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Aria for Salesforce 4.10 Release Notes

Release Information

Salesforce Version

Version 4.10

Production Date


Aria for Salesforce System Requirements

Supported Browsers

  • Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11
  • Firefox 31
  • Chrome 36

Java Settings

Java 7.0

Screen Resolution

1024 x 768 or higher

Collecting Payments (Lightning)

The Payment screens in Lightning have been enhanced in the current version of Aria for Salesforce to improve the UI aesthetics and to simplify its workflows. The items listed below in this section describe the details of these changes. (SFDC-1015)

  • From the Account screen, click the Aria Payments button at the top right to open the enhanced Aria Payments popup. The Account Name and the popup title are displayed at the top left. In addition, header fields, Account NameBalance BadgeTypePhoneAccount Owner, and Industry are populated that come from defined account attributes. A left navigation menu section will be displayed with the Payments option activated in blue by default. Currently, this left menu section also displays a Refunds option, which was also enhanced in this release. When active, the Payments option displays the Current Payment Method tab by default with the section description, “Fill out the Form below to immediately collect funds for the electronic form of payment on file for this account”. This allows you to make payments using any electronic payment methods that have been established on the account. When the Aria Payments popup is displayed, the header fields, Account NameBalance BadgeTypePhoneAccount Owner, and Industry are populated that come from defined account attributes. (SFDC-2229, SFDC-2230, SFDC-2232, SDFC-2233, SFDC-2309, SFDC-2364)

    Aria Payments Button on Account Page Opens Aria Payment and Credits Popup
  • Popup Title Details, Payments Option Activated in Left Navigation Menu

    Account Header Information Populated and Balance Badge Updated

  • When you open the Current Payment Method tab, the Payment Method dropdown is populated with current payment methods on file with format “P-0098877 Token Credit Card************1111” where "P-0098877" is the Aria Payment method name and "1111" are the last four digits of the card number. Below the Payment Method dropdown, you can select the Payment Amount radio button options, "Full Balance Due" (default), "Specify Amount Per Charge" and "Other Amount" (input field disabled when unselected). Labels will display amounts for each. After selection, the "Specify Amount Per Charge" option displays a Subscription dropdown with "View All" option activated on a tabular invoice listing, showing those invoices associated with the filtered subscription or for all of them. The other two radio button options hide this table. If there are no invoices for the selected subscription(s), only column headers will display. Enter valid payment values in the Amount to Pay input field. Invoice table headers Invoice DateInvoice No.Due DateTotal ChargeBalance Due and Amount are sorted by Invoice No. in ascending order. The Due Date column is sortable by clicking on the arrow to make it ascending or descending. Specify Amount per Charge column amounts are rounded and the rows are striped. Payment Method types have been given hover-over titles. When the Aria Payments popup is displayed all data fields and balances (e.g., Balance Badge) pertaining to the account are populated. By default, when the Payment option in the Left menu is selected, the Current Payment Method tab is activated. (SFDC-2240, SFDC-2241, SFDC-2242, SFDC-2364, SFDC-2365, SFDC-2413)

    Current Payment Method's Payment Method Dropdown

    Full Balance Due Default, Other Amount Disabled

    Subscription Dropdown with View All and Plans Filter

    Sortable Due Date Column Arrow (Ascending and Descending) 

    Specify Amount Per Charge Payment Amount Option and Column Headers
  • Select the Specify Amount per Charge payment option to display a list invoices associated with current account plans in the Subscription dropdown. Select "View All" option for all invoices on the account or select a specific subscription from the Subscription dropdown to filter the listing per subscription. If there are no invoices for that account or specific subscription, then only column headers will be shown. Normally, when the Aria Payments popup is opened, by default the Current Payment Method tab is displayed and active. However, if the account has no predefined payment methods, the One-Time Payment Method tab will be the active tab and the message, “No current payment method on file for this account” will be displayed for a few seconds. (SFDC-2267, SFDC-2268) 

    Subscription Dropdown Behavior for Specific Amount Per Charge

    Default One-Time Payment Method Tab when No Payment Methods Defined

  • In the Aria Payments popup screen, payment functionality will perform validations on the Collect button action inputs to prevent errant entries. For example, if an Amount input field is either blank or “0” and inline warning message to, “Enter Valid Amount” will appear next to the field in red. In addition, the fields only accept numerical values with decimals and any values more than zero are valid. Below are some examples of inline text indicators meant to prevent errant entries. 

