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Financial Datatypes

Financial Datatypes 

The section covers datatypes that represent financial activity.


An Entity with IDs: credit_memo_no.

Field name Datatype Description
credit_memo_no BigInt  
account Ref<Account>  
currency Ref<Currency>  
amount Decimal This value will always be negative since it represents a credit.
created_tstamp DateTime  
credit_reason Ref<Credit_Reason>  
credit_ref_type Ref<Credit_Ref_Type>  
invoice Ref<Invoice>  
comments Text  
customer_note Text  
lines Array<Ref<Transaction>>  
tax_details Array<Tax_Detail>  



An Entity with ID:invoice_no.

Field name Datatype Description
invoice_no BigInt  
invoice_type Ref<Invoice_Type>  
status Ref<Invoice_Status>  
account Ref<Account>  
billing_group Ref<Billing_Group>  
statement Ref<Statement>  
original_invoice Ref<Invoice>  
rebill_invoice Ref<Invoice>  
rebill_reason Ref<Rebill_Reason>  
taxation_address Ref<Contact>  
recurring_bill_from Date  
recurring_bill_through Date  
usage_from Date  
usage_through Date  
currency Ref<Currency>  
amount Decimal negative amount denotes a credit
invoice_balance_forward Decimal  
total_due Decimal  
billed_tstamp DateTime  
paid_tstamp DateTime  
custom_status_label Text  
custom_status_description Text  
invoice_comments Text  
additional_comments Text  
client_notes Text  
created_tstamp DateTime  
updated_tstamp DateTime  
lines Array<Ref<Transaction>>  
pending_lines Array<Ref<Invoice$Pending_Invoice_Line>>  
tax_details Array<Tax_Detail>  
pending_tax_details Array<Pending_Tax_Detail>  
usage_record_status Ref<Invoice_Usage_Record_Status>  
discount_details Array<Discount_Detail>  
pending_discount_details Array<Pending_Discount_Detail>  
surchage_details Array<Surcharge_Detail>  
pending_surcharge_details Array<Pending_Surcharge_Detail>  


Invoice Pending_Tax_Detail 

A component Object of Invoice.

Field name Datatype  
tax_detail_line_no Int  
summary_line Ref<Pending_Invoice_Line>  
taxed_line Ref<Pending_Invoice_Line>  
tax_rate Decimal  
tax_amount_unrounded Decimal  
previous_amount_carryover Decimal  
current_amount_carryover Decimal  
before_round_adjusted_tax_amount Decimal  
amount Decimal  
is_taxed_line_tax_inclusive Boolean  
tax_authority_level Ref<Tax_Authority_Level>  
external_tax_type_id Text  
external_tax_type_description Text  
external_category Text  
external_jurisdiction_name Text  
external_tax_summary Text  


Invoice Discount_Detail 

A component Object of Invoice.

Field name Datatype  
discount_detail_line_no Int  
discount_invoice_line Ref<Transaction>  
discounted_invoice_line Ref<Transaction>  
discount_rule Ref<Discount_Rule>  
discount_amount Decimal  
source_coupon Ref<Coupon>  
remainder_discount_factor Decimal  


Invoice Pending_Discount_Detail 

A component Object of Invoice.

Field name Datatype Description
discount_detail_line_no Int  
discount_invoice_line Ref<Pending_Invoice_Line>  
discounted_invoice_line Ref<Pending_Invoice_Line>  
discount_rule Ref<Discount_Rule>  
discount_amount Decimal  
source_coupon Ref<Coupon>  
remainder_discount_factor Decimal  


Invoice Surcharge_Detail 

A component Object of Invoice.

Field name Datatype  
surcharge_detail_line_no Int  
surcharge_invoice_line Ref<Transaction>  
surcharged_invoice_line Ref<Transaction>  
surcharge_amount Decimal  
surcharge Ref<Surcharge>  


Invoice Pending_Surcharge_Detail 

A component Object of Invoice.

Field name Datatype  
surcharge_detail_line_no Int  
surcharge_invoice_line Ref<Pending_Invoice_Line>  
surcharged_invoice_line Ref<Pending_Invoice_Line>  
surcharge_amount Decimal  
surcharge Ref<Surcharge>  



An Entity with ID:reversal_no.

Field name Datatype Description
reversal_no BigInt  
account Ref<Account>  
currency Ref<Currency>  
amount Decimal This value will always be negative since it represents a credit.
created_tstamp DateTime  
comments Text  
lines Array<Ref<Transaction>>  
tax_details Array<Tax_Detail>  



An Entity with IDs: order_noclient_order_id. "order_no" and "client_order_id" each independently identify the same plan instance object.

