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Aria Knowledge Central

Generate a Statement


You can generate a new statement for all of the current period's unpaid charges if an invoice exists for a specific Master Plan Instance, and the statement is ready to be generated. Once generated, the statement can be sent to the statement contact associated with the billing group to which the selected Master Plan Instance belongs.

Generating a Statement

If you want any of the following details to be included when a statement is generated, contact Aria Customer Support:

  • Plan unit instance number
  • Client-defined Plan unit instance ID
  • Plan unit instance status
  • Plan name
  • Plan number
  • Service name
  • Service number
  • Service fulfillment status
  • Service fulfillment date
  • Total cash credits
  • Total service credits
  • Statement total amount without tax
  • Statement total amount with tax


Getting Here: Click Accounts > search for an account > Statements & Invoices > Statements

  1. Click the Generate Statement link.
    generate statement v4.png
  1. Select the Master Plan Instance for which a statement should be generated from the Master Plan Instance drop-down.

    Note: A Master Plan Instance must be selected to generate a statement.

    generate statement screen4v2.png
  1. Select Send Email to immediately send the generated statement to the statement contact associated with the billing group.

    Note: If no statement contact is available, then the statement is sent to the billing contact associated with the primary payment method on the billing group. If no billing contact is available, the statement is sent to the account contact.

    The default option for this field is Do Not Send Email.

  1. Click Generate Statement.

    Note: An invoice must exist for the account to generate a statement. Only one invoice at a time per account is available to create a statement.

A statement for the available invoice generates in a separate file.

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