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Aria Knowledge Central

Specify a Statement Template for an Account


You can override the default Statement Template used to create statement documents sent to an account's statement contact, and whether or not to send the statement document to the statement contact.

Specify an Account's Statement Template Overrides

Getting Here: Click Accounts > Search for and select an account > Notification tab > Template No and Behavioral Option Override link.

Once on the Template No and Behavioral Option Override screen, scroll down to Invoice/Statement and click the Add link.


The following screen appears:


  1. Click the Choose a new template no: drop-down menu and choose from the available statement templates. The list can vary depending on whether you have custom statement templates associated with your Aria instance.
  2. Click the Choose a new behavioral option override: drop-down menu and choose from among the following:
    • Distill and Send Message—This is the default behavior for statement notifications. Aria creates a statement document and sends it to the statement contact associated with the account.
    • Distill Message But Do Not Send—This creates a statement document that is stored in Aria but is not sent to any account contacts.
    • Produce No Message—The system will not create a statement document.
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