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Snowflake Available Objects VC

What data is available? 

These are the current Objects available in Snowflake. More objects are added with each new release. Expand an Object below to view it's relevant fields.


► Accounts




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
BALANCE NUMBER The clients balance for the customer referenced data
STATUS_NO NUMBER The clients status number on their account for the customer referenced
STATUS_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The clients status was updated at the timestamp for the customer referenced
PARENT_ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The parent_account_no for the referenced record
PARENT_USERID TEXT The parent_userid for the referenced record
PARENT_CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The parent_client_account_no for the referenced record
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data.
SECRET_QUESTION TEXT The secret_question for the referenced record, used to authenticate a user.
SECRET_QUESTION_ANSWER TEXT The secret_question_answer for the referenced record, used to authenticate a user.
IS_TEST_ACCOUNT BOOLEAN Designates the record as a test account.
IS_INVOICE_APPROVAL_REQUIRED BOOLEAN Designates the record as requiring approval for invoices.
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The default_currency_cd for the referenced record.
UPDATED_RECEIPT_ID TEXT The updated_receipt_id for the referenced record.
CREATED_RECEIPT_ID TEXT The created_receipt_id for the referenced record.
SEQUENCE_FUNCTIONAL_GROUP_NO NUMBER The sequence_functional_group_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_SEQUENCE_FUNCTIONAL_GROUP_ID TEXT The client_sequence_functional_group_id for the referenced record.
START_DATE DATE The start_date for the referenced record.
ADMIN_CONTACT_NO NUMBER The admin_contact_no for the referenced record.
IS_CONSUMER_ACCOUNT BOOLEAN Designates the record as a consumer account.
LOCALE_NO NUMBER The locale_no designating a geographic region for the referenced record.
LEGAL_ENTITY_NO NUMBER The legal_entity_no for the referenced record designating a unique organization
CLIENT_LEGAL_ENTITY_ID TEXT The client_legal_entity_id for the referenced record designating a unique organization
IS_ANONYMIZED BOOLEAN A True or False indicator showing if the record is anonymized for PII protection.
NOTIFY_METHOD_NO NUMBER The notify_method_no for the referenced record defining a unique method for customer communication.
FUNCTIONAL_ACCOUNT_GROUPS VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to functional account groups.
COLLECTION_ACCOUNT_GROUPS VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to collection account groups.
ACCOUNT_FIELDS VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to account fields.
TAX_EXEMPTION_LEVEL_NO NUMBER The tax_exemption_level_no for the referenced record designating a valid tax exemption.
NOTIFICATION_OVERRIDES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to notification overrides.
NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_GROUP_NO NUMBER The notification_template_group_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_GROUP_ID TEXT The client_notification_template_group_id for the referenced record.
SURCHARGES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to surcharges.
REVREC_PROFILE_NUMBER NUMBER The revrec_profile_number for the referenced record, defining the revenue recognition treatment.
PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER TEXT The aria facing unique identifier for a purchase order.
CC_EMAIL_ADDRESSES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to cc email addresses.
BCC_EMAIL_ADDRESSES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to bcc email addresses.

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Child View Name

► Account Fields




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
FIELD_NAME TEXT The field_name for the referenced record.
FIELD_NO NUMBER The field_no for the referenced record.
FIELD_ORDER NUMBER The field_order for the referenced record.
DESCRIPTION TEXT The description of the field for the referenced record.
INPUT_TYPE_CD TEXT The input type code.
IS_REQUIRED BOOLEAN Is the account field required for data entry?
IS_RESTRICTED_TO_ALLOWED_VALUES BOOLEAN Is data entry restricted to allowed values
MAXIMUM_SELECTIONS NUMBER The maximum number of selections.
MINIMUM_SELECTIONS NUMBER The minimum number of selections.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the update milestone.
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Variant Source Table Child View Name
► Account Coupon Assignment




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
COUPON_CODE TEXT The coupon_code for the referenced record.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The created timestamp for the referenced data.
CANCELLED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The cancelled timestamp for the referenced data.
► Account Discount Rule Assignments




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
ASSIGNMENT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a assignment number.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
DISCOUNT_RULE_NO NUMBER The discount_rule_no for the referenced record.
BUNDLE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a bundle number.
SOURCE_COUPON_CODE TEXT The source_coupon_code for the referenced record.
OVERRIDE_MAX_APPLICATIONS NUMBER Override the maximum applications.
OVERRIDE_MAX_APPLICABLE_MONTHS NUMBER Override the maximum application months.
TOTAL_APPLICATIONS NUMBER The total number of applications.
ASSIGNED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the assigned milestone.
UNASSIGNED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the unassigned milestone.
EXPIRATION_DATE DATE The date of the expiration milestone.
► Billing Groups




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
BILLING_GROUP_NO NUMBER The designated billing group number for the referenced data.
CLIENT_BILLING_GROUP_ID TEXT The client_billing_group_id for the referenced record
NAME TEXT The billing groups name
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the billing group.
STATUS_NO NUMBER The clients status number on their account for the customer referenced
NOTIFY_METHOD_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a notify method number.
NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_GROUP_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a notification template group number.
PRIMARY_PAYMENT_METHOD_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a primary payment method number.
BACKUP_PAYMENT_METHOD_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a backup payment method number.
STATEMENT_CONTACT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a statement contact number.
PAYMENT_TERM_NO NUMBER The payment_term_no for the referenced record.
CREDIT_NOTE_TEMPLATE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit note template number.
EAN_GLN_REQUISITION_NUM TEXT The EAN or GLN requisition number.
STATEMENT_TEMPLATE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a statement template number.
CREDIT_MEMO_TEMPLATE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit memo template number.
REBILL_TEMPLATE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a rebill template number.
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Child View Name

