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Configuration Datatypes

Configuration Datatypes 

The section covers datatypes that represent Aria client configuration.

  1. Configuration Datatypes 
    1. Account_Status 
    2. Application_Scope 
    3. Assignment_Level 
    4. Auto_Offset_Months_Option 
    5. Billing_Interval_Type 
    6. Billing_Group_Status 
    7. Collection_Status 
    8. Contract_End_Action 
    9. Contract_Scope 
    10. Contract_Status 
    11. Country 
    12. Coupon_Application 
    13. Coupon_Directive 
    14. Credit_Reason 
    15. Credit_Ref_Type 
    16. Currency 
    17. Discount_Behavior 
    18. Discount_Rule_Duration 
    19. Discount_Rule_Scope 
    20. Discount_Type 
    21. Dunning_Group_Status 
    22. Dunning_State 
    23. Dunning_Process 
    24. Dunning_Process Dunning_Step Contact_Type_Notified 
    25. Dunning_Process Dunning_Step Fee_Type 
    26. Email_Template 
    27. Field_Input_Type 
    28. Force_Bill_Date_Reset 
    29. Force_Master_Bill_Date_Reset 
    30. Fulfillment_Status 
    31. Functional_Account_Group 
    32. Group_Usage 
    33. Invoice_Application_Scope 
    34. Invoice_Status 
    35. Invoice_Type 
    36. Invoicing_Option 
    37. Invoice_Usage_Record_Status 
    38. Locale 
    39. Notice_Balance_Type 
    40. Notice_Destination_Type 
    41. Notify_Method 
    42. Object_Type 
    43. Object_Type_Configuration 
    44. Order_Status 
    45. Payment_Method_Status 
    46. Payment_Method_Type 
    47. Payment_Processor 
    48. Plan_Instance_Change_Type 
    49. Plan_Instance_Status 
    50. Plan_Unit_Instance_Status 
    51. Product_Field_Assignment_Directive 
    52. Proration_Directive 
    53. Proration_Invoice_Timing_Option 
    54. Proration_Operation_Type 
    55. Queue_Activation_Status 
    56. Queue_Status 
    57. Rate_Calculation_Type 
    58. Reason
    59. Rebill_Reason 
    60. Recurring_Credit_Expiration_Type 
    61. Recurring_Credit_Reason 
    62. Recurring_Credit_Status 
    63. Recurring_Credit_Type 
    64. Refund_Reason 
    65. Renewal_Interval_Type
    66. Responsibility_Level 
    67. Service_Location 
    68. Service_Type 
    69. Statement_Status 
    70. Surcharge_Directive 
    71. Tax_Authority_Level 
    72. Tax_Exempt_Level 
    73. Tax_Service_Group 
    74. Template_Class 
    75. Template_Distillation_Behavior 
    76. Transaction_Type 
    77. Usage_Accumulation_Renewal_Option 
    78. Write_Off_Reason 


An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Account_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
-99 Archived
0 Deactivated
1 Active
32 Registered Pending Activation
51 Temporary Service Ban
99 Permanent



An Entity with IDs: scope_no and enum (deprecated). "scope_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Application_Scope entity.

Field name Datatype
scope_no Int
scope_cd Label
1 All Charges
2 All Plan Charges, All Plans
3 All Plan Charges, Specified Plans
4 All Plans, Specified Service Charges
5 Specified Plan/Service Charges
6 All Recurring Service Charges
7 All Usage Service Charges
8 All Activation Service Charges
9 All Item Charges
10 Specified Item Charges
11 Payment Method
12 Payment Term



An Entity with IDs: level_no and enum (deprecated). "level_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Assignment_Level entity.

Field name Datatype
level_no Int
level_no Label
1 Account
2 Master Plan Instance
3 Account or Master Plan Instance



An Entity with IDs: option_no and enum (deprecated). "option_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Auto_Offset_Months_Option entity.

Field name Datatype
option_no Int
option_no Label
null Don't do offset
1 Align to Master plan bill thru date
2 Align to old supplemental plan bill thru date



An Entity with IDs: type_no, an Int value.

type_no Label
1 Day
2 Week
3 Month



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Billing_Group_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
0 Inactive
1 Active



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Collection_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
-1 Timeout
0 Requested
1 Authorized
2 Submitted
3 Approved
4 Reversed
5 Failed
6 Queued
7 Assigned



An Entity with IDs: action_no and enum (deprecated). "action_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Contract_End_Action entity.

