Configuration Datatypes
Configuration Datatypes
The section covers datatypes that represent Aria client configuration.
- Configuration Datatypes
- Account_Status
- Application_Scope
- Assignment_Level
- Auto_Offset_Months_Option
- Billing_Interval_Type
- Billing_Group_Status
- Collection_Status
- Contract_End_Action
- Contract_Scope
- Contract_Status
- Country
- Coupon_Application
- Coupon_Directive
- Credit_Reason
- Credit_Ref_Type
- Currency
- Discount_Behavior
- Discount_Rule_Duration
- Discount_Rule_Scope
- Discount_Type
- Dunning_Group_Status
- Dunning_State
- Dunning_Process
- Dunning_Process Dunning_Step Contact_Type_Notified
- Dunning_Process Dunning_Step Fee_Type
- Email_Template
- Field_Input_Type
- Force_Bill_Date_Reset
- Force_Master_Bill_Date_Reset
- Fulfillment_Status
- Functional_Account_Group
- Group_Usage
- Invoice_Application_Scope
- Invoice_Status
- Invoice_Type
- Invoicing_Option
- Invoice_Usage_Record_Status
- Locale
- Notice_Balance_Type
- Notice_Destination_Type
- Notify_Method
- Object_Type
- Object_Type_Configuration
- Order_Status
- Payment_Method_Status
- Payment_Method_Type
- Payment_Processor
- Plan_Instance_Change_Type
- Plan_Instance_Status
- Plan_Unit_Instance_Status
- Product_Field_Assignment_Directive
- Proration_Directive
- Proration_Invoice_Timing_Option
- Proration_Operation_Type
- Queue_Activation_Status
- Queue_Status
- Rate_Calculation_Type
- Reason
- Rebill_Reason
- Recurring_Credit_Expiration_Type
- Recurring_Credit_Reason
- Recurring_Credit_Status
- Recurring_Credit_Type
- Refund_Reason
- Renewal_Interval_Type
- Responsibility_Level
- Service_Location
- Service_Type
- Statement_Status
- Surcharge_Directive
- Tax_Authority_Level
- Tax_Exempt_Level
- Tax_Service_Group
- Template_Class
- Template_Distillation_Behavior
- Transaction_Type
- Usage_Accumulation_Renewal_Option
- Write_Off_Reason
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Account_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
-99 | Archived |
0 | Deactivated |
1 | Active |
32 | Registered Pending Activation |
51 | Temporary Service Ban |
99 | Permanent |
An Entity with IDs: scope_no
and enum
(deprecated). "scope_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Application_Scope entity.
Field name | Datatype |
scope_no | Int |
scope_cd | Label |
1 | All Charges |
2 | All Plan Charges, All Plans |
3 | All Plan Charges, Specified Plans |
4 | All Plans, Specified Service Charges |
5 | Specified Plan/Service Charges |
6 | All Recurring Service Charges |
7 | All Usage Service Charges |
8 | All Activation Service Charges |
9 | All Item Charges |
10 | Specified Item Charges |
11 | Payment Method |
12 | Payment Term |
An Entity with IDs: level_no
and enum
(deprecated). "level_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Assignment_Level entity.
Field name | Datatype |
level_no | Int |
level_no | Label |
1 | Account |
2 | Master Plan Instance |
3 | Account or Master Plan Instance |
An Entity with IDs: option_no
and enum
(deprecated). "option_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Auto_Offset_Months_Option entity.
Field name | Datatype |
option_no | Int |
option_no | Label |
null |
Don't do offset |
1 | Align to Master plan bill thru date |
2 | Align to old supplemental plan bill thru date |
An Entity with IDs: type_no
, an Int value.
type_no | Label |
1 | Day |
2 | Week |
3 | Month |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Billing_Group_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
0 | Inactive |
1 | Active |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Collection_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
-1 | Timeout |
0 | Requested |
1 | Authorized |
2 | Submitted |
3 | Approved |
4 | Reversed |
5 | Failed |
6 | Queued |
7 | Assigned |
An Entity with IDs: action_no
and enum
(deprecated). "action_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Contract_End_Action entity.
Field name | Datatype |
action_no | Int |
action_no | label |
2 | Continue existing service without contract |
3 | Renew existing contract automatically |
6 | Terminate service and billing |
7 | Terminate service and billing and prorate final invoice |
8 | Rollover to a Plan and/or a Rate Schedule |
An Entity with IDs: scope_no
and enum
(deprecated). "scope_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Contract_Scope entity.