► Chart of Accounts




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a chart of accounts number.
CLIENT_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client chart of accounts id.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the chart of accounts.
► Comments




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
COMMENT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a comment number.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
APPLICATION_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a application.
APPLICATION_TSTAMP_TEXT TEXT A text string containing the application timestamp.
AUTHOR TEXT The creator of the comment.
COMMENT TEXT The verbose notes related to the account.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
► Contacts




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
CONTACT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a contact number.
FIRST_NAME TEXT The contacts first name.
MIDDLE_INITIAL TEXT The contacts middle initial.
LAST_NAME TEXT The contacts surname or last name.
COMPANY_NAME TEXT The company name where applicable
BIRTHDATE DATE The contacts date of birth.
EMAIL TEXT The contacts email address.
STREET TEXT The contacts street address.
CITY TEXT The contacts city.
STATE_PROV TEXT The contacts state or province.
LOCALITY TEXT The contacts locality.
POSTAL_CODE TEXT The contacts postal code.
COUNTRY_CD TEXT The contacts country code.
PHONE TEXT The contacts phone number.
PHONE_EXT TEXT The contacts phone extension where applicable.
CELL_PHONE TEXT The contacts cellular phone number.
WORK_PHONE TEXT The contacts work phone number.
WORK_PHONE_EXT TEXT The contacts work phone extension where applicable.
FAX TEXT The contacts fax phone number.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
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Child View Name

► Contracts




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
CONTRACT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a contract number.
CLIENT_CONTRACT_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client contract id.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
STATUS_NO NUMBER The clients status number on their account for the customer referenced
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data.
START_DATE DATE The contract start date.
END_DATE DATE The contract end date.
CREATE_COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the created referenced data.
UPDATE_COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the updated referenced data.
END_ACTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a end action number.
CONTRACT_MONTHS NUMBER The number of months duration for the contract terms.
EARLY_CANCEL_FEE NUMBER The contract cancellation fee where applicable.
SCOPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a scope number.
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Child View Name

► Coupons




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
COUPON_CODE TEXT The coupon_code for the referenced record.
APPLICATION_SCOPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for an application scope number
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the coupon.
DISCOUNT_BUNDLE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a discount bundle number.
CLIENT_DISCOUNT_BUNDLE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client discount bundle number.
EXPIRE_DATE DATE The coupons expiration date.
IS_ACTIVE BOOLEAN Is the referenced data active?
MAXIMUM_USES NUMBER The maximum number of uses for the coupon.
START_DATE DATE The coupon start date.
TOTAL_USES NUMBER The total uses allowed for the coupon.
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Child View Name

► Credit Memos




CLIENT_NO NUMBER Client_no uniquely identifying each unique client.
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number.
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated.
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record.
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record.
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
CREDIT_MEMO_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit memo number.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced.
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced.
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced.
AMOUNT NUMBER The currency amount.
COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the referenced data.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
CREDIT_REASON_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit reason number.
CREDIT_REASON_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit reason type.
CREDIT_REF_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit ref type number.
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The default_currency_cd for the referenced record.
CUSTOMER_NOTE TEXT The verbose customer note related to the credit memo record.
INVOICE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for an invoice.
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Child View Name

► Discount Rules




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
DISCOUNT_RULE_NO NUMBER The discount_rule_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_DISCOUNT_RULE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client discount rule id.
NAME TEXT The discount rule name.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the discount_rules.
EXTERNAL_DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose external description of the discount_rules.
DISCOUNT_TYPE_CD TEXT The unique identifier for a discount type code.
FIXED_AMOUNT NUMBER The fixed currency amount.
PERCENT_AMOUNT NUMBER The percent currency amount.
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The default_currency_cd for the referenced record.
APPLICABLE_DURATION_TYPE_CD TEXT The unique identifier for a applicable duration type code.
MAXIMUM_APPLICABLE_DURATION NUMBER The maximum applicable duration of the discount rule referenced.
INVOICE_APPLICATION_SCOPE_CD TEXT The unique identifier for a invoice applicable scope code.
IS_INLINE_DISCOUNT BOOLEAN Is the record and online discount?
DISCOUNT_BEHAVIOR_CD TEXT The unique identifier for a discount behavior code.
DISCOUNT_SERVICE_NO NUMBER The discount_service_no for the referenced record.
DISCOUNT_SERVICE_CLIENT_ID TEXT The discount_service_client_id for the referenced record.
DISCOUNT_RULE_SCOPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a discount rule scope number.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
REMAINDER_DISCOUNT_RULE_IND BOOLEAN The remainder discount rule indicator.
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Child View Name

► Dunning Groups




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
DUNNING_GROUP_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a dunning group number.
CLIENT_DUNNING_GROUP_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client dunning group id.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the dunning groups.
DUNNING_PROCESS_NO NUMBER The uniqiue identifier for a dunning process.
CLIENT_DUNNING_PROCESS_ID TEXT The uniqiue identifier for a client dunning process id.
NAME TEXT The dunning group name.
DUNNING_GROUP_STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for the dunning group status number.
► Dunning Process




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
DUNNING_PROCESS_NO NUMBER The uniqiue identifier for a dunning process.
CLIENT_DUNNING_PROCESS_ID TEXT The uniqiue identifier for a client dunning process id.
NAME TEXT The dunning process name.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the dunning process.
COMPLETION_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a completion notification template number.
IS_DEFAULT BOOLEAN Is the record the default dunning process?
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Child View Name

