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Aria Knowledge Central

Complaint Management

  • Registration of complaints including information such as:
    • Identification of the subscription the complaint is related to
    • Information on why the complaint has been raised
    • Information on the date the complaint is for
  • Complaints apply to ….
    • Digital products
    • Print products
    • Print and Digital products
  • Checking complaint eligibility
    • Was the end-customer’s subscription active on the date of the complaint
    • Was the end-customer’s product published on the date of the complaint
    • Was the end-customer’s product configured to deliver the paper on the date of the complaint
  • Automatic compensation of the end-customer
    • Automatically compensate the customer for the missing deliveries
  • Information on complaints can be sent to distribution companies
    • Depending on the reason for the complaint information can be sent to distribution partners
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