Field name Datatype
action_no Int
action_no label
2 Continue existing service without contract
3 Renew existing contract automatically
6 Terminate service and billing
7 Terminate service and billing and prorate final invoice
8 Rollover to a Plan and/or a Rate Schedule



An Entity with IDs: scope_no and enum (deprecated). "scope_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Contract_Scope entity.

Field name Datatype
scope_no Int
scope_no Label
1 Universal
2 Multi-plan



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Contract_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
-3 Contract no longer in scope, usually due to mid-contract plan change on account.
-2 Contract terminated by client or system.
-1 Contract cancelled by end-user.
0 Contract completed and renewed. New contract record refers to this contract record.
1 Contract is currently in effect.
99 Contract completed, no renewal.



An Entity with IDs: country_cd and code (deprecated). "country_cd" and "code" each independently identify the same Country entity.

| Field name | Datatype | Description |:----------------------|----------------------------------------- | country_cd | String | Defined by ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 (the 2 character code)


country_cd Country
"US" United States of America
"GB" Great Britain
"DE" Germany



An Entity with IDs: scope_no and enum (deprecated). "scope_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Coupon_Application entity.

Field name Datatype
scope_no Int
scope_no Label
1 Account
2 Master Plan Instance
3 Account or Master Plan Instance



An Entity with IDs: directive_no and enum (deprecated). "directive_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Coupon_Directive entity.

Field name Datatype
directive_no Int
directive_no Label
1 Add
2 Remove



An Entity with IDs: reason_no and enum (deprecated). "reason_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Credit_Reason entity.

Field name Datatype
reason_no Int
reason_no Label
1 General Credit/Other
2 Inadequate Service Delivery
3 Billing / Pricing Issue
4 Service no longer desired
5 Customer Dissatisfaction
6 Installation Issue
8 Shipping Error
9 Customer Return
11 System Testing
98 Prepay Credit Reconciliation
200 Automatic credit creation due to purchase of non-subscription offering with "Automatic Service Credit Creation" flag set.
9999 Coupon Application



An Entity with IDs: type_no and enum (deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Credit_Ref_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_no Int
type_no Label
0 Invoice Based Credit Memo
1 General
2 Price Change
3 Cancellation



An Entity with IDs: currency_cd and code (deprecated). "currency_cd" and "enum" each independently identify the same Currency entity.

Field name Datatype Description
currency_cd String Defined by ISO 4217


currency_cd Currency
"usd" United States dollar
"eur" Euro
"jpy" Japanese yen



An Entity with IDs: behavior_cd "behavior_cd" identifies the Discount_Behavior entity.

Field name Datatype
behavior_cd Text
type_cd Label
N Apply to resulting net amount after previously applied discounts
G Apply to gross amount of the charge



An Entity with IDs: duration_cd "duration_cd" identifies the Discount_Rule_Duration entity.

Field name Datatype
duration_cd Text
type_cd Label
M Months
U Uses
T No Expiration



An Entity with IDs: scope_no "scope_no" identifies the Discount_Rule_Scope entity.

Field name Datatype
scope_no Int
scope_no Label
0 All Charges
10 All Plan Charges, All Plans
11 All Plan Charges, Specified Plans
12 All Plans, Specified Service Charges
13 Specified Plan/Service Charges
21 All Recurring Service Charges
22 All Usage Service Charges
23 All Activation Service Charges
30 All Non-subscription Offering Charges
31 Specified Non-subscription Offering Charges



An Entity with IDs: type_cd "type_cd" identifies the Discount_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_cd Text
type_cd Label
F Fixed
P Percentage



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Dunning_Group_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
0 Inactive
1 Active



An Entity with IDs: state_no and enum (deprecated). "state_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Dunning_State entity.

Field name Datatype
state_no Int
state_no Label
0 None
1 In Progress



An Entity with IDs: dunning_process_noclient_dunning_process_id. "dunning_process_no" and "client_dunning_process_id" each independently identify the same rate schedule object.