► Invoices




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
INVOICE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for an invoice.
STATUS_NO NUMBER The clients status number on their account for the customer referenced
BILLING_GROUP_NO NUMBER The designated billing group number for the referenced data.
STATEMENT_NO NUMBER The statement_no for the referenced record.
ORIGINAL_INVOICE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for an original invoice.
REBILL_INVOICE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for an rebill invoice.
REBILL_REASON_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a rebill reason number.
TAXATION_ADDRESS_CONTACT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a taxation address contact number.
RECURRING_BILL_FROM DATE The recurring billing from date.
RECURRING_BILL_THROUGH DATE The recurring billing through date.
USAGE_FROM DATE The usage from date.
USAGE_THROUGH DATE The usage through date.
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The default_currency_cd for the referenced record.
AMOUNT NUMBER The currency amount.
INVOICE_BALANCE_FORWARD NUMBER The invoice forwarded balance currency amount.
TOTAL_DUE NUMBER The total currency amount due.
BILLED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the billed milestone.
PAID_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the paid milestone.
CUSTOM_STATUS_LABEL TEXT A verbose custom status label of the invoices.
CUSTOM_STATUS_DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose custom status description of the invoices.
INVOICE_COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the invoice.
ADDITIONAL_COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of additional comments.
CLIENT_NOTES TEXT A verbose explanation of client comments.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data.
INVOICE_USAGE_STATUS_CD TEXT The invoice usage status code.
INVOICE_TYPE_CD TEXT The invoice usage type code.
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Child View Nam

► Invoice Reversals




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
REVERSAL_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for the reversal number.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
AMOUNT NUMBER The currency amount.
COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the referenced data.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The unique identifier for a currency code.
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Child View Name

► Non-Subscription Offerings




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
NONSUBSCRIPTION_OFFERING_NO NUMBER The nonsubscription_offering_no for the referenced record.
AUTO_CREATED_CREDIT_COMMENTS TEXT A automatically created explanation of details related to the referenced data.
AUTO_CREATED_CREDIT_SERVICE_NO NUMBER The automatical created credit service_no for the referenced record.
AUTO_CREATED_CREDIT_CLIENT_SERVICE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for the auto created credit client service id.
CLIENT_NONSUBSCRIPTION_OFFERING_ID TEXT The client nonsubscription offering id.
CLIENT_SKU TEXT The client SKU for the discount rule non subscription offering.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the non subscription offerings.
HAS_PURCHASE_RESTRICTION BOOLEAN Does the nonsubscription offering have a purchase restriction?
IS_ACTIVE BOOLEAN Is the referenced data active?
IS_AUTO_CREATE_CREDIT BOOLEAN Is the referenced data and auto created credit?
NAME TEXT The nonsubscription offering  name.
QUEUE_ACTIVATION_STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a queue activation status number.
QUEUE_DATE DATE The date the record was queued.
CLIENT_SERVICE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for the client service id.
SERVICE_NO NUMBER The service_no for the referenced record.
STOCK_LEVEL NUMBER The stock level.
SUBUNIT_LABEL TEXT The subunit label.
SUBUNIT_QUANTITY NUMBER The subunit quantity.
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Child View Name

► Non-Subscription Rate Schedules




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The schedule_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_RATE_SCHEDULE_ID TEXT The client_rate_schedule_id for the referenced record.
NAME TEXT The nonsubscription offering rate schedule name.
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The default_currency_cd for the referenced record.
IS_TAX_INCLUSIVE BOOLEAN Is the tax line inclusive?
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
IS_DEFAULT_FOR_CURRENCY BOOLEAN Is the nonsubscription rate schedule the default for the currency
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Orders




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
ORDER_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for an order.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
AMOUNT NUMBER The currency amount.
CLIENT_ORDER_ID TEXT The client order id.
COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the referenced data.
CREATED_RECEIPT_ID TEXT The created receipt od.
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The default_currency_cd for the referenced record.
FULFILL_DATE DATE The date of the fulfillment milestone.
INVOICE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for an invoice.
CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan instance id.
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER TEXT The purchase order number.
STATEMENT_MESSAGE TEXT The message for the consumer on the statement.
STATUS_NO NUMBER The clients status number on their account for the customer referenced
UPDATED_RECEIPT_ID TEXT The updated receipt id.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data.
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Order Lines




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
ORDER_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for an order.
LINE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for an order line.
NONSUBSCRIPTION_OFFERING_NO NUMBER The nonsubscription_offering_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_NONSUBSCRIPTION_OFFERING_ID TEXT The client_nonsubscription_offering_id for the referenced record.
UNITS NUMBER The quantity of units for the referenced data.
UNIT_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency unit amount.
LINE_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency line amount.
LABEL TEXT The label o nthe order line.
LONG_DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose long description of the order lines.
ALT_LABEL TEXT The alternatiev label on the order line.
LINE_COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the referenced data.
SERVICE_LOCATION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for the service location.
DESTINATION_CONTACT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a destination contact number.
IS_CUSTOM_RATED BOOLEAN Is the record custom rated?
► Payment Methods




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
PAYMENT_METHOD_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a payment method number.
CLIENT_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client payment method id.
NAME TEXT The payment methods name.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the payment method.
PAYMENT_METHOD_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a payment method type number.
PAYMENT_METHOD_STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a payment method status number.
SUFFIX TEXT The suffix.
CC_TYPE TEXT The credit card type.
CC_EXPIRE_MM NUMBER The numeric month (MM) of expiration.
CC_EXPIRE_YYYY NUMBER The numeric year (YYYY) of expiration.
BILL_AGREEMENT_ID TEXT The billing agreement id.
BANK_ROUTING_NUM TEXT The bank routing number.
BILL_ADDRESS_CONTACT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a billing address contact number.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data.
IS_PREPAID BOOLEAN Is the payment method prepaid?
IS_RELOADABLE BOOLEAN Is the payment method reloadable?
PREPAID_BALANCE NUMBER The currency amount of the prepaid balance.
PREPAID_CARD_TYPE TEXT The type of the prepaid card.
AFFLUENCE_TYPE TEXT The affluence type.
CC_ISSUING_COUNTRY TEXT The issuing country of the credit card.
CARD_PRODUCT_TYPE TEXT The card product type.
IS_DURBIN_REGULATED BOOLEAN Is the payment method durbin regulated?
IS_SIGNATURE_DEBIT BOOLEAN Is the payment method signature debit?
BANK_SWIFT_CD TEXT The swift system bank code.
BANK_COUNTRY_CD TEXT The country code of the bank referenced.
MANDATE_ID TEXT The mandate id.
BANK_ID_CD TEXT The bank id code.
BANK_BRANCH_CD TEXT The bank branch code.
MANDATE_AUTH_DATE DATE The date the mandate authorization starts.
CREATED_RECEIPT_ID TEXT The created_receipt_id for the referenced record.
► Payment Terms




