A discount rule allows you to specify a fixed-amount or percentage-based credit to apply to a customer’s invoice and any combination of plans and/or services, and/or inventory items to which the credit applies.
View a Discount Rule
Note: After you have created a discount rule, you cannot edit it, even if the corresponding coupon has not been assigned to an account. You can click the red "x" to delete a discount rule from a coupon, then add a new discount rule to the coupon.
Viewing a Discount Rule
Getting Here: Click Marketing > Discount Rules.
- Click the New button to create a new Discount Rule or select an existing Discount Rule to view an existing rule's details.
The Discount Rule General Information tab displays. From this screen you can enter new or view existing Discount Rule information. When creating a new Discount Rule, fields with an asterisk * cannot be left blank.
- Rule Name: Create a descriptive name for the Discount Rule that clearly states it's purpose and distinguishes it from other Discount Rules.
- Client Defined Identifier: The unique client defined identifier will automatically fill in based on the Rule Name you create in step one, however this field can be customized if desired.
- Description: Enter a more thorough description of the Discount Rule, defining details about how the discount is applied, it's amount, etc. This description will only be viewable internally for quick referencing.
- External Description: This description is visible to an account holder and can be displayed on an invoice or statement.
- Discount Type and Amount: Indicate whether the discount is a fixed amount (for example, $10.00 off) or a percentage amount (like 10% off). After defining the type of discount, indicate the amount.
- Duration: Specifies the duration fo the discount once applied to an Account.
Specify Interval: The discount will be applied any time an account invoice is calculated during the selected interval (months, weeks, or days).
Number of Uses: The discount will be applied any time an account invoice is calculated, up to and including the selected number of uses.
No Expiration: The discount will not expire. - Invoice Display Method: Indicates how the discount will be displayed on an invoice or statement.
Reduce Price of Original Line Items: If a product costs $100 and the fixed discount is $10, the line item will display on the invoice as a single line item at the price of $90.
Add a Separate Discount Line Item: If a product costs $100 and the fixed discount is $10, the invoice will show two line items, one for the $100 charge of the original product cost and a second line for the $10 discount. - Discount Behavior: Indicates how the discount will be applied in case of multiple coupons discounting the same charge line item. For example, if you have $100 charge line item and two coupons giving 10% and 5% off respectively, selecting 'Apply to the gross amount of the charge' will create $10 and $5 discounts. Whereas 'Apply to the resulting net amount after previously applied discounts' will yield a $10 and a $4.50 discount.
- Assign specific/alternate service code to line item: Indicates whether the same service code as the 'charge' line item or a specific service code should be used.
- Click the Rule Application Details tab to see the plans, services, or items to which the discount rule applies.
Note: The Scope setting governs the charges eligible to receive the discount. This setting is determined when creating a Discount Rule. The default value of Scope is All Charges, meaning all charges on an account are eligible to receive this discount.