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Snowflake VM Object: Contacts

► Contacts




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
IS_DELETED BOOLEAN Denotes a True/False as to if the referenced data has been deleted via soft delete
REF_PK TEXT REF_PK The PK of the ref_type concatenated with a pipe as needed within the JSON
CONTACT_NO NUMBER the contact_no for the referenced record
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
FIRST_NAME TEXT The first name of the person referenced in the data
MIDDLE_INITIAL TEXT The middle initial of the person referenced in the data
LAST_NAME TEXT The last name of the person referenced in the data
COMPANY_NAME TEXT The legal company name of the entity referenced in the data
STREET VARIANT The contacts street address.
CITY TEXT The city address of the referenced data
LOCALITY TEXT the locality for the referenced record
STATE_PROV TEXT The state or province address of the referenced data
COUNTRY_CD TEXT The ISO country code of the address of the referenced data
POSTAL_CODE TEXT The postal code of the address of the referenced data
PHONE TEXT The phone number of the referenced data
PHONE_EXT TEXT The phone numbers extension of the referenced data
CELL_PHONE TEXT The cellular phone number of the referenced data
WORK_PHONE TEXT The work phone number of the referenced data
WORK_PHONE_EXT TEXT The work phone numbers extension of the referenced data
FAX TEXT The fax number of the referenced data
EMAIL TEXT The email of the referenced person or entity
BIRTHDATE DATE The birthdate of the referenced person
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data
CREATED_BATCH_ID NUMBER The aria facing creation batch id assigned upon landing for the referenced data
CREATED_BATCH_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The aria facing batch timstamp assigned upon landing for the referenced data, showing its creation in snowflake
UPDATED_BATCH_ID NUMBER The aria facing update batch id assigned upon landing for the referenced data
UPDATED_BATCH_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The aria facing batch timstamp assigned upon landing for the referenced data, showing its update in snowflake
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