Field name Datatype Description
dunning_process_no BigInt  
client_dunning_process_id Text  
name Text  
description Text  
dunning_steps Array<Dunning_Process$Dunning_Step  
completion_notification_template Ref<Notification_Template>  
is_default Boolean  
plan_payment_assignments Array<Account_Field$Allowed_Value>  
plan_assignments Array<Account_Field$Allowed_Value>  
payment_assignments Array<Account_Field$Allowed_Value>  


Dunning_Process Dunning_Step 

A component Object of Dunning_Process

Field name Datatype Description
step_no BigInt  
duration BigInt  
notification_template Ref<Notification_Template>  
contact_type_notified Ref<Contact_Type_Notified>  
fee_type Ref<Fee_Type>  
fee_configurations Array<Dunning_Process$>  


Dunning_Process Plan_Payment_Assignment 

A component Object of Dunning_Process

Field name Datatype Description
master_plan Ref<Plan>  
payment_method_type Ref<Payment_Method_Type>  
payment_term Ref<Payment_Term>  


Dunning_Process Plan_Assignment 

A component Object of Dunning_Process

Field name Datatype Description
master_plan Ref<Plan>  


Dunning_Process Payment_Assignment 

A component Object of Dunning_Process

Field name Datatype Description
payment_method_type Ref<Payment_Method_Type>  
payment_term Ref<Payment_Term>  


Dunning_Process Dunning_Step Fee_Configuration 

A component Object of Dunning_Step

Field name Datatype Description
currency Ref<Currency>  
rate Ref<Decimal>  


Dunning_Process Dunning_Step Contact_Type_Notified 

An Entity with ID: email_dest_no.

Field name Datatype
email_dest_no Int
email_dest_no Label
0 Default
1 Account only
2 Billing only
3 Statement only
4 Account & Billing
5 Account & Statement
6 Billing & Statement
7 Account & Billing & Statement


Dunning_Process Dunning_Step Fee_Type 

An Entity with ID: dunning_fee_type

dunning_fee_type Label
0 None
1 Percentage Fee
2 Flat Fee



An Entity with IDs: template_noclient_template_id. "template_no" and "client_template_id" each independently identify the same rate schedule object.



An Entity with ID: input_type

input_type description
"checkbox" checkbox UI input control
"radio" radio UI input control
"select" select UI input control
"text" text UI input control
"textarea" textarea UI input control



An Entity with IDs: reset_no and enum (deprecated). "reset_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Force_Bill_Date_Reset entity.

Field name Datatype
reset_no Int
reset_no Label
null Honor client parameter
0 No reset
1 Reset to status change date
2 Reset to anniversary



An Entity with IDs: reset_no and enum (deprecated). "reset_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Force_Master_Bill_Date_Reset entity.

Field name Datatype
reset_no Int
reset_no Label
null Honor client parameter
1 No reset
2 Refer to API doc
3 Refer to API doc



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Fulfillment_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
0 Not fulfilled
1 Invoiced
2 Ready for Invoice



An Entity with IDs: group_noclient_group_id.

Specification of fields in this entity is TBA.



An Entity with IDs: usage_no and enum (deprecated). "usage_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Group_Usage entity.

Field name Datatype
usage_no Int
usage_no Label
0 CSR Only
1 USS Only
2 Both CSR and USS



An Entity with IDs: scope_cd "scope_cd" identifies the Invoice_Application_Scope entity.

Field name Datatype
scope_cd Text
type_cd Label
E Each Line Item
M All Line Items



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Invoice_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
0 pending
1 not pending (approved)



An Entity with IDs: type_cd and code (deprecated). "type_cd" and "code" each independently identify the same Invoice_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_cd String
type_cd Label
O Order based invoice.
P Proration invoice.
F Full invoice.
C Combined invoice.
R Rebill invoice.



An Entity with IDs: option_no and enum (deprecated). "option_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Invoicing_Option entity.

Field name Datatype
option_no Int
option_no Label
1 Full Invoice
2 Prorated Invoice
3 Client default
4 No Invoice



An Entity with IDs: status_cd. "status_cd" each independently identify the same Invoice_Usage_Record_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_cd String
status_cd Label
null Usage Billed
U Usage Unbilled
D Usage Discarded



An Entity with ID: locale_no

Specification of fields in this entity is TBA.



An Entity with IDs: type_cd.



An Entity with IDs: type_cd.



