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Snowflake VC Object: Plan Instances

► Plan Instances




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
BATCH_ID NUMBER BATCH_ID uniquely identifying each batch run by numeric format YYYYMMDDHH24MI
CHG_ID NUMBER CHG_ID uniquely identifying each changed record sort to be processed in soonest first order of the format YYYYMMDDHH24MI and a sequence number
EVENT_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ EVENT_TSTAMP of the JSON record showing when the change was generated
EVENT_ID TEXT EVENT_ID for the change JSON record
CREATETIME NUMBER CREATETIME createtime of the changed JSON record
ACTIONS TEXT ACTIONS for create, load, update, delete determining processing behavior for the record.
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The unique identifier for a client plan instance id.
MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The master_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
PARENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The parent_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
PLAN_NO NUMBER The plan_no for the referenced record
PLAN_UNITS NUMBER The quantity of plan units for the referenced data.
BALANCE NUMBER The clients balance for the customer referenced data
LAST_BILL_DATE DATE The date the last bill.
NEXT_BILL_DATE DATE The date the next bill.
LAST_BILL_THROUGH_DATE DATE The date the last bill through bill.
LAST_ARREARS_BILL_THROUGH_DATE DATE The date the last arrears bill through.
LAST_ARREARS_RECURRING_BILL_THROUGH_DATE DATE The date the last arrears recurring bill through.
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data.
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data.
STATUS_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a status number.
STATUS_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the status update milestone.
TERMINATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the terminated milestone.
PROVISIONED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The timestamp of the provisioned milestone.
RATE_SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER The rate_schedule_no for the referenced record.
CREATED_RECEIPT_ID TEXT The created_receipt_id for the referenced record.
DESCRIPTION TEXT A verbose description of the plan instances.
PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER TEXT The purchase order number.
IS_USAGE_POOLING_ENABLED BOOLEAN Is usage pooling enabled?
USAGE_POOLING_COUNTER NUMBER A counter for usage pooling
PROMOTION_CODE TEXT The promotional code.
BILL_LAG_DAYS NUMBER The number of billing lag days.
BILL_DAY NUMBER The date billing is processed.
DUNNING_STATE NUMBER The dunning state of the record.
DUNNING_STEP NUMBER The dunning step.
DUNNING_DEGRADE_DATE DATE The date of the dunning degrade milestone.
USAGE_ACCUMULATION_RESET_MONTHS NUMBER The usage accumulation reset months.
USAGE_ACCUMULATION_RESET_MONTHS_RENEWAL_OPTION NUMBER The usage accumulation reset months renewal option.
USAGE_ACCUMULATION_RESET_COUNTER NUMBER The usage accumulation reset counter.
BILLING_GROUP_NO NUMBER The designated billing group number for the referenced data.
DUNNING_GROUP_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a dunning group number.
RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL_NO NUMBER The unique identifier for a responsibility level number.
RESPONSIBLE_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The responsible_plan_instance_no for the referenced record.
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