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Aria Knowledge Central

Key Invoice Settings


Your invoicing settings determine how Aria should behave when billing your customers. You can change an invoice setting at any time and view and approve pending invoices. This article highlights a few key invoice settings. You can find all available invoice settings at Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings.

Invoice Without Line Items


This setting enables statement creation for invoices without line items. It allows you to designate a service to use on invoices without line items. This service is added as a zero amount line item for each plan associated with the invoice. The service must not have a rate schedule associated with it.

Aria uses the line item(s) in an invoice to generate statements. In some cases, a statement is needed even if the invoice does not have a line item. For example, a client may want to send a statement for an account with usage, though no usage occurred in the billing period.

Set This Parameter

Getting Here: Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings

  1. Click Invoices Without Line Items. The parameter configuration displays.
  2. From the Value dropdown, select True.
  3. Enter a service name or number in the Select a Recurring Service field, or click Browse to select a recurring service. Once selected, the service name displays with the label Selected Service.

    Note: The service selected must not have a rate schedule associated with it.


  4. Click Save. The service displays as a line item with a zero amount on invoices which do not otherwise have a line item.
    Invoice Line Item 11.0.png

Auto-Void Credit Memo


You can specify whether or not Aria will be able to void invoices to which you have applied one or more credit memos. By default, you cannot void invoices with associated credit memos. 

Best Practices

  • If setting is True, the credit memo to which an invoice is applied will automatically be voided when you voice that invoice.
  • If setting is False (default) and you attempt to void an invoice to which a credit memo is applied, the void will fail and the following message will appear: “The invoice cannot be voided because one or more credit memos have been applied to it.”

Set This Parameter

Getting Here: Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings:

Click the invoice setting shown below.


  1. Select True from the drop-down list to activate this setting.
  2. Click Save.

Repeat the previous steps and select False to return this parameter to its default setting.

Coupon Application Order


The Coupon Application Order client parameter governs the order that invoice coupons are applied based on the order in which that coupon was assigned to an account or to a master plan instance (MPI).

Note: This client parameter order functionality only applies to a coupon with discount rules.

Allowable Values:

  • A value of LIFO (default), will result in a coupon to be applied to an invoice based on Last-In-First-Out coupon assignment order.
  • A value of FIFO, will result in a coupon to be applied to an invoice based on First-In-First-Out coupon assignment order.

Conflict Resolution

  • When there are different levels of coupon applications (e.g., MPI and account), the MPI coupon assignment order will take precedence over account coupon assignment order.
  • A more granular setting of coupon application order (e.g., coupon groups) will take precedence when in conflict with this parameter.
  • When a group of coupons are assigned within the same second, the order of application will be in the order that Oracle pulls them.

Best Practices

  • A consistent manner of applying coupons (e.g., from the same level) should be employed that works in conjunction with this parameter setting for the most predictable processing results.
  • The parameter is editable, but best practice is to not change the parameter frequently. The change will be reflected on the next invoice (not going retroactive).

Set This Parameter

Getting Here: Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings:

Click the invoice setting shown below.


  1. Select FIFO from the drop-down list to change coupon assignment ordering to "First In, First Out" for this setting.
  2. Click Save.

Repeat the previous steps and select LIFO to return this parameter to its default setting.

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