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Delayed Billing with a Fulfillment-Based Service

Aria Systems Academy Course Abstract
22 minutes / Elearning / Aria Billing Cloud

The objective of this course is to explain how fulfillment-based services are used to facilitate delayed billing. At the end of this course, you will understand what a fulfillment-based service is; how to configure a fulfillment-based service; how to create an account with a fulfillment-based service; and how Aria invoicing behaves both pre-and post-fulfillment.

Who Should Complete This Course?
  • Product managers charged with creating a product catalog on the Aria monetization platform

Configuring a Fulfillment-Based Service

7 minutes

  • How to enable plan unit instances in support of fulfillment-based services
  • Overview of plan unit instances
  • Definition of a fulfillment-based service
  • How to create a service and flag it as “fulfillment-based” when associating it with a plan
  • How to subscribe to fulfillment provisioning events

Account Creation and Invoicing Behavior with a Fulfillment-Based Service

15 minutes

  • How to create an account with a fulfillment-based plan unit instance
  • Configuration parameters that dictate fulfillment behavior on accounts
  • How Aria recurring billing behaves both before and after fulfillment of a fulfillment-based service
  • API calls that support fulfillment-based services


Use a sample create_acct_complete_m HTML form to practice creating accounts that have a single master plan instance with a single fulfillment-based service.

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