Field name Datatype  
order_no BigInt  
client_order_id Text  
purchase_order_number Text  
account Ref<Account>  
plan_instance Ref<Plan_Instance>  
invoice Ref<Invoice>  
status Ref<Order_Status>  
currency Ref<Currency>  
amount Decimal  
fulfill_date Date  
created_receipt_id Text<50>  
updated_receipt_id Text<50>  
statement_message Text  
lines Array<Ref<Order_Line>>  
comments Text  
created_tstamp DateTime  
updated_tstamp DateTime  



An Entity with IDs:order_noline_no. "order_no" and "line_no" in combination uniquely identify an order line object.

Field name Datatype  
order Ref<Order>  
line_no Int  
nonsubscription_offering Ref<Nonsubscription_Offering>  
units Decimal  
unit_amount Decimal  
line_amount Decimal  
label Text  
long_description Text  
alt_label Text  
line_comments Text  
service_location Ref<Service_Location>  
destination_contact Ref<Contact>  
is_custom_rated Boolean  



An Entity with IDs:invoice_noline_no. "invoice_no" and "line_no" in combination uniquely identify a pending invoice line object.

Field name Datatype  
invoice Ref<Invoice>  
line_no Int  
plan Ref<Plan>  
plan_instance Ref<Plan_Instance>  
service Ref<Service>  
service_credit Ref<Service_Credit>  
service_credit_source_transaction Ref<Transaction>  
plan_rate_schedule Ref<Plan_Rate_Schedule>  
usage_type Ref<Usage_type>  
order_line Ref<Order_Line>  
credit_coupon Ref<Coupon>  
purchase_order_number Text  
start_date Date  
end_date Date  
advance_billing_period_total_days SmallInt  
plan_rate_schedule_service_tier SmallInt  
units Decimal  
rate Decimal  
base_plan_units Decimal  
proration_factor Decimal  
proration_description Text  
proration_remaining_days SmallInt  
credit_reason Ref<Credit_Reason>  
is_tax_related Boolean  
comments Text  
surcharge_rate_schedule Ref<Surcharge_Rate_Schedule>  
surcharge_rate_schedule_tier SmallInt  
proration_operation_type Ref<Proration_Operation_Type>  
nonsubscription_offering_rate_schedule Ref<NonSubscription_Offering_Rate_Schedule>  
nonsubscription_offering_rate_schedule_tier Int  
is_custom_rated Boolean  
pre_discount_amount Decimal  



An Entity with ID:recurring_credit_no.

Field name Datatype  
recurring_credit_no BigInt  
account Ref<Account>  
eligible_service_types Array<Ref<Service_Type>>  
eligible_plan_instances Array<Recurring_Credit$Eligible_Plan_Instance>  
eligible_plans Array<Recurring_Credit$Eligible_Plan>  
use_charge_service Boolean  
credit_service Ref<Service>  
recurring_credit_type Ref<Recurring_Credit_Type>  
recurring_credit_amount Decimal  
percentage_source_plan Ref<Plan>  
percentage_source_service Ref<Service>  
reason Ref<Recurring_Credit_Reason>  
comments Text  
currency Ref<Currency>  
number_of_credits_required Int  
number_of_credits_remaining Int  
created_tstamp DateTime  
credit_interval_months Int  
first_credit_date Date  
last_credit_date Date  
next_credit_date Date  
status Ref<Recurring_Credit_Status>  
cancel_date Date  
cancel_comments Text  
source_coupon Ref<Coupon>  
expiration_type_indicator Ref<Recurring_Credit_Expiration_Type>  
expiration_months Int  
expiration_date Date  
master_plan_instance Ref<Plan_Instance>  
credit_template Ref<Credit_Template>  
credit_interval Recurring_Credit$Credit_Interval  


Recurring_Credit Eligible_Plan 

A component Object of Recurring_Credit.

Field name Datatype
plan Ref<Plan>
service Ref<Service>


Recurring_Credit Eligible_Plan_Instance 

A component Object of Recurring_Credit.

Field name Datatype
plan_instance Ref<Plan_Instance>
service Ref<Service>



An Entity with ID:credit_no.

