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Aria Knowledge Central

View and Modify Queued Plan Changes


This feature allows you to view and modify Plan changes that are scheduled to occur at a specified future date. Types of Plan changes that you can queue are:

  • Assign a Plan (which creates a Plan instance)
  • Remove a Plan (which cancels the Plan instance)
  • Replace a plan
  • Change the number of Plan units
  • Change the Plan instance status
  • Change the rate schedule on the Plan instance

The Future Plan Changes tab is part of the Plan information available for each account. This tab displays Plan changes that are queued, and Plan changes that have been executed.

Getting Here: Click Accounts > Select an account > Plans > Future Plan Changes
View and Modify Queued Plan Changes 1.png

Queued changes are listed on this screen. Depending on the type of Plan change queued and the effective date of the change, you can make the following selections on this screen:

  • Plan Instance ID: Click this field to display the detailed Plan information for the queued Plan change. You can also click this link then click Edit Rates to change the rate schedule of a queued plan.
  • Parent Plan Instance ID: If the queued Plan is a Supplemental Plan, this selection is available. Click it to display detailed Plan information for queued Plan instance's parent plan.
  • Options: Actions you can perform on queued plans. Different types of Plan changes have different options available.
    • Execute: Implements the Plan change immediately. Available for plans that have been queued with a specific date. Not available for plans that have been scheduled to change on their anniversary date, or for Plan status changes.
      • Assume today's date is 2/1, and you queue a Master Plan to be assigned on 2/22. Then, a child Supplemental Plan is queued, so the effective date of the child Plan must be on or after 2/22.
      • If you then queue a child Supplemental Plan to be added with an effective date of 2/22, you can queue a grandchild Supplemental Plan, with an effective date that must be on or after 2/22.
      • The Execute link initially is available only for the top-most Plan assignment (in this case the Master Plan). Only after the Master Plan assignment is executed (on the scheduled date or if done immediately) is the Execute link available on the child Supplemental Plan. Because of this restriction, there are cases where the Execute link is not displayed for child / grandchild / etc. queued Plan changes. For example, if the Supplemental Plan is assigned on the Master Plan's anniversary date, or the Supplemental Plan is assigned to a Master Plan that is scheduled to be active at a future date.

        Note: You can click to expand any of the services to review the rates and, if applicable, a service location and destination contact (labels that are links). From here you can click either of those two links and update the service location and/or the destination contact, but you will be taken out of the Execution flow and must click the Future Plan Changes tab and select the plan again.

    • Change Date: Revises the date that the Plan change takes effect. Available for plans that have been queued with a specific date. Not available for plans that have been queued on their anniversary date. If you change the date on a Supplemental Plan, then the date must be on or after the active date for the parent plan.
    • Delete: Prevents the future Plan change from occurring. Available for all Plan changes. Deleting a queued Plan assignment automatically deletes all child, grandchild, etc. Plan assignments under the one being deleted.

View Changed Plans

Getting Here: Click Accounts > Select an account > Plans > Future Plan Changes

After Plan changes are executed or deleted by the system or manually, you can see the changes on this screen. The following example shows the above Plan changes after they are complete.
View and Modify Queued Plan Changes 2.png

Queuing Restrictions

Future Plan changes are subject to the following restrictions:

  • If multiple queue requests exist for one Plan or Plan instance, they are processed chronologically by effective date.
  • Plans and Plan instances that have a status of "Suspended", "Terminated" or "Canceled" cannot be queued for addition, replacement, or deletion.
  • Supplemental Plans can only be queued for dates when a valid Master Plan is available.
  • If a child instance is also the parent Plan instance to another plan, the effective date of a queued Plan or Plan instance assignment on the child Plan instance must be on or after the effective date of the queued Plan assignment on the parent Plan instance or an error results.
  • If a parent Plan or Plan instances's status is "Suspended", "Terminated" or "Canceled", then its child plans cannot be queued.
  • If you schedule a Supplemental Plan or Plan instance change, but at the time of the effective date, the parent Plan will have a status of "Suspended", "Terminated" or "Canceled", then the Supplemental Plan change will not take effect. In this case, at the time you schedule the Supplemental Plan, you receive a warning message that the change cannot be implemented, and asking if you want to proceed. If you choose to proceed, all scheduled changes for the Supplemental Plan instance and all of its child plans are deleted from the queue.
  • Plans and Plan instances cannot be replaced if their dunning state is currently either "In Progress" or "Completed", or if the Plan will be in that state at the time of the effective date.
  • Multi-plan contracts are auto-cancelled when there is only a single plan in the contract and that plan is cancelled.

Invoicing Interactions

When queuing future Plan changes, be aware of the following interactions that describe how the effective date interacts with the invoice for the plan.

  • Negative Bill Lag Days: If you are changing a Plan with negative bill lag days, and the effective date occurs after the invoice is generated, but before the billing period is finished, then the full invoice for the period is voided, and a prorated invoice is generated for the new Plan that covers the time from the effective date to the end of the billing period.
  • Once Plan changes are executed, all queued changes executed for all Plan instances associated with the same billing group, based on their Master Plan instance, appear on the same invoice.
  • Discounts, surcharges, credits, tax and payment surcharges are applied after Plan changes execute.
  • If queue requests exist for multiple Plan instances with different anniversaries within one billing group, the invoice generated after the changes execute is prorated for each Master Plan instance.
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