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Aria Knowledge Central

Additional Paymentech Account Updater Requests


In addition to checking with Paymentech for updated card information 10 days before a payment is due, for all supported payment methods, Aria also:

  1. Sends periodic Account Updater requests to Paymentech for cards that were never sent, according to these end-of-month scenarios:
If… Then...
The month ends on the 28th On the 28th, Aria sends a request for anniversary days from 28th - 31st.
The month ends on the 29th On the 29th, Aria sends a request for anniversary days from 29th - 31st.  
The month ends on the 30th On the 30th, Aria sends a request for anniversary days from 30th - 31st.
The month ends on the 31st  On the 31st, Aria sends a request for anniversary days on the 31st.
  1. Sends Account Updater requests to Paymentech for cards that were sent before but were not sent within a certain configurable number of days. The default value for the configurable number of days is 130 calendar days.

Within five business days of receiving an Account Updater request, Paymentech returns any changed payment information to Aria. Then Aria will update the customer’s account with this information.

To set up Paymentech Account Updater requests in Aria, please contact Aria Customer Support.

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