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Aria Knowledge Central

Dunning on Orders


Aria clients can deliver a one-off product (Non-Subscription Offering) to a customer, who uses an electronic or payment-terms form of payment. If the customer’s electronic payment fails, or the customer fails to pay by the Payment Terms due date, then the client can initiate the dunning process on the customer’s Master Plan Instance that is associated with the order. For more information on the dunning process, see Create a Dunning Process.

The following client parameters allow dunning on orders to be enabled/disabled:

  • Dun on Orders for Electronic Payment Methods - Honored when electronic collection attempt fails. This setting governs the behavior to employ when generating an order that is not paid (delinquent) and the Payment Method is electronically collected. The default value of True will cause a delinquent order invoice to result in dunning. A value of False will cause a delinquent order invoice to not result in dunning.
  • Dun on Orders for Non-Electronic Payment Terms - Honored when the non-electronic payment terms meet the due date. This setting governs the behavior to employ when generating an order that is not paid (delinquent) for Non-Electronic Payment Terms (note that this will also include deprecated Non-Electronic Payment Methods (e.g. Payment Terms 30)). The default value of True will cause a delinquent order invoice to result in dunning. A value of False will cause a delinquent order invoice to not result in dunning.

Getting Here: Configuration > Payments > Payment Settings


  • For dunning on orders to work for customers using electronic forms of payment, Auto-Void Order on Electronic Collection Failure MUST be set to False and Auto-Collect on Order Invoicing MUST be set to True
  • If a collection attempt fails for an order invoice when creating an order using create_order_m API or via Create Orders in the Aria UI, the respective master plan instance (MPI) is moved to dunning immediately.
    The MPI will be sent to dunning for order invoice collection failure only when the client parameter Dun on Orders for Electronic Payment Methods is set to True and Auto-Void Order On Electronic Collection Failure is set to False.
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