Snowflake VC Object: Statements
- ► Statements
CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record. STATEMENT_NO NUMBER The statement_no for the referenced record. ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced INVOICE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for an invoice. BILLING_GROUP_NO NUMBER The designated billing group number for the referenced data. PAYMENT_METHOD_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a payment method number. SEQ_STATEMENT_ID TEXT The sequence id of the statement. STATEMENT_CONTACT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a statement contact number. CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data. DUE_DATE DATE The date payment is due. DUE_DATE_PLUS_GRACE_PERIOD DATE The date payment is due with the addition of the grace period. SENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the sent milestone. RESENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the resent milestone. STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a status number. IS_REBILL BOOLEAN Is this a rebill statement? CURRENCY_CD TEXT The default_currency_cd for the referenced record. NEW_CHARGES_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency new charges amount. NEW_PAYMENTS_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency new payments amount. BALANCE_FORWARD_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency balance forward amount. TOTAL_OWED NUMBER The total currency amount owed. UNAPPLIED_CREDIT_BALANCE NUMBER The currency amount of the unapplied credit balance. UNAPPLIED_PAYMENT_BALANCE NUMBER The currency amount of the unapplied payment balance. Child Views Variant
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