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Aria Knowledge Central

Revenue Recognition and Transactions


Invoice Transactions

The table below details how invoice transactions are treated in regards to deferred revenue and earned revenue:

Invoice Transaction Type Treatment
Recurring Charges

Deferred Revenue
Charges are amortized over the billing period in which the charge took place.

Earned Revenue
The daily portion of the amortized amount is earned on a daily basis.

Recurring Charges with Avalanche Earning

Deferred Revenue
Charges are amortized over the billing period of the charge.

Earned Revenue
The daily portion of the amortized amount is earned on a daily basis. If the plan is canceled, then the unearned portion is immediately earned in full.

One-Time Charges

Deferred Revenue
No deferral.

Earned Revenue
Earned on the invoice date.

Usage Charges

Deferred Revenue
No deferral.

Earned Revenue
Earned on the invoice date.


Deferred Revenue
Discounts on recurring charges are amortized over the billing period of the charge. No deferral for discounts on one-time/usage charge.

Earned Revenue
For discounts on recurring charges, the daily portion of the amortized amount is earned on a daily basis. Discounts on one-time/usage charges are earned on the invoice date.

Cash Credits

Deferred Revenue
Cash credits on recurring charges are amortized over the billing period of the charge. Cash credits are deferred based on the date of each invoice transaction line item.

Earned Revenue
For cash credits credits on recurring charges, the daily portion of the amortized amount is earned on a daily basis. Cash credits on one-time/usage charges are earned on the invoice date.

Service Credits

Deferred Revenue
Cash credits on recurring charges are amortized over the billing period of the charge. No deferral for service credits on one-time/usage charges.

Earned Revenue
For service credits on recurring charges, the daily portion of the amortized amount is earned on a daily basis. Service credits on one-time/usage charges are earned on the invoice date.

Write-Off Transactions

The table below details how write-off transactions are treated in regards to deferred revenue and earned revenue:

Invoice Transaction Type Treatment

Deferred Revenue
Write-off of recurring charges amortize the negative amount based on the billing period of the original charge. Write-off of one-time charge will not be deferred.

Earned Revenue
Write-off of the recurring charge will earn the accrued amount up to the date of the write-off. The remaining amount is earned on a daily basis until the end of the billing period.

Write-off of one-time charges is earned immediately.

Reversal Transactions

The table below details how reversal transactions are treated in regards to deferred revenue and earned revenue:

Invoice Transaction Type Treatment

Deferred Revenue
Reversal of recurring charges amortize the negative amount based on the billing period of the original charge. Reversal of one-time charges are not deferred.

Earned Revenue
Reversal of recurring charge will earn the accrued amount up to the date of the reversal on the date of the reversal. The remaining amount is earned on a daily basis till the end of the billing period.

Reversal of one-time charges is earned immediately.

Void Invoice Transactions

The table below details how void invoice transactions are treated in regards to deferred revenue and earned revenue:

Invoice Transaction Type Treatment
Void Invoice

Deferred Revenue
Void transaction is posted on the invoice date rather than the date of the void. A voided transaction reverses all invoice line items.

Earned Revenue
Void of recurring charge earns on the same amortization schedule as the original invoice item. Void of one-time charges is earned immediately.

Void Write-Off Transactions

The table below details how void write-off transactions are treated in regards to deferred revenue and earned revenue:

Invoice Transaction Type Treatment
Void Write-off 

Deferred Revenue
Voided transactions are posted on the original write-off date.  Follows the amortization schedule of the original write-off.

Earned Revenue
Follows the earning schedule of the original write-off.

Void Reversal Transactions

The table below details how void reversal transactions are treated in regards to deferred revenue and earned revenue:

Invoice Transaction Type Treatment
Void Reversal

Deferred Revenue
Voided transactions are posted on the original reversal date. Follows the amortization schedule of the original reversal.

Earned Revenue
Follows the earning schedule of the original write-off.

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