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Aria Knowledge Central

Subscription Details

Note: The following terms commonly used in Aria Billing are now associated with new CCP terminology as shown in the following table. 

Aria Billing CCP
Master Plan Instances Subscriptions
Supplemental Plan Instances Add-Ons

Subscription Details

Select the Subscriptions > Details page from the side navigation menu. This page contains a list of the current account's subscriptions as well as details about each subscription.


  1. Expand the details about a subscription by selecting the dropdown arrow next to that subscription within the table.
  2. Click Statement Template to sort by Statement Template if available.
  3. Select the row actions  to Edit the subscription.

The Billing Group Details drawer will pop out once you click Edit on a subscription. Edit or fill in the appropriate information about the billing group that you want to change. You also have the option to create a template for subscriptions here by filling out the Subscription Template Settings. You can manage Statement Recipient emails with options to add to both CC and BCC lists.


Press Next to advance to the next step. 

The Payment step is where you can choose between a Payment Method or Payment Terms for the billing group you are editing. Select either Method or Term and then fill in the appropriate information under the Payment Settings. You can add or select Primary Payment Method, Secondary Payment Method, Collection Group, Statement Contact, and Terms

Note: Payment Term details cannot be edited.


Press Next to advance to the next step. 

The Subscription step allows you to select from a list of associated subscriptions for the current account that you would like to assign to the billing group you have just edited. Select the check box next to each subscription you would like to reassign to this billing group and press Reassign Subscription. If the account has subscriptions that are not associated with this billing group, you have the option to select them and press Add Subscription to add them to the list of associated subscriptions.


Press Save Changes to save the updates you have just made to the billing group.

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