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Aria Knowledge Central

Create a Cash Credit


Through Aria's cash credits feature, you can apply a credit to immediately reduce a customer's current outstanding balance. You can create a cash credit by following the steps below. A cash credit cannot exceed the account balance amount.


  • In order to access the cash credits feature, you must have access to it in the Aria application.
  • The default minimum CSR (Customer Service Representative) Level required to access the cash credits feature is Power CSR.
  • To change the minimum CSR Level access for the cash credits feature, an authorized Aria application user can:
    1. Go to: Configuration > Security > Account Access > Payments & Credits > Pages.
    2. Next to Create a New Cash Credit or Void a Cash Credit, choose a different Minimum CSR Level.
    3. Click Save.

Note: The CSR Level that has access to the Create a New Service Credit feature will also have access to the Apply Cash Credits feature.

Creating a Cash Credit

Getting Here: Click Accounts > search for an account > Payments & Credits > Cash Credits

  1. Click New.


    The Create New Credit screen displays.


  1. Select the reason why you are issuing the credit to the customer from the Reason Code drop-down.
  2. Enter any additional information about the credit in the CSR Comments field (optional).
  3. If you want to add any qualifiers and associated values, click the Add a Qualifier link. This displays the Qualifier Name and corresponding Value fields. You can add multiple qualifiers to a single cash credit by clicking the plus sign next to the Add Qualifier field.

  4. Select one of the following options from the Apply Against field.
    • Charges per standard FIFO method (recommended): Selecting this option uses the First In First Out (FIFO) method, which is the standard method of payment application. If selected, the credit is automatically applied against all unpaid charges on the account until fully satisfied, starting with the oldest unpaid charge.

      Applying credits per the FIFO application method is considered a best practice in most situations, as it ensures the proper aging of charges on the account. The FIFO application method also determines when an account is in arrears, governing the entry into and exit from the dunning cycle.
    • Invoices and other account-level charges: Selecting this option presents a list of account-level charges.
    • Services (invoice line-items): Selecting this option presents a list of all unpaid charges on the account. Items on that list may be filtered by Master Plan Instance.

      If you select either Invoices and other account-level charges or Services (invoice line-items), the following options display:
      • Assign credit amount to each item: Each account-level line item charge displays an Amount field where you can enter the amount of the credit.
      • Assign percentage of total credit amount to each line item: A Credit Amount window displays where you enter the total amount of the credit you are applying. Each account-level line item charge displays a % of Total Credit window where you specify the percentage of the credit you are applying to that item. The total percentage of the credit for all lines must not exceed 100%. The amount of the credit automatically displays in the Amount column.
      • Use the Select a Master Plan Instance dropdown to choose an MPI to which you will be applying a cash credit.

        The following graphic shows a cash credit of $50 being applied to services on an account. The first service is receiving 85% of the credit, the second service is receiving 10% of the credit, and the third service is receiving 5% of the credit.


  1. Click Create Credit.

    A confirmation screen displays.

  1. Confirm your entry, then click Create Credit.

    The cash credit immediately reduces the customer's current outstanding balance.

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