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
PAYMENT_TERM_NO NUMBER The payment_term_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_PAYMENT_TERM_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client payment term id.
NAME TEXT The payment terms name.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the payment term.
IS_EAN_OR_GLN BOOLEAN Are the payment terms EAN or GLN?
ACCOUNT_GROUP_SCOPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a account group scope number.
ACCOUNT_GROUP_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a account group number.
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_GROUP_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client account group id.
DAYS_UNTIL_DUE NUMBER The number of days until the payment is due.
DAYS_UNTIL_DUE_METHOD_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a days untile due method number.
BILL_LAG_DAYS NUMBER The billing lag in number of days.
DISCOUNT_PERCENT NUMBER The discount percentage rate.
DISCOUNT_PERIOD NUMBER The discount period.
SURCHARGE_NO NUMBER The surcharge_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_SURCHARGE_ID TEXT The client_surcharge_no for the referenced record.
AUTO_BILL_ORDERS BOOLEAN Should orders be auto billed?
PAYMENT_REMINDER_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a payment reminder number.
PAYMENT_REMINDER_CONFIGURATIONS VARIANT The payment reminder configuration.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Pending Invoice Lines




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
INVOICE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for an invoice.
LINE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for an invoice line.
ORDER_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for an order.
ORDER_LINE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for an order line.
SURCHARGE_NO NUMBER The surcharge_no for the referenced record.
ADVANCE_BILLING_PERIOD_TOTAL_DAYS NUMBER The advance billing period total days.
BASE_PLAN_UNITS NUMBER The quantity of base plan units for the referenced data.
COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the referenced data.
CREDIT_COUPON_CODE TEXT The credit coupon code.
CREDIT_REASON_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit reason number.
END_DATE DATE The end date.
IS_TAX_RELATED BOOLEAN Is the record tax related?
NONSUBSCRIPTION_OFFERING_RATE_SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The nonsubscription_offering_rate_schedule for the referenced record.
NONSUBSCRIPTION_OFFERING_CLIENT_RATE_SCHEDULE_ID TEXT The nonsubscription_offering_client_rate_schedule for the referenced record.
NONSUBSCRIPTION_OFFERING_RATE_SCHEDULE_TIER NUMBER The nonsubscription offering rate schedule tier.
PLAN_NO NUMBER The plan_no for the referenced record
CLIENT_PLAN_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan record.
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan instance id.
PLAN_RATE_SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The plan_rate_schedule_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_PLAN_RATE_SCHEDULE_ID TEXT The client_plan_rate_schedule_id for the referenced record.
PLAN_RATE_SCHEDULE_SERVICE_TIER NUMBER The plan_rate_schedule_service_tier for the referenced record.
PRORATION_DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose proration description of the pending invoice lines.
PRORATION_FACTOR NUMBER The proration factor.
PRORATION_OPERATION_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a proration operation type number.
PRORATION_REMAINING_DAYS NUMBER The days remaining for proration.
PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER TEXT The aria facing unique identifier for a purchase order.
RATE NUMBER The rate for the referenced data.
SERVICE_NO NUMBER The service_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_SERVICE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for the client service id.
SERVICE_CREDIT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a service credit number.
SERVICE_CREDIT_SOURCE_TRANSACTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a service credit source transaction.
START_DATE DATE The start date.
SURCHARGE_RATE_SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The surcharge_rate_schedule_no for the referenced record.
SURCHARGE_RATE_SCHEDULE_TIER NUMBER The surcharge_rate_schedule_tier for the referenced record.
UNITS NUMBER The quantity of units for the referenced data.
USAGE_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a usage_type record.
USAGE_TYPE_CD TEXT The unique code for a usage_type record.
IS_CUSTOM_RATED BOOLEAN Is the record customer rated?
► Plans




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
PLAN_NO NUMBER The plan_no for the referenced record
CLIENT_PLAN_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan record.
NAME TEXT The plan name.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the plan.
IS_ACTIVE BOOLEAN Is the refernced data active?
IS_SUPPLEMENTAL_PLAN BOOLEAN Is the referenced data a supplemental plan?
IS_TEMPLATE BOOLEAN Is the referenced data a template?
PRORATION_INVOICE_TIMING_CD NUMBER The proration invoice timing code.
STATEMENT_TEMPLATE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a statement template number.
NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_GROUP_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a notification template group number.
CREDIT_NOTE_TEMPLATE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit note template number.
CREDIT_MEMO_TEMPLATE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit memo template number.
REBILL_TEMPLATE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a rebill template number.
HAS_PLAN_CANCELLATION_FEE BOOLEAN Does the plan have a cancellation fee?
CANCELLATION_MINIMUM_MONTHS NUMBER The minimum number of months before cancellation is allowed.
NONSUBSCRIPTION_OFFERING_BUNDLE_TYPE_CD TEXT The nonsubscription offering bundle type code.
AVAILABLE_NONSUBSCRIPTION_OFFERING_SCOPE_IND NUMBER The nonsubscription offering bundle scope indicator code.
DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CD TEXT The default_currency_cd for the referenced record.
INITIAL_FREE_PERIOD_QUANTITY NUMBER The qunatity of the initial free period.
INITIAL_FREE_PERIOD_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a initial free period type number.
INITIAL_PLAN_INSTANCE_STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a initial plan instance status number.
PLAN_INSTANCE_STATUS_ROLLOVER_PERIOD_QUANTITY NUMBER The qunatity of the plan instance rollover period.
PLAN_INSTANCE_STATUS_ROLLOVER_PERIOD_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a plan instance status rollover period type number.
ROLLOVER_PLAN_INSTANCE_STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a rollover plan instance status number.
ROLLOVER_PLAN_NO NUMBER The rollover_plan_no for the referenced record
ROLLOVER_PLAN_PERIOD_QUANTITY NUMBER The quantity of the rollover plan period.
ROLLOVER_PLAN_PERIOD_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a rollover plan period type number.
CONTRACT_COMPLETION_ROLLOVER_PLAN_NO NUMBER The contract_completion_rollover_plan_no for the referenced record
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Plan Instances




