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Change an Account’s Status


You can change an account's status to keep the account's information current by following the instructions below.

If you need to change the status of account that is in the Installation Pending status, you must use the Close Installation screen instead of the Account Status screen. You can access the Close Installation module by clicking the Close Installation link at the top of the Account Status screen.

Changing an Account's Status

Getting Here: Click Accounts > search for an account > Account Overview > Status link

  1. Click Change Account Status.
  2. Select the desired new account status.
  3. From the Days Until Status Change dropdown, select None (change immediately) to change the account's status immediately. To change the account's status on a future date select a number of days between 1 and 28.
  4. Select Reset Billing Dates if you are changing the account from a non-billable status to a billable status and you want to reset the account's billing dates based on the date on which the status change will take effect.

    For example, if you change an account's status from a non-billable status to a billable status on 6/10/15 and you select Reset Billing Dates, that account will be billed on the 10th of the month going forward.

    Note: If you reset the billing dates, the account will not be billed for the charges that would have accrued between the last date on which the account was billed and the date on which the new account status goes into effect.

  1. Select Suppress Dunning Process if you selected None (change immediately) for Days Until Status Change, and you are placing the account into a dunning status (a status that is part of the dunning process assigned to any of the account's plans), and you do not want the account to continue in the dunning process.

    If you select Suppress Dunning Process, the account will not be charged any applicable dunning fees and will not be automatically move into the next dunning step.

  1. In the CSR Comments field enter any applicable comments about the status change.
  2. Click Change Account Status.
  3. Review your selections.
  1. Click Save Status Change.

    The account will be placed in your selected status immediately or within the number of days that you specified.

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