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Snowflake VM Object: Coupons

► Coupons




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
IS_DELETED BOOLEAN Denotes a True/False as to if the referenced data has been deleted via soft delete
REF_PK TEXT REF_PK The PK of the ref_type concatenated with a pipe as needed within the JSON
COUPON_CODE TEXT The aria facing unique identifier code for a coupon
SCOPE_NO TEXT the scope_no for the referenced record
CREDIT_TEMPLATES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to credit templates
DESCRIPTION TEXT The detailed description related to the referenced data
DISCOUNT_BUNDLES TEXT the discount_bundles for the referenced record
DISCOUNT_RULES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to discount rules
EXPIRE_DATE DATE the expire_date for the referenced record
IS_ACTIVE BOOLEAN A True or False indicator showing if the record is active
LOCALE_DETAILS VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to the records locale
MAXIMUM_USES NUMBER the maximum_uses for the referenced record
START_DATE DATE the start_date for the referenced record
TOTAL_USES NUMBER the total_uses for the referenced record
CREATED_BATCH_ID NUMBER The aria facing creation batch id assigned upon landing for the referenced data
CREATED_BATCH_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The aria facing batch timstamp assigned upon landing for the referenced data, showing its creation in snowflake
UPDATED_BATCH_ID NUMBER The aria facing update batch id assigned upon landing for the referenced data
UPDATED_BATCH_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The aria facing batch timstamp assigned upon landing for the referenced data, showing its update in snowflake
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