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Revenue Recognition Detail Report by Accounting Period


The Revenue Recognition Detail Report by Accounting Period contains debit or credit amounts for the following GL account entries associated with your revenue recognition-related services for a specified month:

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Deferred Revenue
  • Earned Revenue
  • Accrued Tax Liability

The report includes the applicable debit or credit amounts derived from the invoice line items associated with your revenue recognition-related services. In addition, the report contains up to five custom columns if you requested them in your Revenue Recognition report requirements. Examples of these  You will see custom columns with names such as “Company Code”, “Profit Center”, “Sales District”, “Cost Center” or “Product Code” containing any values that you specified in your Revenue Recognition report requirements.

Running a Revenue Recognition Detail Report by Accounting Period

Getting Here: Click Analytics and Reporting > Legacy Analytics > Run Reports

  1. Select the Revenue Recognition Management Detail Report by Accounting Period option from the list of available reports.

Note: The list of available reports and their folder location may differ based on your configuration.

  1. Click Switch to Preview Mode.
  2. Specify the Currency type, Month, and Year for which the report should be based.
  1. Click Preview Report.

    The report initially displays in a consolidated format. 

  1. Click View Full Window to view the report in its entirety.

    You can also download or print the report by selecting the corresponding links for these options. In addition, you can modify the report output by clicking View/Modify Post.

    The table below describes the data that may display in the report based on your configuration:

Report Column Description
Revenue Transaction Type

Possible revenue types include:

  • Revenue Recognition
  • Accrued Tax
  • Revenue Deferral
Action Type

Possible action types include:

  • Standard (standard charge)
  • Reversal (charge reversal)
Service Type

Possible service types include:

  • Recurring subscription fee
  • Usage fee
  • Tax
  • Activation/Setup fee
  • Miscellaneous
  • One-time purchase
  • Cancellation fee
  • Minimum fee
GL Account Description

Possible GL entry types include:

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Deferred Revenue
  • Earned Revenue
  • Accrued Tax Liability
GL Account Code

Possible GL codes associated with revenue recognition services:

  • Accounts Receivable GL Code
  • Deferred GL Code
  • Earned GL Code
  • Tax GL Code
Custom Columns (configurable)

Up to five additional columns may appear based on your configuration. Examples of these include:

  • Company Code
  • Profit Center
  • Sales District
  • Product Code
  • Cost Center
Debit The debit amount for the accounting detail entry derived from an invoice line item.
Credit The credit amount for the accounting detail entry derived from an invoice line item.
Customer Acct. No. The account number of the customer with whom the credit or debit entry is associated.
Invoice No. The invoice number from which the credit or debit entry was derived.
Invoice Line No. The line number of the invoice line item from which the credit or debit entry was derived.
Term Value The full amount of the charge from which the debit or credit entry amount was derived.
Booking Date The date on which the invoice was approved.
Term Start Date The start date of the date range to which the invoice line item applies.
Term End Date The end date of the date range to which the invoice line item applies.
Revenue Recognition Profile The name of the revenue recognition profile in use, if applicable.
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