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Assign a Master Plan Instance to a Dunning Group


From the Dunning Group Details screen, you can assign a Master Plan Instance to a specific dunning group.

You may want to assign multiple Master Plan Instances to a dunning group to coordinate the final step in dunning and, optionally, follow the same dunning process.

Note: If a Master Plan Instance is in dunning, it cannot be moved to a different dunning group. If any Master Plan Instances in a dunning group are in dunning, then no new Master Plan Instances can be moved into that dunning group.

Assigning a Master Plan Instance to a Dunning Group

Getting Here: Click Accounts > select an account > Plans > Dunning Groups

  1. Select a dunning group by clicking a hyperlink from the ID column.

    The Dunning Group Details screen displays.
    manage dunning groupsv2.png

  1. From the Add Master Plans section, select the checkbox of the Master Plan Instance you would like to assign to the dunning group.
  2. Click Save.

    This Master Plan Instance is now assigned to the corresponding dunning group and will enter a status of "Suspended" when any other Master Plan Instance in the same dunning group does.

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