    Amount Field Required Field Asterisk

    "Enter Valid Amount" Inline Error Message in Other Amount Payment Type

    "Enter Valid Amount" Message in Amount Field at Top Field Only`

    Validates that Amount Does Not Exceed Balance Due

    (SFDC-2269, SFDC-2390, SFDC-2394)
  • You can configure the allowable number of records to display in the Payment screen's Payment History table. To do so, use the Aria_Record_limit custom setting. Table rows are striped, alternating in white and gray backgrounds. From the Payment History's Subscription dropdown, all payment transactions associated with the account are populated for selection or to filter by subscription. By default, the Subscription dropdown is in "View All" mode, showing all payments associated with the account. Choose a specific subscription in the Subscription dropdown to filter sets of records by that specific subscription. If no payment history records exist, the column headers only are displayed. The Payment History table is common to all three Payment types. Pagination in the Payment History table becomes enabled when 15 or more records are listed. You can search the Payment History table using its "Transaction ID" by entering a value in the Search field. Clearing the search will display records filtered by "Subscription ID". The bottom of the modal was expanded to display more information, for example, a new Payment History table transaction would be visible on the landing page on a larger monitor. (SFDC-2270, SFDC-2271, SFDC-2272, SFDC-2273, SFDC-2465) 

    Payment History Table Below Payment Transactions

    Payment History Table Details


  • Click the Collect button to initiate a payment. Initially, a Confirmation popup is displayed when the Collect action is successful. Notice that Back and Collect buttons are displayed in the Confirmation popup. The Back button allows you to navigate back to the previous screen and display pre-selected data and make any changes as desired. In the Confirmation popup, click the Collect button again to post the payment to Aria. If successful, a success message is displayed and you are returned to the Current Payment Method tab. If unsuccessful, the Confirmation popup remains and displays an error message in red. Make corrections using the Back button. For the One-Time Payment Method tab, the Confirmation screen for the Payment Source will not display the CC Type as it is unknown. In addition, the Balance Badge on the screen header is updated with the new balance and the Payment History table data is refreshed upon success or failure of the Collect action. (SFDC-2283, SFDC-2284, SFDC-2344, SFDC-2345, SFDC-2391)

    Confirmation Popup and Collect/Back Buttons

  • When the One-Time Payment Method tab is activated, the “Select Payment Method” section with Credit Card and Checking Account buttons is displayed. The Credit Card button is selected by default and allows you to enter values in the  Card NumberValid Through, and CVV input fields, which are all required. The Valid Through field requires "month" and "year" value selection. If you are paying using a Checking Account, select the Checking Account button and enter values in the required, Routing Number and Checking Account Number input fields. To include billing contact information with the payment, click the Enter Billing Contact check box and enter values in the section's input fields. Enter Billing Contact fields include, First Name (required), Last Name (required), Company NameAddressCityCountryPostal CodeEmail ID, and PhonePayment Amount radio buttons are at the bottom of the screen with the “Full Balance Due” option selected by default. The "Other Amount" radio button is disabled and will remain so unless clicked. When “Specify Amount Per Charge” is clicked, the Subscription dropdown appears with the "View All" option selected, displaying all invoices available for payment. The Subscription dropdown is not displayed for the "Full Payment Amount" and "Other Amount" options. Note that the Payments History section is common to all three Payment tabs. (SFDC-2388, SFDC-2389)

    Credit Card and Checking Account Buttons in One-Time Payment Method Tab

  • In the One-Time Payment Method tab, click the Collect button to post the payment to Aria. Click the Enter Billing Contact check box and input data as desired to ensure that the contact information is also posted to Aria. If the payment is posted, a success message that, “Success: Electronic Payment was posted successfully” appears for a few seconds and the One-Time Payment landing screen will be displayed again. If unsuccessful, the Confirmation screen remains up with an error message in red stating, “Error: <Display message from Aria API>”. The Back button can be used to return to the pre-selected data to make changes and repost the payment, if necessary. After payment transaction, the recent transaction is added to the Payment History table, whether successful or not. In addition, the Aria Balance field of the account, the Full Balance Due option button text, and Balance Badge on the header are all updated accordingly. (SFDC-2392)

