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Aria Knowledge Central

Create a Dunning Process


A dunning process defines several steps Aria with follow to handle account payment delinquency, concluding in suspension of one or more plan subscriptions if an account fails to pay the amount due. You can assign a dunning process to plans, payment methods, or account dunning groups either during the creation process, as described below, or at any other time as your business needs necessitate.

Creating a Dunning Process

Getting Here: Configuration > Payments > Dunning Processes > New

The Create New Dunning Process displays:


  1. In the Process Name field, enter a descriptive name for the dunning process. The Client Defined Identifier field below automatically populates, based on the value entered in the Process Name field.
  2. If applicable, enter a different, unique identifier for this dunning process in the Client Defined Identifier field.
  3. In the Description field, enter an explanation of the dunning process.
  4. Check the box for Include all Subscriptions for Dunning to consider all subscriptions under this Dunning Process's attached Dunning Group for dunning when one subscription enters into dunning due to a late Payment Terms statement.
  5. OPTIONAL: Click to select Payment Types (Electronic and/or Payment Terms forms of payment) for each payment type to which this dunning process should apply. You can select multiple Payment Types for this Dunning Process to apply to. Press (CTRL + Click) to deselect a Payment Type.
  6. OPTIONAL: Enter a Plan Number, Name, Client Defined Identifier, or use the Browse button to select plans from a list.
  7. OPTIONAL: Once you find the plan you want to associate with this dunning process, click the Add Assignment button. The Payment Types and Plans selected display below the Plan Selection box. Click on the red X next to any plan to remove the plan from this dunning process.

    Note: The yellow highlighted screen tips area shows the allowable combinations of Payment Types, and/or Plans. 

    Note: If no payment types are selected and the Add Assignment button is clicked, the system will default to selecting All Payment Types.


  1. Configure Dunning Steps by selecting dunning email templates using the drop-down arrow, step duration, email contact, and any dunning fees for a step. If customers should be charged a fee when this step is performed, select one of the following fees from the Fee Type drop-down.

    Flat Fee: The customer will be charged a specified flat amount when the next dunning step is performed.
    Percentage Fee: The customer will be charged a specified percentage of the past due amount. Any fee charged in a dunning step will be added to the fee charged in additional dunning steps. For example, if a customer owes $100 and the fee is 10% at Step 1 and 20% at Step 2, then the customer will be charged as follows:

    Step 1: 10% of $100 = $10. Total charges = $110

    Step 2: 20% of $100 = $20. Total charges = $110 + $20 = $130

    Note: Do Not Send Emails supports your own handling of Dunning communications outside of Aria.

    Note: Dunning fees are assessed based on the balance at the Stack level (the Master Plan Instance and all associated supplemental plan instances).

    Note: If you chose to add a fee from the Fee Type drop-down, click the Add Currency hyperlink to enter the flat amount or percentage that customers should be charged when this step is performed. A separate window opens in which you can enter the amount or percentage for each of your currencies.

  1. Click on the Add Step button to add additional steps to the dunning process. You can specify up to eight dunning steps in dunning process, in addition to the final step. You can click the red X in the in the right column at any time to delete the corresponding step from the dunning process. From the Final Notification Template drop-down, select the email template (either an Aria default template, your own custom template, or Do Not Send Emails) to use when the final dunning step is reached.

    When the final dunning step is reached, the dunning process will be marked as "Complete" and the Master Plan Instance will be marked as "Suspended."

    All other Master Plan Instances associated with the same dunning group will be treated as if they have also reached the final step. The dunning state for these Master Plan Instances will be changed to "Complete" and the status for all associated Master Plan Instances will be changed to "Suspended."

    Note: Do Not Send Emails supports your own handling of Dunning communications outside of Aria.

  2. Click the Save button to save the dunning process.

    Note: You cannot have two dunning processes that use the same combination of Payment Types and/or Plans. An error will display if the same combination of Payment Type and/or Plans are already in use by another Dunning Process.

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