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Revenue Recognition One Year Summary Forecast Report


The Revenue Recognition One Year Forecast Report contains the total amounts of deferred revenue and earned revenue associated with all of your Revenue Recognition-related services. This report contains data for each month in a 13-month time period beginning with a predefined month and currency that you specify.

Running a Revenue Recognition One Year Forecast Report

Getting Here: Click Analytics and Reporting > Legacy Analytics > Run Reports

  1. Select the Revenue Recognition One-Year Summary Forecast Report option from the list of available reports.

Note: The list of available reports and their folder location may differ based on your configuration.

  1. Click Switch to Preview Mode.
  2. Specify the Currency type, Month, and Year for which the report should be based.
  1. Click Preview Report.

    The report initially displays in a consolidated format. 

  1. Click View Full Window to view the report in its entirety.

    You can also download or print the report by selecting the corresponding links for these options. In addition, you can modify the report output by clicking View/Modify Post.

The table below describes the data that may display in the report based on your configuration:

Report Column Description
Period Description

The month and year to which the amounts apply.

Beginning Deferred Revenue Balance The balance in the deferred revenue as of the beginning of the corresponding period.
New Deferred Revenue Added The new deferred revenue added during the corresponding period.
Available Deferred Revenue The sum of the Beginning Deferred Revenue Balance and the New Deferred Revenue Added. This figure represents the amount of deferred revenue that is available for earned revenue.
Earned Revenue Projection This figure represents the amount that is currently projected to be taken from deferred revenue and recognized as revenue during the next reporting period.
Ending Deferred Revenue Balance

The difference between Available Deferred Revenue and Earned Revenue Projection. This figure represents the balance in deferred revenue at the end of the corresponding period.

One period's ending balance is the following period's beginning balance.

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