    One-Time Payment Method Tab Collect Button and Full Balance Due Option

  • Select the Post Payment Received tab to process external payments, or checks that are sent in and not automatically recorded in Aria. These payments will be recorded in the currency on file for the account. Enter the required Reference Code (red asterisk) which refers to the check number for the external payment. Then, select from the three available Payment Amount radio button options. The “Full Balance Due” option is selected by default. Note that when “Specify Amount Per Charge” is selected, Reference Code is disabled but enabled for both "Full Balance Due" and "Other Amount" options. A Reference Code column is available in the Invoice table to add a check number, which is required. After clicking Post Payment button, the Confirmation screen is displayed. Confirm all entries and then click either the Post Payment or click Back button. The Back button allows you to return to the pre-selected values, make changes, and resubmit the payment. Below in the Confirmation screen are the payment amount, the payment source ID number, application method, and CSR comments. The same confirmation items are displayed if the Other Amount payment option is selected. If Specify Amount per Charge was selected, Payment Source would not be displayed. Note that the Payment History table will always be displayed on all three tabs and when the Confirmation screen is activated. Upon the Post Payment action, the payment is posted to Aria and the account balance is updated accordingly in the Aria Balance field, Full Balance Due option button and Balance Badge in the screen header. If the payment is successful, it returns to the Post Payment Received landing page and a message stating, “Success: External Payment was posted successfully” appears for a few seconds on the screen. The Payment History table will be refreshed with the latest payment transaction on either a success or failure with "Success" or "Failed" status in the Status column. (SFDC-2393, SFDC-2395, SFDC-2396)

    Post Payment Received Tab

    Post Payment Received Confirmation Screen and Back Button

    Status Column in Payment History Table



Voiding Payments (Lightning)

  • In Payment History, click the "Void" action link in the Actions column to initiate a void of a payment. Void action links only appear next to payments that are voidable. After clicking the Void link, the accordion is expanded displaying a Void Payment screen and the blue Void link will turn black. Enter valid values in the required Reason and CSR Comments fields and click the Void Payment button. Note that if you click another Void link after entering values in the previous Void Payment screen, all data values will be lost. Click the Cancel button in the Void Payment screen to close the accordion and discard any data input. Inline validations are done on Reason Code and CSR Comments inputs upon clicking Void Payment. Once a payment is voided, a success message is issued and the Void Payment screen accordion contracts. The Payment History table is then redisplayed with Subscription dropdown and Search Transaction ID field. In addition, a "Voided" status will appear in the Status column for that payment in the Payment History table. A success message is displayed, such as, “Payment 12345678 has been voided” where "12345678" refers to the Transaction ID.  If unsuccessful, a failure message such as, “Error: <API error message>” is generated and the Void action is stopped. Note that when the account has a "0" balance, this is reflected in the Aria Payments popup section on the badge and in multiple screens in Payments (i.e., Current Payment MethodOne-Time Payment Method, and Post Payment Received). (SFDC-2417, SFDC-2440, SFDC-2441)

    Void Action Column Links in Payment History

    Void Payment Screen under Transaction

    Void Success Message


Generating Refunds (Lightning)

Refund generation user workflow has been enhanced and improved in Lightning as described below for the following items. (SFDC-1456)

  • Payment and Refunds links are arranged vertically in the left navigation menu of the Aria Payments popup. Click the Refunds link to open the Refunds landing screen. After selection in the left menu, links are shown in blue background to indicate the currently active screen. The Refunds screen has a Create Refund section with text beneath the section title header, “Select any payment transaction to proceed” and an informational More hyperlink. Click More to display additional information about the criteria for the payments. The payments listed in the Transaction table have not been fully refunded, have not already been voided or are an externally recorded payment (check).  Click Less to collapse the information. A Subscription dropdown with “View All” selected by default is displayed. When clicked, the dropdown lists MPIs from the Account that can be selected to filter payments by subscriptions. When the Refund screen is opened, the Refundable Payments table will display inside the Create Refund section. The Refundable Payments table contains Transaction IDDateDescriptionOriginal Amount, and Refunded Amount columns. Upon loading, the Refund screen's Refundable Payment table is populated with all payments, defaulting to the "View All" Subscriptions dropdown option. A unique MPI can be selected in the dropdown to filter and redisplay Refundable Payments by subscription. Payment listings are ordered by Transaction ID. Each row in the table can be expanded like an accordion, being by default in a collapsed state. (SFDC-2403, SFDC-2404) 

