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Aria Knowledge Central

Document Management

  • Handles different document types, namely:
    • Invoices
    • Credit Notes
    • Dunning Notices
  • Integrate with external document partners to ….
    • Allow partner to format documents based on information received
    • Allow partner to distribute documents based on payment option received
      • Avtalegiro/Autogiro
      • eFaktura
      • EHF
  • Payment option and variant defines
    • Format to be used
    • Destination of documents
    • Calculation of invoice references
    • Collection method to be applied, i.e. avtalegiro/autogiro, bank transfer, credit card, etc.
  • Integrate with one or more external partners
    • Selection of partner is done by payment option and variant
    • Selection of document format is done by payment option and variant
  • Support different formats such as …..
    • AMPS XML – the standard AMPS XML format which contains all relevant information including document texts and details from titles
    • OIOUBL – another XML format closely related to EDI standards
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