You can specify unbilled usage balance thresholds that will trigger email messages to your customers and event notifications to your systems. In addition, you can reset your customers' unbilled usage balances.
Manage Unbilled Usage Balances
Note: Specifying unbilled usage balance thresholds only affects email messages and event notifications. Actual balances owed by customers for accrued usage will not be affected.
To take advantage of usage monitoring, you must do the following:
- Assign currency amounts to your usage records by either:
uploading usage records into Aria with currency amounts assigned to them.
enabling Automatically Rate Un-rated Usage Records at Load Time (Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings), which causes Aria to assign currency amounts to usage records when they are loaded.
- Enable Manage Unbilled Usage Balances (Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings).
- Enable the Rated/Unbilled Usage Aria module so that you can view unbilled usage balances and unapplied service credit balances and manage unbilled usage balance thresholds (Configuration > Security > Account Access > Usage History).
- If the Manage Unbilled Usage Balances system setting is set to True and your usage records in Aria have currency amounts assigned to them, then Aria will maintain two separate balances for each account:
- MTD: This is the currency amount of an account’s month-to-date unbilled usage balance, which is automatically reset to zero on the account's billing day each month.
- PTD: This is the currency amount of an account’s billing-period-to-date unbilled usage balance, which is automatically reset to zero each time the Aria invoicing batch process invoices the account.
Managing Unbilled Usage Balances
Getting Here: Accounts > search for an account > Usage
To add or edit usage balance thresholds that will trigger email messages to customers or event notifications to your system(s):
- Click the Rated/Unbilled Usage tab.
- Click the Select A Plan: drop-down menu and select the plan for which you want to manage the usage.
The Rated/Unbilled Usage screen displays the following information:- MTD Balance: This is the currency amount of the account’s month-to-date unbilled usage balance, which is automatically reset to zero on the account's billing date each month. You can reset this value to zero manually by clicking the Re-Set Balance to Zero link.
- PTD Balance: This is the currency amount of the account’s billing-period-to-date unbilled usage balance, which is automatically reset to zero each time the Aria invoicing batch process invoices the account. You can reset this value to zero manually by clicking the Re-Set Balance to Zero link.
- Master Plan Instance Notice MTD Threshold: This is the month-to-date unbilled usage balance threshold that will trigger email messages to the account holder.
- Master Plan Instance Notice MTD Delta: The difference between the Account Notice MTD Threshold and the MTD Balance.
- Master Plan Instance Notice PTD Threshold: This is the billing-period-to-date unbilled usage balance threshold that will trigger email messages to the account holder.
- Master Plan Instance Notice PTD Delta: The difference between the Account Notice PTD Threshold and the PTD Balance.
- Client Notice MTD Threshold: This is the month-to-date unbilled usage balance threshold that will trigger event notifications to your system(s).
- Client Notice MTD Delta: The difference between the Client Notice MTD Threshold and the MTD Balance.
- Client Notice PTD Threshold: This is the billing-period-to-date unbilled usage balance threshold that will trigger event notifications to your system(s).
- Client Notice PTD Delta: The difference between the Client Notice MTD Threshold and the MTD Balance.
- Click the Modify Threshold Amount link next to the value you want to change to set the thresholds that will trigger email messages to the account holder (Master Plan Instance Notice), and/or to update the value that will trigger an Event Notification (Client Notice) to inform your downstream systems.
- To specify that the threshold is fifty dollars, enter 50.
- To specify that the threshold is sixty dollars and eighty-nine cents, enter 60.89.
- If you specify that the Account Notice MTD Threshold is $50, then you can have Aria send an email message to a customer whose unbilled MTD balance went from $40 to $55 or from $60 to $45.
- If you specify that the Client Notice MTD Threshold is $100, then you can have Aria send you an event notification about a customer whose unbilled MTD balance went from $90 to $105 or from $115 to $95.
Notes:- The amount must be greater than zero and can contain a maximum of two decimal places. The maximum amount that you can enter is 9999999.99 .
- Do not enter a currency symbol; Aria assumes the amount entered is in the account's currency.