Field name Datatype Description
credit_no BigInt  
account Ref<Account>  
master_plan_instance Ref<Plan_Instance>  
created_tstamp DateTime  
create_user Text  
amount Decimal This value will always be negative or zero since it represents a credit.
unconsumed_amount Decimal This value will always be negative or zero since it represents a credit.
amount_reserved_for_anniversary Decimal This value will always be negative or zero since it represents a credit.
currency Ref<Currency>  
credit_reason Ref<Credit_Reason>  
comments Text  
expiry_months Int  
expiry_tstamp DateTime  
cancelled_tstamp DateTime  
cancel_user Text  
credit_service Ref<Service>  
service_credit_eligibilities Array<Service_Credit$Eligibility>  
originating_coupon Ref<Coupon>  
originating_recurring_credit Ref<Recurring_Credit>  
originating_invoice_line Ref<Transaction>  
is_order_based Boolean  
use_charge_service Boolean  
remaining_days_when_prorated Int  
total_days_when_prorated Int  


Service_Credit Eligibility 

A component Object of Service_Credit.

Field name Datatype
service_type Ref<Service_Type>
service Ref<Service>
plan Ref<Plan>
plan_instance Ref<Plan_Instance>



An Entity with ID:statement_no.

Field name Datatype  
statement_no BigInt  
account Ref<Account>  
invoice Ref<Invoice>  
billing_group Ref<Billing_Group>  
payment_method Ref<Payment_Method>  
master_plan_instances Array<Ref<Plan_Instance>>  
seq_statement_id Text  
statement_contact Ref<Contact>  
created_tstamp DateTime  
due_date Date  
due_date_plus_grace_period Date  
sent_tstamp DateTime  
resent_tstamp DateTime  
status Ref<Statement_Status>  
is_rebill Boolean  
currency Ref<Currency>  
new_charges_amount Decimal  
new_payments_amount Decimal  
balance_forward_amount Decimal  
total_owed Decimal  
unapplied_credit_balance Decimal  
unapplied_payment_balance Decimal  
transactions Array<Ref<Transaction>>  
mpi_transfers_in Array<Ref<Plan_Instance>>  
mpi_transfers_out Array<Ref<Plan_Instance>>  



An Object.

Field name Datatype  
tax_detail_line_no Int  
summary_line Ref<Transaction>  
taxed_line Ref<Transaction>  
tax_rate Decimal  
tax_amount_unrounded Decimal  
previous_amount_carryover Decimal  
current_amount_carryover Decimal  
before_round_adjusted_tax_amount Decimal  
amount Decimal  
is_taxed_line_tax_inclusive Boolean  
tax_authority_level Ref<Tax_Authority_Level>  
external_tax_type_id Text  
external_tax_type_description Text  
external_category Text  
external_jurisdiction_name Text  
external_tax_summary Text  



An Entity with ID:transaction_no.

Some fields only apply for certain transaction_type values.

