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get_acct_coupon_details_m Guide

This API provides detailed information including credit templates, discount rules, and discount bundles for coupons that are assigned to an account or a master plan instance.

API Specification:


Required Fields:
  • <client_no>
  • <auth_key>

Error Codes:

Error Code/Description Associated Inputs

1001: unexpected error


1004: authentication error

Associated Inputs: auth_key, client_id, client_no

<auth_key>, <client_id>, <client_no>

1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)

Associated Inputs: acct_no, account_no, client_acct_id, user_id, userid, parent_acct_no

<acct_no>, <account_no>, <client_acct_id>, <user_id>, <userid>, <parent_acct_no>

1016: invalid input

Additional Comments:  This error can be caused by the wrong type of input; for example, text in a numbers-only field, or specifying a value other than one of the documented allowable values.

<alt_service_no_to_apply>, <assignment_directive>, <auto_skip_to_next_bill_date>, <client_billing_group_id>, <custom_rate_service_no/custom_rate_client_service_id>, <plan_instance_no>, <plan_instance_service_no>, <client_plan_instance_id>, <client_plan_instance_service_id>, <plan_instance_no>, <plan_instance_service_no>, <client_plan_instance_id>, <client_plan_instance_service_id>, <plan_instance_service_no>, <eligible_plan_no>, <eligible_service_no>, <email>, <force_master_bill_date_reset>, <fulfillment_only>, <include_master_plans>, <include_supp_plans>, <include_billing_groups>, <include_payment_methods>, <include_master_plans>, <include_supp_plans>, <include_billing_groups>, <include_payment_methods>, <invoice_no>, <length_months>, <end_date>, <limit>, <limit_records>, <modify_directive>, <contract_plan_instances_update>, <modify_directive>, <contract_plan_instances_update>, <offset>, <percent_amount>, <percent_eval_plan_instance_no>, <client_percent_eval_plan_instance_id>, <percent_eval_service_no>, <client_percent_eval_service_id>, <phone_ext>, <work_phone_ext>, <plan_unit_inst_status_cd>, <plan_units>, <reason_code>, <start_date>, <end_date>, <start_date>, <end_date>, <status_cd>, <acct_no>, <assignment_directive>, <billing_group_no>, <threshold_billing_rule_no>

1066: Locale name does not exist in the system.

Associated Inputs: locale_name


1067: Locale no does not exist in the system.

Associated Inputs: locale_no, master_plan_instance_no

<locale_name>, <master_plan_instance_no>

14046: If you passed in an invalid plan_instance_no, this message will appear: "Invalid Plan instance number". If you passed in an invalid master_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid master_plan_instance_id".

Associated Inputs: plan_instance_no, master_plan_instance_id, filter_plan_instance_no, percent_eval_plan_instance_no, client_plan_instance_id

Additional Comments: The plan_instance_no or master_plan_instance_id must belong to the account, or it is invalid. The percent_eval_plan_instance_no must belong to the account and also to the MPI given in input.

<plan_instance_no>, <master_plan_instance_id>, <filter_plan_instance_no>, <percent_eval_plan_instance_no>, <client_plan_instance_id>

14047: If you passed in an invalid client_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid client Plan instance identifier". If you passed in an invalid client_master_plan_instance_id , this message will appear: "Invalid client_master_plan_instance_id".

Associated Inputs: client_plan_instance_id, client_master_plan_instance_id, client_percent_eval_plan_instance_id

<client_plan_instance_id>, <client_master_plan_instance_id>, <client_percent_eval_plan_instance_id>

15004: coupon invalid or expired

Associated Inputs: coupon_cd


Additional Guidance:

Input Fields
Field Name: Notes:

This provides additional information in tracking coupons when used for discount rules, discount bundles, or credit templates. This parameter can be used to return active coupons that have not been fully consumed at the product catalog level as well as coupons not consumed by the invoice but assigned to an account or master plan instance. The following values are allowed:

Allowable Values

Values Description
0 (default; NULL is treated as 0) – This value is for backward compatibility and will return active coupons that have not been fully consumed at the product catalog level.
1 This value includes all active coupons that have not been fully consumed by the invoice but have been assigned to an account or a master plan instance.

Include all coupons (active and inactive) that have been assigned to an account or to a master plan instance. 

 Note: When <include_all_active> is passed in with value 2, the API will not return the discount or bundles details for the cancelled coupons that are associated with discount rules or bundles.

Output Fields
Field Name Notes
Allowable Values
Values Description
0 Account
1 Master Plan Instance
2 Account and Master Plan Instance
Allowable Values
Values Description
RC Recurring Service
US Usage Service
TX Tax Service
AC Activation Service
MS Miscellaneous Service
CN Cancellation Service
OR Order Based Service
MN Minimum Fee Service
Allowable Values
Values Description
P Indicates this is a percentage-based discount
F Indicates that this is a flat currency amount discount
Allowable Values
Values Description
1 Days
2 Weeks
3 Months

Specifies the coupon cancel date.

Datatype: string


Coupon message defined at the catalogue level that can be subsequently displayed to end users upon successful application of this coupon to their account or to a master plan instance.

Datatype: string


How long in between applications of this credit.

Datatype: long


How long in between applications of this credit.

Datatype: long


Charges eligible to receive the discount.

Datatype: string

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