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Add an Inventory Item (With NSO Installment Terms) To A Plan


You can include inventory items, such as cell phones, set-top boxes or other one-time purchases, as part of a Master Plan or Supplemental Plan. You can specify the quantity of the items you are adding to the Plan, including a minimum and maximum number, and you can use either the standard inventory price or you can override the price within the Plan. 

Inventory items on a Plan are only added to an account at the time the Plan is added to an account. If an inventory item is added to a plan, and the plan is already assigned to an account, the account is unaffected.


The steps for adding a an inventory item to a plan are described below.

Getting Here: Click Products > Plans > Create or select a Plan > Inventory Items


  1. Select a configuration for your inventory item(s) by selecting either Individual or Group. 
    • Individual: will apply the allowable units for each inventory item separately.
    • Group: will apply the allowable units for all inventory items grouped together.
  2. Select a checkbox next to one or more items you want to add to the Plan.
  3. Click the Add Selected Inventory Item(s) button.
  4. The Configure Selected Inventory Items section of the screen displays. The fields in this section determine how the inventory items on the Plan are priced when the Plan is assigned to an account. You can then access these options:
    1. Click the Installment Terms link (if available) to view Installment Terms if they have been added for this inventory item:

    2. Select the Allowable Units. Allowable values are as follows:

      Up To Plan Units: A maximum of one inventory item (or group of items) for each Plan instance assigned to an account. If you select this value, you can also specify the Minimum Allowable Units for this item. If it is not specified, it defaults to 0.

      Match Plan Units: Exactly one inventory item (or group of items) for each Plan instance assigned to an account.

      Any Units: No restriction on the number of inventory items (or group of items) assigned to an account. If you select this value, you then can also specify the Maximum Allowable Units for this item. If it is not specified, there is no upper limit on the number of items that can be assigned.
      For example, you can assign one cell phone to a cell phone Plan. If a customer is purchasing two plan instances, but one of the two people using the Plan will keep their current phone, then to allow for that, Up To Plan Units or Any Units (Minimum and Maximum Allowable Units) must be selected when the cell phone is assigned to the Plan. If Match Plan Units is selected, then the customer must receive two cell phones.

    3. VIew the Item Price of the inventory item (or group of items) to assign to the account. If an inventory item has multiple rate tiers, you can click on the Tiers link to see the rate tiers and corresponding prices for that item

Adding a Plan with an Inventory Item to an Account

Getting Here: Click Accounts > Select an account >  Plans > Add New Plan

When you assign a Plan to an account, if the Plan has inventory items associated with it, the following section displays.

Enter the number of units you want to add to the Plan. The maximum and minimum, as set in the Plan definition, appear to the right of the Units field.


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