An Entity with IDs: method_no and enum (deprecated). "method_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Notify_Method entity.

Field name Datatype
method_no Int
method_no Label
0 None
1 HTML Email
2 Text Email
3 Text Email w/link to HTML
4 Data export
5 Printable with Surcharge
6 Printable & Text Email
7 Printable & HTML Email with Surcharge
8 Printable
9 PDF (Printing Required)
10 PDF Delivered via Email
11 PDF (Printing req & Email)w/surcharge
12 PDF (Printing req, no Email)w/surcharge
13 XML Master File
14 PDF Master File
15 XML Master File and HTML Email
16 XML Master File and Text Email
17 PDF Master File and HTML Email



An Entity with IDs: type_no and enum (deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Object_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_no Int
type_no Label
1 Plan
2 Nonsubscription Offering
3 Service Code
4 Usage Type



Specification of fields in this entity is TBA.



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Order_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
-2 Order Cancelled
-1 Order Rejected
0 Order Entry in Progress
1 Order Entered
2 Order Placed
3 Order Filled
4 Order Billed
5 Order Held



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Payment_Method_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
0 Inactive
1 Active
2 One Time



An Entity with IDs: type_no and enum (deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Payment_Method_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_no Int
type_no Label
-1 External Payment
0 Other/None
1 Credit Card
2 Electronic Check (ACH)
3 Pre-Paid
11 PayPal Express Checkout
13 Tokenized Credit Card
14 Purchase Power
21 FIK
26 Direct Debit
27 Direct Debit - IBAN
28 Direct Debit - BBAN
29 Reserve Account
30 Boleto Bancario
32 iDEAL
33 WebMoney
34 Yandex
35 PaySafeCard
37 Tokenized Direct Debit
38 ApplePay - Indirect
39 PayPal Express Checkout - Indirect
40 Merchant Specific Gift Card



An Entity with IDs: processor_no and enum (deprecated). "processor_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Payment_Processor entity.

Field name Datatype
processor_no Int
processor_no Label
0 Other
1 Chase Paymentech
2 PayPal Payflow Pro
4 CyberSource
5 Authorize.Net
15 PayPal Express Checkout
16 GlobalCollect (to be deprecated)
19 PayJunction
20 DIBS Payment Services
21 Vantiv (Litle)
22 PB Purchase Power
24 NETS Collect
25 Generic
26 MercuryPay
27 ModusLink Global Payment System
28 Braintree
29 WorldPay
30 First Data PayPoint
31 Merchant e-Solutions
32 Paymetric
33 TNS
34 Adyen
35 First Data Payeezy
36 Ingenico (formerly GlobalCollect)



An Entity with IDs: type_no and enum (deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Plan_Instance_Change_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_no Int
type_no Label
0 Assign Plan
1 Assign Mandatory Child Plan
2 Replace Plan
3 Rollover Plan
4 Cancel Plan
5 Update Plan
6 Update Plan Status



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Plan_Instance_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
-3 Terminated
-2 Cancelled
-1 Suspended
0 Inactive
1 Active
2 Pending Cancellation
3 Pending Termination
31 Pending Installation
32 Pending Activation
41 Trial
61 Active Non-Billable



An Entity with IDs: enum and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Plan_Unit_Instance_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
Enum Label
0 Inactive
1 Active



An Entity with IDs: directive_no and enum (deprecated). "directive_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Product_Field_Assignment_Directive entity.

Field name Datatype
directive_no Int
directive_no Label
1 New
2 Replace value
3 Remove specific Value
4 Remove name and value (clear field)



An Entity with IDs: directive_no and enum (deprecated). "directive_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Proration_Directive entity.

Field name Datatype
directive_no Int
directive_no Label
1 Anniversary assignment
2 Immediate with default prorate
3 Immediate with no proration
4 immediate with prorate all
5 immediate with prorate charge
6 Immediate with prorate credit
7 queued with default prorate
8 queued with no proration
9 queued with prorate all
10 queued with prorate charge
11 queued with prorate credit



An Entity with IDs: option_no and enum (deprecated). "option_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Proration_Invoice_Timing_Option entity.

