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Add a Supplemental Plan to a Master Plan Instance


When adding a Master Plan Instance to an account (an existing account or during account creation), you can add one or more Supplemental Plans to the Master Plan Instance. A Supplemental Plan is a Plan associated with a Master Plan that can be purchased multiple times. It provides the ability to add a variety of additional services that are not offered in a Master Plan.

Getting Here: Account > [search for an account] > Account Overview > Plans > Add New Plan

Note: You must complete a Master Plan before adding a supplemental plan to your Master Plan instance.

After entering your Master Plan information, you can add a Supplemental Plan by clicking the button below:

Add Supplemental Plan Button 6.50.png

Clicking the Add Supplemental Plan button loads various fields related to the Supplemental Plan. Refer to the below screenshot and corresponding descriptions to complete the fields in this section.


  1. Parent Plan: Select the Parent Plan for the Supplemental Plan. The parent plans that are available from this drop-down are determined by the Plan relationships that are defined in the product catalog.
  2. Supplemental Plan: Select the Supplemental Plan to assign to the account. The Supplemental Plans that are available from this drop-down are determined by the Plan relationships that are defined in the product catalog.
  3. Supplemental Plan Units: The number of units of the selected Supplemental Plan.
  4. Supplemental Plan Status: Available statuses include:
    • Active: The Plan is fully provisioned.
    • Pending Installation: The Plan is waiting for installation to occur before full provisioning can take place. This is only applicable to Master Plan Instances.
    • Pending Activation: The Plan is in queue awaiting activation.
    • Active Non-Billable: The Plan is not yet billable due to a trial Plan that is assigned.
    • Trial: The Plan is in a trial period prior to being rolled over into an active status.
  5. Client Defined Identifier: A unique ID assigned to each Supplemental Plan Instance.
  6. Instance Description: A description of the assigned Supplemental Plan Instance


  1. Assignment Scope: Available options include:
  • Assign on Anniversary: The new Plan will be assigned on the customer's next anniversary day.
  • Assign Immediately: The new Plan is assigned immediately. In addition, the following fields display. See next bullet for a description of these field.
    Assign Immed with Inv Options 6.50.png
  • Proration Rule: Determines if proration is applied to the Supplemental Plan.
    • No Proration: Proration is not applied to the billing for the Supplemental Plan.
    • Charge Proration only: Only additional charges for the prorated Plan are added to the billing for the Supplemental Plan. Refer to Proration effects with Plan Changes for more information.
  • Offset Option: Select an offset option for when billing begins.
    • Enter offset months extends the prorated period by the given number of months. The prorated period cannot be longer than the plan's billing interval.
    • Offset to the paid through date of Master Plan aligns the offset months to the number of months between the Supplemental Plan assignment date and the paid through date of the Master Plan. The prorated period cannot be longer than the plan's billing interval.
  • Offset Months: Extends the proration period by the number of months entered. If the Supplemental Plan has the same recurring billing interval as the Master Plan, the prorated period is automatically extended to the paid-through date, and offset months are ignored. Otherwise, the prorated period only extends to the next instance of the account's bill day, plus any offset months. The prorated period cannot be longer than the plan's billing interval.
  • Alternate Proration Start Date: This date applies only to immediate Plan assignment and impacts only proration calculation. Use this option to select the date when you want to start the prorated period. A past date is supported but is limited to the start date of the parent Plan instance under which the Supplemental Plan is being added. A date in the future is also supported, but is limited to the next bill through date.

    Note: To enable a retroactive Alternate Proration Start Date, you must configure the Use alternate proration start date as Plan assignment date for retroactive additions client parameter under Invoice Settings.

  • Invoice Option: This option only displays if you are adding a Supplemental Plan to a previously saved Master Plan.

Note: This field is based on the Alternate Pro-ration Start Date and the setting selected for the Combine Invoices on One Bill client parameter. If the Alternate Pro-ration Start Date is in the past, then both options display. If the parameter has been configured to not allow combined invoices (setting is False), then only Short Cycle (Multiple Invoices) displays. If the parameter has been configured to allow combined invoices (setting is True), then only Long Cycle (Combine Invoices) displays.

  • Short Cycle (Multiple Invoices): Create one invoice per billing period (default).
  • Long Cycle (Combine Invoices): Create a combined invoice that covers multiple billing periods
  • Assign in Future: The new Plan is assigned at a future date of your choosing. In addition to the fields described in the previous bullet, an Effective Date parameter displays:
    Assign in Future with inv option 6.50.png
    • Effective Date: Queues an effective date for a future execution. If no value is chosen, the Plan change is queued indefinitely until an effective date is later provided by editing this parameter via Future Plan Changes.


  1. Offset Interval: The offset interval extends the anniversary period by the number of intervals defined in this field. This number cannot be less than or equal to zero.

    Note: This field only applies to anniversary Plan assignment.


  1. Inventory Items: Inventory items associated with the Supplemental Plan display here. You can add and configure these items by updating the available fields, such as Units and Service Location.
  2. Services: Services associated with the Supplemental Plan display here. You can add and configure these items by updating the available fields, such as Service Location, Destination Contact and Product Fields.
  3. Rate Schedule: Select an existing rate schedule for the plan. Select Custom Rates to enter a special rate schedule for the customer.

    Note: Clicking the red "X" at the top right of the Supplemental Plan removes it from the Master Plan Instance.

Once you have completed the fields for the Supplemental Plan, you may add another supplemental by clicking the Add Supplemental Plan button or continue with configuring your Master Plan Instance.

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