    Active Refunds Link, Refundable Transactions Listing with Subscription Dropdown with Filtering

    Create Refund Section More Link Expanded
  • When the Refund screen is opened, the Refund History table will be displayed with refund records below the Create Refund section. The Refund History table is sorted by Refund ID. Only column headers will be displayed if there is no history to display. Each row in the history can be expanded like an accordion but are collapsed by default. Column headers include Refund IDCreated ByCreate Date, and Reason. Rows are shown with alternating white and gray striping. If there are no invoice reversals, additional columns, Payment to RefundRefund AmountReason, and Invoice Reversals will be displayed. In the Invoice Reversals column, “Total reversed amount is <value>” is displayed. (SFDC-2405)

    Refunds History Section at Bottom of Refunds Screen

    Refund History Section with Expanded Refund Payment
  • Pagination will be displayed in the Refund History table, getting enabled after 10 rows are populated and limiting any subsequent pages to 10 rows. Pagination controls are similar to the, “Add Plans From Product Catalog” or “Add One Time Products” screens in Aria for Salesforce. (SFDC-2406, SFDC-2407)
  • To expand a Refundable Payment row accordion, click on the arrow icon next to a transaction. An input box section will appear with details on the amount to refund, reason, reference check number and CSR comments. In addition, a list of invoices is shown in an Invoice Reversal table, with column headers, Acct No.Invoice No.Invoice DateDescriptionOriginal AmountPreviously ReversedReversible Amount, and Amount to Reverse, which is sorted by Invoice No. Amount to Reverse is an input field. In addition, a "Total Amount to Reverse" row is displayed that sums the "Amount to Reverse" upon value entry. If you enter a value in the "Amount to Reverse" and click outside of the input field, a total is calculated and displayed in the "Total Amount to Reverse" field. Note that transaction accordions can only be expanded one at at time. A Generate Refund action button is located inside the Refundable Amount accordion. Scrollbars will be enabled when list exceeds three items and whenever the height of the Create Refunds section exceeds the height of the left navigation menu, when the More link is expanded, or when Refundable Payments or Refund History tables are expanded. (SFDC-2408, SFDC-2409)

    Create Refund Section - Headers, Amount To Reverse, Scrollbar, and Generate Refund Button

  • In  the Aria Payments popup, Refunds will perform validations on Generate Refund button action inputs to prevent errant entries. For example, the Refundable Amount (input) cannot be greater than Refundable Amount (column), the Total of Invoice line item reversal amount cannot be greater than Refundable Amount (column), the Refundable Amount (input) can be greater than or equal to but not less than the Total of Invoice line item reversal amount, and either Refundable Amount (input) or Total of Invoice line item reversal amount is required but not both values. Inline text in red will appear to alert you to invalid inputs so they can be changed accordingly. (SFDC-2410)

    Amount to Refund Inline Error Message in Create Refunds Section

    Amount to Reverse Inline Error Message in Create Refunds Section

  • Click the Generate Refund button in the Create Refund section of the Refunds screen to start the action. Initially a Confirmation screen will be displayed that provides the transaction number, the original payment amount, the amount refunded, a reason, CSR comments and invoice reversals. Use the Back button to return to the Amount to Refund/Invoice Reversal input section in a pre-populated state and correct any inputs to generate the refund again. After confirming the refund transaction data in the Confirmation screen, click the Generate Refund button again to complete the action. The Subscription dropdown filter will be greyed out (disabled). After the refund generation is processed, a message, “Success: Refund was posted successfully” will be posted in green for a few minutes. The account balance will also be updated per the refund differential. If unsuccessful, a corresponding error message will be returned in a similar fashion. (SFDC-2411, SFDC-2412)

    Generate Refund and Back Buttons in Create Refund Section

Aria for Salesforce Fixes

  • (Lightning) Promotions functionality has been enhanced to now support discount bundles so that existing accounts will now display coupon catalog lists properly in the Promotions screen with no "Component error" messages. (SFDCQA-2578)
  • (Classic) In the Set Options screen, selected values in the Alternate Plan Start Date dropdown options will now populate subscription attributes as expected upon saving. (SFDCQA-2339)
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