Field name Datatype
option_no Int
option_no Label
null Product catalog configuration
0 Immediate
1 Anniversary



An Entity with IDs: type_no. "type_no" independently identify the same Proration_Operation_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_no Int
option_no Label
10 plan instance assignment
20 plan instance replacement
31 plan instance activation
32 plan unit change
33 (reserved for future use)
40 plan instance cancellation



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Queue_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
0 Activate after date
1 Deactivate after date



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Queue_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
0 Deleted
1 Queued
2 Executed successfully
3 Failed to execute



An Entity with IDs: type_cd and enum (deprecated). "type_cd" and "enum" each independently identify the same Rate_Calculation_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_cd Text
type_cd Label
F Fixed Amount
S Standard Percentage (Multiple Tiers)
V Volume Percentage (Single Tier)



An Entity with IDs: reason_type_no. "reason_type_no" identifies a Reason Type entity. These values are static and provided by Aria Systems

Field name Datatype
reason_type_no Int
reason_type_no Label
1 rebill reason
6 write off reason
10 cash credit reason
12 refund reason
23 service credit reason
24 credit memo reason
25 coupon reason



An Entity with IDs: reason_no and enum (deprecated). "reason_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Rebill_Reason entity. These values are client configurable and different for each client.

Field name Datatype
reason_no Int



An Entity with IDs: type_cd and code (deprecated). "type_cd" and "code" each independently identify the same Recurring_Credit_Expiration_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_cd String
type_cd Label
M Month
D Days
W Week
Y Year



An Entity with IDs: reason_no and enum (deprecated). "reason_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Recurring_Credit_Reason entity. These values are client configurable and different for each client.

Field name Datatype
reason_no Int



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Recurring_Credit_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label
-2 Cancelled, Some Credits Created
-1 Cancelled, No Credits Created
1 Entered, No Credits Created
2 Credits Created, Incomplete
3 Credits Created, Complete



An Entity with IDs: type_no and enum (deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Recurring_Credit_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_no Int
type_no Label
1 Flat
2 Percentage



An Entity with IDs: reason_no and enum (deprecated). "reason_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Refund_Reason entity.

Field name Datatype
reason_no Int
reason_no Label
1 Account charged in error
2 Goods/services not delivered
3 Customer dissatisfaction
4 Cancellation of pre-paid service
5 Good Will
6 Overpayment / Duplicate payment
7 Wrong/undesired payment source charged
99999999 Other


An Entity with IDs:type_no, an INT value.

Field name Datatype
type_no Int
type_no Label
1 Day
2 Week
3 Month


An Entity with IDs: level_no and enum (deprecated). "level_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Responsibility_Level entity.

Field name Datatype
level_no Int
level_no Label
1 Standard Self-Pay
2 Parent Pay
3 Parent Usage & Pay



An Entity with IDs: service_location_noclient_service_location_id. "service_location_no" and "client_service_location_id" each independently identify the same service location object.

Field name Datatype
service_location_no BigInt
client_service_location_id Text
name Text
is_active Boolean
tax_engine_specific_location_id Text
company_name Text
street Array<Text>
city Text
county Text
locality Text
state_prov Text
country Ref<Country>
postal_code Text
created_tstamp DateTime



An Entity with IDs: type_cd and code (deprecated). "type_cd" and "code" each independently identify the same Service_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_cd String
type_cd Name
RC Recurring
SC Surcharge
US Usage
AC Activation
MS Miscellaneous
CN Cancellation
OR Order Based
TX Tax
MN Minimum Fee
RA Recurring Arrears



An Entity with IDs: status_no and enum (deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Statement_Status entity.

Field name Datatype
status_no Int
status_no Label Description
0 New Statement has been generated.
1 Sent Statement has been delivered.
2 Paid Full Payment has been received.
3 Late Statement is unpaid and past due.
5 Late OK This statement is late, but falls below the minimum balance criteria for active dunning to occur.
6 Late Electronic This statement is late, but this account is processed via electronic methods.
7 Payment Reversed The payment for the statement reversed



An Entity with IDs: directive_no and enum (deprecated). "directive_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Surcharge_Directive entity.

Field name Datatype
directive_no Int
directive_no Label
1 Add
2 Remove



An Entity with IDs: level_no and enum (deprecated). "level_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Tax_Authority_Level entity.

Field name Datatype
level_no Int
level_no Label
0 country
1 state
2 county
3 city
4 unincorporated
5 district



An Entity with IDs: level_no and enum (deprecated). "level_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Tax_Exempt_Level entity.