Field name | Datatype |
scope_no | Int |
scope_no | Label |
1 | Universal |
2 | Multi-plan |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Contract_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
-3 | Contract no longer in scope, usually due to mid-contract plan change on account. |
-2 | Contract terminated by client or system. |
-1 | Contract cancelled by end-user. |
0 | Contract completed and renewed. New contract record refers to this contract record. |
1 | Contract is currently in effect. |
99 | Contract completed, no renewal. |
An Entity with IDs: country_cd
and code
(deprecated). "country_cd" and "code" each independently identify the same Country entity.
| Field name | Datatype | Description |:----------------------|----------------------------------------- | country_cd | String | Defined by ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 (the 2 character code)
country_cd | Country |
"US" |
United States of America |
"GB" |
Great Britain |
"DE" |
Germany |
An Entity with IDs: scope_no
and enum
(deprecated). "scope_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Coupon_Application entity.
Field name | Datatype |
scope_no | Int |
scope_no | Label |
1 | Account |
2 | Master Plan Instance |
3 | Account or Master Plan Instance |
An Entity with IDs: directive_no
and enum
(deprecated). "directive_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Coupon_Directive entity.
Field name | Datatype |
directive_no | Int |
directive_no | Label |
1 | Add |
2 | Remove |
An Entity with IDs: reason_no
and enum
(deprecated). "reason_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Credit_Reason entity.
Field name | Datatype |
reason_no | Int |
reason_no | Label |
1 | General Credit/Other |
2 | Inadequate Service Delivery |
3 | Billing / Pricing Issue |
4 | Service no longer desired |
5 | Customer Dissatisfaction |
6 | Installation Issue |
8 | Shipping Error |
9 | Customer Return |
11 | System Testing |
98 | Prepay Credit Reconciliation |
200 | Automatic credit creation due to purchase of non-subscription offering with "Automatic Service Credit Creation" flag set. |
9999 | Coupon Application |
An Entity with IDs: type_no
and enum
(deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Credit_Ref_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_no | Int |
type_no | Label |
0 | Invoice Based Credit Memo |
1 | General |
2 | Price Change |
3 | Cancellation |
An Entity with IDs: currency_cd
and code
(deprecated). "currency_cd" and "enum" each independently identify the same Currency entity.
Field name | Datatype | Description |
currency_cd | String | Defined by ISO 4217 |
currency_cd | Currency |
"usd" |
United States dollar |
"eur" |
Euro |
"jpy" |
Japanese yen |
An Entity with IDs: behavior_cd
"behavior_cd" identifies the Discount_Behavior entity.
Field name | Datatype |
behavior_cd | Text |
type_cd | Label |
N | Apply to resulting net amount after previously applied discounts |
G | Apply to gross amount of the charge |
An Entity with IDs: duration_cd
"duration_cd" identifies the Discount_Rule_Duration entity.
Field name | Datatype |
duration_cd | Text |
type_cd | Label |
M | Months |
U | Uses |
T | No Expiration |
An Entity with IDs: scope_no
"scope_no" identifies the Discount_Rule_Scope entity.
Field name | Datatype |
scope_no | Int |
scope_no | Label |
0 | All Charges |
10 | All Plan Charges, All Plans |
11 | All Plan Charges, Specified Plans |
12 | All Plans, Specified Service Charges |
13 | Specified Plan/Service Charges |
21 | All Recurring Service Charges |
22 | All Usage Service Charges |
23 | All Activation Service Charges |
30 | All Non-subscription Offering Charges |
31 | Specified Non-subscription Offering Charges |
An Entity with IDs: type_cd
"type_cd" identifies the Discount_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_cd | Text |
type_cd | Label |
F | Fixed |
P | Percentage |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Dunning_Group_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
0 | Inactive |
1 | Active |
An Entity with IDs: state_no
and enum
(deprecated). "state_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Dunning_State entity.
Field name | Datatype |
state_no | Int |
state_no | Label |
0 | None |
1 | In Progress |
An Entity with IDs: dunning_process_no
, client_dunning_process_id
. "dunning_process_no" and "client_dunning_process_id" each independently identify the same rate schedule object.