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan instance id.
MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The master_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
PARENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The parent_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
PLAN_NO NUMBER The plan_no for the referenced record
PLAN_UNITS NUMBER The quantity of plan units for the referenced data.
BALANCE NUMBER The clients balance for the customer referenced data
LAST_BILL_DATE DATE The date the last bill.
NEXT_BILL_DATE DATE The date the next bill.
LAST_BILL_THROUGH_DATE DATE The date the last bill through bill.
LAST_ARREARS_BILL_THROUGH_DATE DATE The date the last arrears bill through.
LAST_ARREARS_RECURRING_BILL_THROUGH_DATE DATE The date the last arrears recurring bill through.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data.
STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a status number.
STATUS_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the status update milestone.
TERMINATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the terminated milestone.
PROVISIONED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the provisioned milestone.
RATE_SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The rate_schedule_no for the referenced record.
CREATED_RECEIPT_ID TEXT The created_receipt_id for the referenced record.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the plan instances.
PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER TEXT The purchase order number.
IS_USAGE_POOLING_ENABLED BOOLEAN Is usage pooling enabled?
USAGE_POOLING_COUNTER NUMBER A counter for usage pooling
PROMOTION_CODE TEXT The promotional code.
BILL_LAG_DAYS NUMBER The number of billing lag days.
BILL_DAY NUMBER The date billing is processed.
DUNNING_STATE NUMBER The dunning state of the record.
DUNNING_STEP NUMBER The dunning step.
DUNNING_DEGRADE_DATE DATE The date of the dunning degrade milestone.
USAGE_ACCUMULATION_RESET_MONTHS NUMBER The usage accumulation reset months.
USAGE_ACCUMULATION_RESET_MONTHS_RENEWAL_OPTION NUMBER The usage accumulation reset months renewal option.
USAGE_ACCUMULATION_RESET_COUNTER NUMBER The usage accumulation reset counter.
BILLING_GROUP_NO NUMBER The designated billing group number for the referenced data.
DUNNING_GROUP_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a dunning group number.
RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a responsibility level number.
RESPONSIBLE_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The responsible_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Plan Groups




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
PLAN_GROUP_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a plan group number.
CLIENT_PLAN_GROUP_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan group id.
NAME TEXT The plan group name.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the plan groups.
USAGE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a usage number.
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Plan Relationships




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
PARENT_PLAN_NO NUMBER The parent_plan_no for the referenced record
CHILD_PLAN_NO NUMBER The child_plan_no for the referenced record
PARENT_CLIENT_PLAN_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client parent plan record.
CHILD_CLIENT_PLAN_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client child plan record.
HAS_ACCOUNT_LIMITS BOOLEAN Are there account limits in effect?
IS_DEFAULT BOOLEAN Is the plan relationship default?
IS_REQUIRED BOOLEAN Is the plan relationship required?
MAXIMUM_UNITS NUMBER The maximum quantity of units for the referenced data.
MINIMUM_UNITS NUMBER The minimum quantity of units for the referenced data.
► Plan Rate Schedules




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The schedule_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_RATE_SCHEDULE_ID TEXT The client_rate_schedule_id for the referenced record.
AVAILABLE_FROM_DATE DATE The plan rate schedules start date for availability.
AVAILABLE_TO_DATE DATE The plan rate schedules end date for availability.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The default_currency_cd for the referenced record.
FOLLOWUP_DEFAULT_RATE_SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The followup_default_rate_schedule_no for the referenced record.
IS_DEFAULT_FOR_CURRENCY BOOLEAN Is the plan rate schedule the default?
NAME TEXT The plan rate schedule name.
QUEUED_RATE_CHANGE_DATE DATE The date for the queued rate change.
RECURRING_BILLING_INTERVAL_VALUE NUMBER The unique identifier for a recurring billing interval value.
RECURRING_BILLING_INTERVAL_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a recurring billing interval type number.
USAGE_BILLING_INTERVAL_VALUE NUMBER The unique identifier for a usage billing interval value.
USAGE_BILLING_INTERVAL_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a usage billing interval type number.
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Plan Unit Instances




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
PLAN_UNIT_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The plan_unit_instance_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_PLAN_UNIT_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The client_plan_unit_instance_id for the referenced record.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data.
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The parent_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan instance id.
STATUS_NO NUMBER The clients status number on their account for the customer referenced
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Plan Instance Coupon Assignments




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
COUPON_CODE TEXT The unique identifier for a coupon code.
CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan instance id.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data.
CANCELLED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The cancelled timestamp for the referenced data.
► Plan Instance Discount Rule Assignments