Field name Datatype Description
transaction_no BigInt all transaction types
transaction_type Ref<Transaction_Type> all transaction types
created_tstamp DateTime all transaction types
source_no BigInt all transaction types
account Ref<Account> all transaction types
currency Ref<Currency> all transaction types
amount Decimal all transaction types<br/>Positive for debit, negative for credit.
applied_amount Decimal all transaction types<br/>Positive for debit, negative for credit.
fully_applied_tstamp DateTime all transaction types
statement Ref<Statement> all transaction types
master_plan_instance Ref<Plan_Instance> all transaction types
api_receipt_id Text all transaction types
transaction_supp_fields Array<Transaction$Supplemental_Field> all transaction types
voided_transaction Ref<Transaction> all transaction types
voiding_transaction Ref<Transaction> all transaction types
applications Array<Ref<Transaction_Application>> all transaction types
=== External Payment types ===    
payment_tstamp DateTime only Type 2
reference_id Text<40> only Type 2
=== Electronic Payment types ===    
payment_tstamp DateTime only Type 3
collection_status Ref<Collection_Status> only Type 3
payment_method Ref<Payment_Method> only Type 3
processor_payment_id Text<1000> only Type 3
payment_processor Ref<Payment_Processor> only Type 3
payment_method_type Ref<Payment_Method_Type> only Type 3
processor_status_cd Text<20> only Type 3
processor_status_label Text only Type 3
=== Balance Transfer types ===    
from_account Ref<Account> only Types 4 and 5
from_master_plan_instance Ref<Plan_Instance> only Types 4 and 5
to_account Ref<Account> only Types 4 and 5
to_master_plan_instance Ref<Plan_Instance> only Types 4 and 5
invoice Ref<Invoice> only Types 4 and 5
=== Balance Forward types ===    
comments Text only Types 9 and 18
=== Write Off type ===    
write_off_tstamp DateTime only Type 6
comments Text only Type 6
write_off_reason Ref<Write_Off_Reason> only Type 6
secondary_write_off_reason Ref<Write_Off_Reason> only Type 6
invoice Ref<Invoice> only Type 6
dispute_hold_expire_days Int  
=== Cash Credit type ===    
comments Text only Type 10
credit_reason Ref<Credit_Reason> only Type 10
invoice Ref<Invoice> only Type 10
=== Dunning Charge type ===    
=== Electronic Refund type ===    
refund_reason Ref<Refund_Reason> only Type 12
reversal Ref<Invoice_Reversal> only Type 12
payment_method Ref<Payment_Method> only Type 12
payment_method_type Ref<Payment_Method_Type> only Type 12
=== Check Refund type ===    
processed_tstamp DateTime only Type 13
comments Text only Type 13
refund_reason Ref<Refund_Reason> only Type 13
reference_id Text<40> only Type 13
=== Invoice Line types ===    
invoice Ref<Invoice> only Types 21 and 22
line_no Int only Types 21 and 22
plan Ref<Plan> only Types 21 and 22
plan_instance Ref<Plan_Instance> only Types 21 and 22
service Ref<Service> only Types 21 and 22
usage_type Ref<Usage_Type> only Types 21 and 22
order_line Ref<Order_Line> only Types 21 and 22
plan_rate_schedule Ref<Plan_Rate_Schedule> only Types 21 and 22
plan_rate_schedule_service_tier SmallInt only Types 21 and 22
service_credit Ref<Service_Credit> only Type 22
service_credit_source_transaction Ref<Transaction> only Types 21 and 22
service_credit_target_transaction Ref<Transaction> only Types 21 and 22
credit_coupon Ref<Coupon> only Types 21 and 22
credit_reason Ref<Credit_Reason> only Types 21 and 22
purchase_order_number Text<1000> only Types 21 and 22
start_date Date only Types 21 and 22
end_date Date only Types 21 and 22
rate Decimal only Types 21 and 22
units Decimal only Types 21 and 22
base_plan_units Decimal only Types 21 and 22
prompt_payment_discount_amount Decimal only Type 21
prompt_payment_discount_cutoff_date Date only Type 21
proration_factor Decimal only Types 21 and 22
proration_description Text only Types 21 and 22
proration_remaining_days SmallInt only Types 21 and 22
advance_billing_period_total_days SmallInt only Types 21 and 22
is_tax_related Boolean only Types 21 and 22
comments Text only Types 21 and 22
surcharge_rate_schedule Ref<Surcharge_Rate_Schedule>  
surcharge_rate_schedule_tier SmallInt  
proration_operation_type Ref<Proration_Operation_Type>  
nonsubscription_offering_rate_schedule Ref<NonSubscription_Offering_Rate_Schedule>  
nonsubscription_offering_rate_schedule_tier Int  
is_custom_rated Boolean  
pre_discount_amount Decimal  
=== Credit Memo Line type ===    
credit_memo Ref<Credit_Memo> only Type 24
line_no SmallInt only Type 24
invoice_line Ref<Transaction> only Type 24
=== Invoice Reversal Line type ===    
reversal Ref<Invoice_Reversal> only Type 8
line_no SmallInt only Type 8
invoice_line Ref<Transaction> only Type 8
invoice Ref<Invoice> only Type 8
=== Reinstate Transaction type ===    
reinstated_reason Ref<Reason>  only Types 16 and 17
reinstated_transaction Ref<Transaction> only Types 16 and 17


Transaction Supplemental_Field 

A component Object of Transaction.

Field name Datatype
field_name Text
field_value Text



An Entity with IDs: application_nopayment_transaction_nocharge_transaction_no. "application_no", "payment_transaction_no" and "charge_transaction_no" in combination uniquely identify an order line object.

Field name Datatype Description
application_no BigInt  
payment_transaction_no BigInt  
charge_transaction_no BigInt  
payment_transaction Ref<Transaction>  
charge_transaction Ref<Transaction>  
created_tstamp DateTime  
applied_amount Decimal Always positive.
account Ref<Account>  
master_plan_instance Ref<Plan_Instance>  



An Entity with ids: usage_record_notax_detail_line_no. "usage_record_no", "tax_detail_line_no" in combination uniquely identify a usage tax detail object.

Field name Datatype Description
usage_record_no BigInt  
tax_detail_line_no Int  
usage_record Ref<Usage_Record>  
tax_rate Decimal  
amount Decimal  
tax_authority_level Ref<Tax_Authority_Level>  
external_tax_type_id String  
external_tax_type_description String  
external_category String  
external_jurisdiction_name String  
external_tax_summary String  
created_tstamp DateTime  
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