Field name | Datatype | Description |
dunning_process_no | BigInt | |
client_dunning_process_id | Text | |
name | Text | |
description | Text | |
dunning_steps | Array<Dunning_Process$Dunning_Step | |
completion_notification_template | Ref<Notification_Template> | |
is_default | Boolean | |
plan_payment_assignments | Array<Account_Field$Allowed_Value> | |
plan_assignments | Array<Account_Field$Allowed_Value> | |
payment_assignments | Array<Account_Field$Allowed_Value> |
Dunning_Process Dunning_Step
A component Object of Dunning_Process
Field name | Datatype | Description |
step_no | BigInt | |
duration | BigInt | |
notification_template | Ref<Notification_Template> | |
contact_type_notified | Ref<Contact_Type_Notified> | |
fee_type | Ref<Fee_Type> | |
fee_configurations | Array<Dunning_Process$> |
Dunning_Process Plan_Payment_Assignment
A component Object of Dunning_Process
Field name | Datatype | Description |
master_plan | Ref<Plan> | |
payment_method_type | Ref<Payment_Method_Type> | |
payment_term | Ref<Payment_Term> |
Dunning_Process Plan_Assignment
A component Object of Dunning_Process
Field name | Datatype | Description |
master_plan | Ref<Plan> |
Dunning_Process Payment_Assignment
A component Object of Dunning_Process
Field name | Datatype | Description |
payment_method_type | Ref<Payment_Method_Type> | |
payment_term | Ref<Payment_Term> |
Dunning_Process Dunning_Step Fee_Configuration
A component Object of Dunning_Step
Field name | Datatype | Description |
currency | Ref<Currency> | |
rate | Ref<Decimal> |
Dunning_Process Dunning_Step Contact_Type_Notified
An Entity with ID: email_dest_no
Field name | Datatype |
email_dest_no | Int |
email_dest_no | Label |
0 | Default |
1 | Account only |
2 | Billing only |
3 | Statement only |
4 | Account & Billing |
5 | Account & Statement |
6 | Billing & Statement |
7 | Account & Billing & Statement |
Dunning_Process Dunning_Step Fee_Type
An Entity with ID: dunning_fee_type
dunning_fee_type | Label |
0 | None |
1 | Percentage Fee |
2 | Flat Fee |
An Entity with IDs: template_no
, client_template_id
. "template_no" and "client_template_id" each independently identify the same rate schedule object.
An Entity with ID: input_type
input_type | description |
"checkbox" | checkbox UI input control |
"radio" | radio UI input control |
"select" | select UI input control |
"text" | text UI input control |
"textarea" | textarea UI input control |
An Entity with IDs: reset_no
and enum
(deprecated). "reset_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Force_Bill_Date_Reset entity.
Field name | Datatype |
reset_no | Int |
reset_no | Label |
null |
Honor client parameter |
0 | No reset |
1 | Reset to status change date |
2 | Reset to anniversary |
An Entity with IDs: reset_no
and enum
(deprecated). "reset_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Force_Master_Bill_Date_Reset entity.
Field name | Datatype |
reset_no | Int |
reset_no | Label |
null |
Honor client parameter |
1 | No reset |
2 | Refer to API doc |
3 | Refer to API doc |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Fulfillment_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
0 | Not fulfilled |
1 | Invoiced |
2 | Ready for Invoice |
An Entity with IDs: group_no
, client_group_id
Specification of fields in this entity is TBA.
An Entity with IDs: usage_no
and enum
(deprecated). "usage_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Group_Usage entity.
Field name | Datatype |
usage_no | Int |
usage_no | Label |
0 | CSR Only |
1 | USS Only |
2 | Both CSR and USS |
An Entity with IDs: scope_cd
"scope_cd" identifies the Invoice_Application_Scope entity.
Field name | Datatype |
scope_cd | Text |
type_cd | Label |
E | Each Line Item |
M | All Line Items |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Invoice_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
0 | pending |
1 | not pending (approved) |
An Entity with IDs: type_cd
and code
(deprecated). "type_cd" and "code" each independently identify the same Invoice_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_cd | String |
type_cd | Label |
O | Order based invoice. |
P | Proration invoice. |
F | Full invoice. |
C | Combined invoice. |
R | Rebill invoice. |
An Entity with IDs: option_no
and enum
(deprecated). "option_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Invoicing_Option entity.
Field name | Datatype |
option_no | Int |
option_no | Label |
1 | Full Invoice |
2 | Prorated Invoice |
3 | Client default |
4 | No Invoice |
An Entity with IDs: status_cd
. "status_cd" each independently identify the same Invoice_Usage_Record_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_cd | String |
status_cd | Label |
null | Usage Billed |
U | Usage Unbilled |
D | Usage Discarded |
An Entity with ID: locale_no
Specification of fields in this entity is TBA.
