Getting Here: Click Accounts > Search for and select an account > Notification tab > Template No and Behavioral Option Override link.
Once on the Template No and Behavioral Option Override screen, scroll down to Invoice/Statement and click the Add link.
The following screen appears:
- Click the Choose a new template no: drop-down menu and choose from the available statement templates. The list can vary depending on whether you have custom statement templates associated with your Aria instance.
- Click the Choose a new behavioral option override: drop-down menu and choose from among the following:
- Distill and Send Message—This is the default behavior for statement notifications. Aria creates a statement document and sends it to the statement contact associated with the account.
- Distill Message But Do Not Send—This creates a statement document that is stored in Aria but is not sent to any account contacts.
- Produce No Message—The system will not create a statement document.