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Aria Billing Cloud: Introduction to Account Hierarchy

Aria Systems Academy Course Abstract
17 minutes/ Elearning / Aria Billing Cloud

The objective of this course is to provide you with a broad overview of Aria Billing Cloud. At the end of this course, you will be familiar with basic concepts of a simple account hierarchy. You will meet Brian and Amber, who each have car insurance plans that they pay for themselves; and, Aria’s hierarchical account structure allows Brian to pay for Amber’s roadside assistance.

Who Should Complete This Course?
  • Anyone who would benefit from a high-level overview of parent-child account hierarchies in Aria Billing Cloud
  • Current Aria6 clients with parent-child account hierarchies who plan to transition to Aria Billing Cloud

Module 1: Meet Brian and Amber

4 minutes

  • How a parent account’s MPI is charged for a child account’s MPI
  • How plan instance product fields are used to distinguish plan instances

Module 2: A Tour of Brian's and Amber's Accounts

13 minutes

  • How a parent-child relationship, or account hierarchy, is represented within the Aria Billing Cloud UI

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