An Entity with IDs: type_cd
An Entity with IDs: type_cd
An Entity with IDs: method_no
and enum
(deprecated). "method_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Notify_Method entity.
Field name | Datatype |
method_no | Int |
method_no | Label |
0 | None |
1 | HTML Email |
2 | Text Email |
3 | Text Email w/link to HTML |
4 | Data export |
5 | Printable with Surcharge |
6 | Printable & Text Email |
7 | Printable & HTML Email with Surcharge |
8 | Printable |
9 | PDF (Printing Required) |
10 | PDF Delivered via Email |
11 | PDF (Printing req & Email)w/surcharge |
12 | PDF (Printing req, no Email)w/surcharge |
13 | XML Master File |
14 | PDF Master File |
15 | XML Master File and HTML Email |
16 | XML Master File and Text Email |
17 | PDF Master File and HTML Email |
An Entity with IDs: type_no
and enum
(deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Object_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_no | Int |
type_no | Label |
1 | Plan |
2 | Nonsubscription Offering |
3 | Service Code |
4 | Usage Type |
Specification of fields in this entity is TBA.
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Order_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
-2 | Order Cancelled |
-1 | Order Rejected |
0 | Order Entry in Progress |
1 | Order Entered |
2 | Order Placed |
3 | Order Filled |
4 | Order Billed |
5 | Order Held |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Payment_Method_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
0 | Inactive |
1 | Active |
2 | One Time |
An Entity with IDs: type_no
and enum
(deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Payment_Method_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_no | Int |
type_no | Label |
-1 | External Payment |
0 | Other/None |
1 | Credit Card |
2 | Electronic Check (ACH) |
3 | Pre-Paid |
11 | PayPal Express Checkout |
13 | Tokenized Credit Card |
14 | Purchase Power |
20 | NETS |
21 | FIK |
26 | Direct Debit |
27 | Direct Debit - IBAN |
28 | Direct Debit - BBAN |
29 | Reserve Account |
30 | Boleto Bancario |
32 | iDEAL |
33 | WebMoney |
34 | Yandex |
35 | PaySafeCard |
36 | SOFORT |
37 | Tokenized Direct Debit |
38 | ApplePay - Indirect |
39 | PayPal Express Checkout - Indirect |
40 | Merchant Specific Gift Card |
An Entity with IDs: processor_no
and enum
(deprecated). "processor_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Payment_Processor entity.
Field name | Datatype |
processor_no | Int |
processor_no | Label |
0 | Other |
1 | Chase Paymentech |
2 | PayPal Payflow Pro |
4 | CyberSource |
5 | Authorize.Net |
15 | PayPal Express Checkout |
16 | GlobalCollect (to be deprecated) |
19 | PayJunction |
20 | DIBS Payment Services |
21 | Vantiv (Litle) |
22 | PB Purchase Power |
24 | NETS Collect |
25 | Generic |
26 | MercuryPay |
27 | ModusLink Global Payment System |
28 | Braintree |
29 | WorldPay |
30 | First Data PayPoint |
31 | Merchant e-Solutions |
32 | Paymetric |
33 | TNS |
34 | Adyen |
35 | First Data Payeezy |
36 | Ingenico (formerly GlobalCollect) |
An Entity with IDs: type_no
and enum
(deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Plan_Instance_Change_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_no | Int |
type_no | Label |
0 | Assign Plan |
1 | Assign Mandatory Child Plan |
2 | Replace Plan |
3 | Rollover Plan |
4 | Cancel Plan |
5 | Update Plan |
6 | Update Plan Status |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Plan_Instance_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
-3 | Terminated |
-2 | Cancelled |
-1 | Suspended |
0 | Inactive |
1 | Active |
2 | Pending Cancellation |
3 | Pending Termination |
31 | Pending Installation |
32 | Pending Activation |
41 | Trial |
61 | Active Non-Billable |
An Entity with IDs: enum
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Plan_Unit_Instance_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
Enum | Label |
0 | Inactive |
1 | Active |
An Entity with IDs: directive_no
and enum
(deprecated). "directive_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Product_Field_Assignment_Directive entity.
Field name | Datatype |
directive_no | Int |
directive_no | Label |
1 | New |
2 | Replace value |
3 | Remove specific Value |
4 | Remove name and value (clear field) |
An Entity with IDs: directive_no
and enum
(deprecated). "directive_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Proration_Directive entity.