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
ASSIGNMENT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a assignment number.
DISCOUNT_RULE_NO NUMBER The discount_rule_no for the referenced record.
BUNDLE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a bundle number.
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
COUPON_CODE TEXT The unique identifier for a coupon code.
OVERRIDE_MAX_APPLICATIONS NUMBER The maximum number of override applications.
ASSIGNED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the assigned milestone.
UNASSIGNED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the unassigned milestone.
EXPIRATION_DATE DATE The date of the expiration milestone.
REMAINDER_DISCOUNT_FACTOR NUMBER The remainder of the discount factor.
► Product Field Categories




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
CATEGORY_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a category number.
NAME TEXT The product field category name.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the product field categories.
► Queued Plan Instance Changes




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
QUEUE_NO NUMBER The unique indentifier for the queue
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
ALTERNATE_PLAN_INSTANCE_START_DATE DATE The date of the alternate plan instance start milestone.
ALTERNATE_PRORATION_START_DATE DATE The date of the alternate proration start milestone.
AUTO_CANCEL_INCOMPATIBLE_SUPP_PLANS BOOLEAN Auotmatically cancel incompatible supplemental plans.
AUTO_OFFSET_MONTHS_OPTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a auto offset months option number.
CHANGE_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a change type number.
COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the referenced data.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
EFFECTIVE_DATE DATE The date the record goes into effect.
EXECUTE_ON_ANNIVERSARY BOOLEAN Execute the queued plan on the anniversary.
FORCE_BILL_DATE_RESET_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for the force bill reset date
FORCE_MASTER_BILL_DATE_RESET_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for the force master bill reset date
INVOICE_UNBILLED_USAGE BOOLEAN The unbilled invoice usage.
INVOICING_OPTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a invoice option number.
OFFSET_MONTHS NUMBER The number of offset months.
OVERRIDE_BILL_THROUGH_DATE DATE The date of the override bill through date milestone.
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The parent_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan instance id.
PIC_BILL_DAY NUMBER The PIC billing day.
PIC_BILL_LAG_DAYS NUMBER The PIC billing lag days.
PIC_CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a pic client plan instance id.
PIC_PLAN_NO NUMBER The pic_plan_no for the referenced record
PIC_PLAN_UNITS NUMBER The quantity of plan units for the referenced data.
PIC_PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER TEXT The pic purchase order number.
PIC_PROMOTION_CODE TEXT The pic promotion code.
PIC_CLIENT_PLAN_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a pic client plan record.
PIC_PLAN_INSTANCE_STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a pic plan instance status number.
PIC_PLAN_RATE_SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The pic_plan_rate_schedule_no for the referenced record.
PIC_CLIENT_PLAN_RATE_SCHEDULE_ID TEXT The client_plan_rate_rate_schedule_id for the referenced record.
PIC_PLAN_INSTANCE_DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose pic plan instance description.
PRORATION_DIRECTIVE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a proration directive number.
PRORATION_INVOICE_TIMING_OPTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a proration invoice timing option number.
REMOVE_PLAN_INSTANCE_CUSTOM_RATES BOOLEAN Remove the plan instance custom rates.
RETROACTIVE_START_DATE DATE The retroactive start date.
STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a status number.
STATUS_NO_UNTIL_ALTERNATE_START_DATE NUMBER The date the status no alternative starts.
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data.
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Reasons




► Recurring Credits




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
RECURRING_CREDIT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a recurring credit number.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CANCEL_COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to cancellation.
CANCEL_DATE DATE The date of the cancel milestone.
COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the referenced data.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
CREDIT_INTERVAL_MONTHS NUMBER The credit interval in months.
CREDIT_SERVICE_NO NUMBER The credit_service_no for the referenced record.
CREDIT_CLIENT_SERVICE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for the credit client service id.
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The currency code for the referenced record.
EXPIRATION_DATE DATE The date of the expiration milestone.
EXPIRATION_MONTHS NUMBER The months to expiration date.
EXPIRATION_TYPE_INDICATOR_CD TEXT The expiration type indicator code.
FIRST_CREDIT_DATE DATE The date of the first credit.
LAST_CREDIT_DATE DATE The date of the last credit.
MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The master_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
MASTER_CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a master client plan instance id.
NEXT_CREDIT_DATE DATE The date of the next credit.
NUMBER_OF_CREDITS_REMAINING NUMBER The number of credits remaining.
NUMBER_OF_CREDITS_REQUIRED NUMBER The number of credits required.
PERCENTAGE_SOURCE_PLAN_NO NUMBER The percentage_source_plan_no for the referenced record
PERCENTAGE_SOURCE_CLIENT_PLAN_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a percentage source client plan record.
PERCENTAGE_SOURCE_SERVICE_NO NUMBER The percentage_source_service_no for the referenced record.
PERCENTAGE_SOURCE_CLIENT_SERVICE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for the percentage source client service id.
REASON_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a reason number.
RECURRING_CREDIT_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency recurring credit amount.
RECURRING_CREDIT_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a recurring credit type number.
SOURCE_COUPON_CODE TEXT The source_coupon_code for the referenced record.
STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a status number.
USE_CHARGE_SERVICE BOOLEAN The use charge service
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Services




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
SERVICE_NO NUMBER The service_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_SERVICE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for the client service id.
NAME TEXT The service name.
SERVICE_TYPE_CD TEXT The service type code.
IS_TAXABLE BOOLEAN Is the service taxable?
SERVICE_LOCATION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for the service location.
IS_SERVICE_CREDITS_ELIGIBLE BOOLEAN Are the service credits eligible?
COMMODITY_CODE TEXT The commodity code.
TAX_SERVICE_GROUP_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a tax service group number.
REVENUE_ACCOUNT_GL_CODE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a revenue account gl code number.
ACCOUNT_RECEIVABLE_GL_CODE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a accounts receivable gl code number.
DEFERRED_GL_CODE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a deferred gl code number.
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Service Credits