Field name Datatype
level_no Int
level_no Label
0 No tax exemption
1 State/Province Tax Exempt
2 Federal/National Tax Exempt
3 State/Province and Federal/National Tax Exempt



An Entity with IDs: group_no and enum (deprecated). "group_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Tax_Service_Group entity. These values are client configurable and different for each client.

Field name Datatype
group_no Int
client_group_id String



An Entity with IDs: class_cd and code (deprecated). "class_cd" and "code" each independently identify the same Template_Class entity.

Field name Datatype
class_cd String
class_cd Label
A Account Activation
B Broadcast
BJA Batch Job Alert Email Template
C Credit Card Expiry
C2 Electronic Collection Attempt
C3 Credit Card Update Required
CCN Copy Config Notification
CEC Contract End: Continue existing service without contract
CECS Contract End: Continue existing service without contract
CECSS Contract End: Continue existing service (standard rates)
CER Contract End: Renew automatically
CERA Contract End: Renew automatically
CERO Contract End: Rollover automatically
CES Contract End: Suspend service and billing
CESP Contract End: Suspend service and billing (prorate final invoice)
CET Contract End: Terminate service and billing
CETP Contract End: Terminate Service and Billing (Proration)
CM Credit Memo
CN Credit Note
D Dunning
I Invoice/Statement
MPD Master Plan Instance Deprovisioned
N Account Comment/Note
NDO Daily Unit Usage Threshold Over
NDU Daily Unit Usage Threshold Under
NMO MTD Unit Usage Threshold Over
NMU MTD Unit Usage Threshold Under
NPO PTD Unit Usage Threshold Over
NPU PTD Unit Usage Threshold Under
NSP Non Electronic Payment
O Other
P Password Reminder/Reset
PMR Payment Method Removal
PMTR01 Payment Reminder 01
PMTR02 Payment Reminder 02
PMTR03 Payment Reminder 03
PR Default Payment Reminder
PR1 Payment Reminder 01
PR2 Payment Reminder 02
PR3 Payment Reminder 03
PT1 Payment Terms Reminder 01
PT2 Payment Terms Reminder 02
PT3 Payment Terms Reminder 03
R Contract Expiry/Renewal
R2 Electronic Refund Processed Notification
RB Rebill
S Service Plan Change
S2 Supplemental Service Plan Change
T Account Termination
U Unknown
UCO Unapplied Service Credit Usage Threshold Over
UCU Unapplied Service Credit Usage Threshold Under
UMO MTD Usage Threshold Over
UMU MTD Usage Threshold Under
UPO PTD Usage Threshold Over
UPU PTD Usage Threshold Under



An Entity with IDs: behavior_no and enum (deprecated). "behavior_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Template_Distillation_Behavior entity.

Field name Datatype
behavior_no Int
behavior_no Label
1 Distill and Send Message
2 Distill Message But Do Not Send
3 Produce No Message



An Entity with IDs: type_no and enum (deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Transaction_Type entity.

Field name Datatype
type_no Int
type_no Label charge/credit
2 External Payment credit
3 Electronic Payment credit
4 Balance Transfer To charge
5 Balance Transfer From credit
6 Write Off credit
8 Invoice Reversal Line credit
9 Balance Forward charge
10 Cash Credit credit
12 Electronic Refund Disbursement charge
13 Check Refund Disbursement charge
15 Dunning Charge charge
16 Reinstated Charge charge
17 Reinstated Payment credit
18 Negative Balance Forward credit
21 Invoice Charge Line charge
22 Invoice Credit Line credit
24 Credit Memo Line credit



An Entity with IDs: option_no and enum (deprecated). "option_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Usage_Accumulation_Renewal_Option entity.

Field name Datatype
option_no Int
option_no Label
1 Recurring / Auto Renew (Default)
2 Single Use



An Entity with IDs: reason_no and enum (deprecated). "reason_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Write_Off_Reason entity.

Field name Datatype
reason_no Int
reason_no Label
0 Bad Debt
1 Good Will
2 Billing Error
3 Sales Return
4 Promotional Discount
5 Other
9001 Charge Dispute Hold
9999 System-enforced conversion of dispute to permanent write-off
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