Negative Pro-Ration Action client parameter (Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings) to either the "Produce Cash Credit for Net Negative Amount” or the “Produce Corresponding Cash Credit” option. The Net-Negative Pro-Ration Action client parameter allows you to configure whether to issue service credit, cash credit, refund or discard in these cases.

Once set up, an automated refund can occur upon actions in the Plans screen for Remove Plan,Replace Plan, or Change Plan Units that could cause a net negative charge upon proration. In Aria, you will see automated refund transactions in the Refunds (Accounts > [select account] > Payments & Credits) and Transactions (Accounts > [select account] > Statements & Invoices) screens.

Note: To use the automated refund feature, be aware that only one-time, fully paid invoices are eligible for automated refund. If multiple payments or payment methods were made to pay an invoice, it will not be processed. In these cases, the action will result in the error message, "Automated refund is not issued for invoice [invoice no] due to payment is ineligible for automated refund or the original payment method is invalid". If a refund attempt fails, a prorated cash credit is issued to the account holder.

API Support

With the appropriate configuration of client parameters set up as described above, the following APIs support the automated refunds feature for net negative charges resulting from prorated plan actions (cancelling, replacing, or changing units):

Reason Codes

An uneditable (read-only) "Plan cancellation or downgrade automated refund" reason code that describes the cause of the transaction is listed in Finance > Reason codes and populates transaction data table descriptions after a refund is issued. This makes it easier for customers to understand the cause as to why the refund was granted.

Refund for Proration Credit Action Client Level Setting

Getting Here: Configuration > Payments > Payment Settings

Choose the desire options on prorated credit actions so that on plan cancellation or downgrade, Aria will automatically produce refunds.

To set in the UI, go to Configuration > Payments > Payment Settings > Refund for Proration Credit Action. Select the credit option in the Value dropdown on the Refund for Proration Credit Action page and click Save.

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