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
CREDIT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit number.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
AMOUNT NUMBER The currency amount.
AMOUNT_REVERSED_FOR_ANNIVERSARY NUMBER The amount to be reversed on the anniversary.
CANCEL_USER TEXT The user cancelling the record.
CANCELLED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the cancelled milestone.
COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the referenced data.
CREATE_USER TEXT The user creating the record.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
CREDIT_REASON_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit reason number.
CREDIT_REASON_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit  reason type number.
CREDIT_SERVICE_NO NUMBER The credit_service_no for the referenced record.
CREDIT_CLIENT_SERVICE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for the credit client service id.
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The currency code for the referenced record.
EXPIRY_MONTHS NUMBER The number of months to expiration.
EXPIRY_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the expiry milestone.
IS_ORDER_BASED BOOLEAN Is the service credit record order based?
MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The master_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
MASTER_CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a master client plan instance id.
ORIGINATING_COUPON_CODE TEXT The originating coupon code.
ORIGINATING_INVOICE_LINE_TRANSACTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a originating invoice line transaction.
ORIGINATING_RECURRING_CREDIT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a originating recurring credit number.
REMAINING_DAYS_WHEN_PRORATED NUMBER The remaining days when prorated.
TOTAL_DAYS_WHEN_PRORATED NUMBER The total number of prorated days.
UNCONSUMED_AMOUNT NUMBER The unconsumed currency amount.
USE_CHARGE_SERVICE BOOLEAN The use charge service.
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Service Locations




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
SERVICE_LOCATION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for the service location.
CLIENT_SERVICE_LOCATION_ID TEXT The client_service_location_id for the referenced record.
NAME TEXT The service location name.
IS_ACTIVE BOOLEAN Is the refernced data active?
TAX_ENGINE_SPECIFIC_LOCATION_ID TEXT Denotes a unique tax engine specific identifier.
COMPANY_NAME TEXT The legal company name of the entity referenced in the data.
STREET VARIANT The street address of the referenced data.
CITY TEXT The city address of the referenced data.
COUNTY TEXT The county of the referenced data.
LOCALITY TEXT The locality for the referenced record. 
STATE_PROV TEXT The state or province address of the referenced data.
COUNTRY_CD TEXT The ISO country code of the address of the referenced data.
POSTAL_CODE TEXT The postal code of the address of the referenced data.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Statements




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
STATEMENT_NO NUMBER The statement_no for the referenced record.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
INVOICE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for an invoice.
BILLING_GROUP_NO NUMBER The designated billing group number for the referenced data.
PAYMENT_METHOD_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a payment method number.
SEQ_STATEMENT_ID TEXT The sequence id of the statement.
STATEMENT_CONTACT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a statement contact number.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
DUE_DATE DATE The date payment is due.
DUE_DATE_PLUS_GRACE_PERIOD DATE The date payment is due with the addition of the grace period.
SENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the sent milestone.
RESENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the resent milestone.
STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a status number.
IS_REBILL BOOLEAN Is this a rebill statement?
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The default_currency_cd for the referenced record.
NEW_CHARGES_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency new charges amount.
NEW_PAYMENTS_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency new payments amount.
BALANCE_FORWARD_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency balance forward amount.
TOTAL_OWED NUMBER The total currency amount owed.
UNAPPLIED_CREDIT_BALANCE NUMBER The currency amount of the unapplied credit balance.
UNAPPLIED_PAYMENT_BALANCE NUMBER The currency amount of the unapplied payment balance.
Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Surcharges




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
SURCHARGE_NO NUMBER The surcharge_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_SURCHARGE_ID TEXT The client_surcharge_no for the referenced record.
APPLICATION_SCOPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a application scope number.
ASSIGNMENT_LEVEL_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a assignment level number.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the record referenced.
EXTERNAL_DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose external description of the record referenced.
IS_APPLIED_BEFORE_DISCOUNT BOOLEAN Is the surcharge applied beforethe discount?
IS_INLINE_SURCHARGE BOOLEAN Is the surcharge inline?
NAME TEXT The surcharge name.
RATE_CALCULATION_TYPE_CD TEXT The rate calculation type code.
TAX_SERVICE_GROUP_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a tax service group number.
TAX_SERVICE_CLIENT_GROUP_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a tax service client group id.

Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Surcharge Rate Schedules




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
SURCHARGE_NO NUMBER The surcharge_no for the referenced record.
SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The schedule_no for the referenced record.
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The default_currency_cd for the referenced record.
INCLUDE_ZERO_IN_RATE_TIER BOOLEAN Include zero in the rate tier?
IS_DEFAULT_FOR_CURRENCY BOOLEAN Is the surcharge rate schedule the default for currency?
MINIMUM_SURCHARGE_TO_APPLY NUMBER The minimum surcharge to apply,
NAME TEXT The surcharge rate schedule name.

Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Transactions




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
TRANSACTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a transaction.
TRANSACTION_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a transaction type number.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
SOURCE_NO NUMBER The source number.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The currency code for the referenced record.
AMOUNT NUMBER The currency amount.
APPLIED_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency applied amount.
FULLY_APPLIED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the fully applied milestone.
STATEMENT_NO NUMBER The statement_no for the referenced record.
MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The master_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client master plan instance.
VOIDED_TRANSACTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a voided transaction.
VOIDING_TRANSACTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a voiding transaction.
PAYMENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the payment milestone.
REFERENCE_ID TEXT The reference id.
COLLECTION_STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a collection status number.
PAYMENT_METHOD_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a payment method number.
CLIENT_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client payment method id.
PROCESSOR_PAYMENT_ID TEXT The transaction processers payment id.
PAYMENT_PROCESSOR_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a payment processor id.
PAYMENT_METHOD_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a payment method type number.
PROCESSOR_STATUS_CD TEXT The processor status code.
PROCESSOR_STATUS_LABEL TEXT The processor status label.
INVOICE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for an invoice.
LINE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for an invoice line.
PLAN_NO NUMBER The plan_no for the referenced record
CLIENT_PLAN_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan record.
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan instance id.
SERVICE_NO NUMBER The service_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_SERVICE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for the client service id.
USAGE_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a usage_type record.
USAGE_TYPE_CD TEXT The unique code for a usage_type record.
ORDER_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for an order.
ORDER_LINE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for an order line.
SURCHARGE_NO NUMBER The surcharge_no for the referenced record.
PLAN_RATE_SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The plan_rate_rate_schedule_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_PLAN_RATE_SCHEDULE_ID TEXT The client_plan_rate_rate_schedule_id for the referenced record.
PLAN_RATE_SCHEDULE_SERVICE_TIER NUMBER The plan rate schedule service tier.
SERVICE_CREDIT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a service credit number.
SERVICE_CREDIT_SOURCE_TRANSACTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a service credit source transaction.
SERVICE_CREDIT_TARGET_TRANSACTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a service credit target transaction.
CREDIT_COUPON_CODE TEXT The credit coupon code.
CREDIT_REASON_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit reason number.
PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER TEXT The purchase order number.
START_DATE DATE The start date.
END_DATE DATE The end date.
RATE NUMBER The rate for the referenced data.
UNITS NUMBER The quantity of units for the referenced data.
BASE_PLAN_UNITS NUMBER The quantity of base plan units for the referenced data.
PROMPT_PAYMENT_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency prompt payment discount amount.
PROMPT_PAYMENT_DISCOUNT_CUTOFF_DATE DATE The date the prompt payment discount is cutoff.
PRORATION_FACTOR NUMBER The proration factor.
PRORATION_DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose proration description of the record referenced.
PRORATION_REMAINING_DAYS NUMBER The number of days for proration.
ADVANCE_BILLING_PERIOD_TOTAL_DAYS NUMBER The advanced billing period totals days.
IS_TAX_RELATED BOOLEAN Is the record tax related?
COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the referenced data.
SURCHARGE_RATE_SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The surcharge_rate_rate_schedule_no for the referenced record.
SURCHARGE_RATE_SCHEDULE_TIER NUMBER The surcharge_rate_rate_schedule_tier for the referenced record.
PRORATION_OPERATION_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a proration operation type number.
IS_CUSTOM_RATED BOOLEAN Is the record custom rated?
FROM_ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a from account number.
FROM_CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a from client account id.
FROM_MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The from_master_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
FROM_CLIENT_MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a from client master plan instance.
TO_ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for the to account number.
TO_CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The unique identifier for the to client account id.
TO_MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The to_master_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
TO_CLIENT_MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a to client master plan instance.
WRITE_OFF_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the write off.
WRITE_OFF_REASON_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for the write off reason number.
SECONDARY_WRITE_OFF_REASON_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a secondary write off reason number.
DISPUTE_HOLD_EXPIRE_DAYS NUMBER The number of holds days during a dispute.
REFUND_REASON_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a refund reason number.
REVERSAL_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for the reversal number.
PROCESSED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp for the processing milestone.
CREDIT_MEMO_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a credit memo number.
INVOICE_LINE_TRANSACTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a invoice line transaction.

Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Transaction Applications




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
APPLICATION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for an application number
PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a payment transaction.
CHARGE_TRANSACTION_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a charge transaction.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
APPLIED_AMOUNT NUMBER The currency applied amount.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The master_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
► Usage Records




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
USAGE_RECORD_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a usage record.
CLIENT_USAGE_RECORD_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client usage record.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
AMOUNT NUMBER The currency amount.
BILLABLE_UNITS NUMBER The quantity of billable units for the referenced data.
CLIENT_EXCLUDE_REASON_CD NUMBER The client exclusion reason code.
COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the referenced data.
EXCLUDE_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp for the exclude milestone.
EXCLUDE_USER TEXT The user for the exclude milestone.
EXCLUSION_COMMENTS TEXT A verbose explanation of details related to the exclusion.
INVOICE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for an invoice.
IS_EXCLUDED BOOLEAN Is the record excluded?
PLAN_NO NUMBER The plan_no for the referenced record
CLIENT_PLAN_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan record.
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan instance id.
QUALIFIER_1 TEXT The first qualifier.
QUALIFIER_2 TEXT The second qualifier.
QUALIFIER_3 TEXT The third qualifier.
QUALIFIER_4 TEXT The fourth qualifier.
RATE NUMBER The rate for the referenced data.
TELCO_FROM TEXT The telco from.
TELCO_TO TEXT The telco to.
UNITS NUMBER The quantity of units for the referenced data.
PARENT_USAGE_RECORD_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a parent usage record.
PARENT_CLIENT_USAGE_RECORD_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client parent usage record.
USAGE_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp for the referenced usage.
USAGE_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a usage_type record.
USAGE_TYPE_CD TEXT The unique code for a usage_type record.
► Usage Types




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
USAGE_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a usage_type record.
USAGE_TYPE_CD TEXT The unique code for a usage_type record.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the record referenced.
DISPLAY_NAME TEXT The usage type display name.
NAME TEXT The usage type name.
USAGE_UNIT_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a usage unit type number.
CLIENT_USAGE_UNIT_TYPE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client usage unit type id.

Child Views


Source Table

Child View Name

► Usage Unit Types




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
USAGE_UNIT_TYPE_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a usage unit type number.
CLIENT_USAGE_UNIT_TYPE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client usage unit type id.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the record referenced.
ABBREVIATION TEXT The abbreviation of the usage unit types.
DISPLAY_FORMAT_MASK TEXT The display format mask.

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