Field name | Datatype |
directive_no | Int |
directive_no | Label |
1 | Anniversary assignment |
2 | Immediate with default prorate |
3 | Immediate with no proration |
4 | immediate with prorate all |
5 | immediate with prorate charge |
6 | Immediate with prorate credit |
7 | queued with default prorate |
8 | queued with no proration |
9 | queued with prorate all |
10 | queued with prorate charge |
11 | queued with prorate credit |
An Entity with IDs: option_no
and enum
(deprecated). "option_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Proration_Invoice_Timing_Option entity.
Field name | Datatype |
option_no | Int |
option_no | Label |
null |
Product catalog configuration |
0 | Immediate |
1 | Anniversary |
An Entity with IDs: type_no
. "type_no" independently identify the same Proration_Operation_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_no | Int |
option_no | Label |
10 | plan instance assignment |
20 | plan instance replacement |
31 | plan instance activation |
32 | plan unit change |
33 | (reserved for future use) |
40 | plan instance cancellation |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Queue_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
0 | Activate after date |
1 | Deactivate after date |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Queue_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
0 | Deleted |
1 | Queued |
2 | Executed successfully |
3 | Failed to execute |
An Entity with IDs: type_cd
and enum
(deprecated). "type_cd" and "enum" each independently identify the same Rate_Calculation_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_cd | Text |
type_cd | Label |
F | Fixed Amount |
S | Standard Percentage (Multiple Tiers) |
V | Volume Percentage (Single Tier) |
An Entity with IDs: reason_type_no
. "reason_type_no" identifies a Reason Type entity. These values are static and provided by Aria Systems
Field name | Datatype |
reason_type_no | Int |
reason_type_no | Label |
1 | rebill reason |
6 | write off reason |
10 | cash credit reason |
12 | refund reason |
23 | service credit reason |
24 | credit memo reason |
25 | coupon reason |
An Entity with IDs: reason_no
and enum
(deprecated). "reason_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Rebill_Reason entity. These values are client configurable and different for each client.
Field name | Datatype |
reason_no | Int |
An Entity with IDs: type_cd
and code
(deprecated). "type_cd" and "code" each independently identify the same Recurring_Credit_Expiration_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_cd | String |
type_cd | Label |
M | Month |
D | Days |
W | Week |
Y | Year |
An Entity with IDs: reason_no
and enum
(deprecated). "reason_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Recurring_Credit_Reason entity. These values are client configurable and different for each client.
Field name | Datatype |
reason_no | Int |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Recurring_Credit_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label |
-2 | Cancelled, Some Credits Created |
-1 | Cancelled, No Credits Created |
1 | Entered, No Credits Created |
2 | Credits Created, Incomplete |
3 | Credits Created, Complete |
An Entity with IDs: type_no
and enum
(deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Recurring_Credit_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_no | Int |
type_no | Label |
1 | Flat |
2 | Percentage |
An Entity with IDs: reason_no
and enum
(deprecated). "reason_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Refund_Reason entity.
Field name | Datatype |
reason_no | Int |
reason_no | Label |
1 | Account charged in error |
2 | Goods/services not delivered |
3 | Customer dissatisfaction |
4 | Cancellation of pre-paid service |
5 | Good Will |
6 | Overpayment / Duplicate payment |
7 | Wrong/undesired payment source charged |
99999999 | Other |
An Entity with IDs:type_no
, an INT value.
Field name | Datatype |
type_no | Int |
type_no | Label |
1 | Day |
2 | Week |
3 | Month |
An Entity with IDs: level_no
and enum
(deprecated). "level_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Responsibility_Level entity.
Field name | Datatype |
level_no | Int |
level_no | Label |
1 | Standard Self-Pay |
2 | Parent Pay |
3 | Parent Usage & Pay |
An Entity with IDs: service_location_no
, client_service_location_id
. "service_location_no" and "client_service_location_id" each independently identify the same service location object.
Field name | Datatype |
service_location_no | BigInt |
client_service_location_id | Text |
name | Text |
is_active | Boolean |
tax_engine_specific_location_id | Text |
company_name | Text |
street | Array<Text> |
city | Text |
county | Text |
locality | Text |
state_prov | Text |
country | Ref<Country> |
postal_code | Text |
created_tstamp | DateTime |
An Entity with IDs: type_cd
and code
(deprecated). "type_cd" and "code" each independently identify the same Service_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_cd | String |
type_cd | Name |
RC | Recurring |
SC | Surcharge |
US | Usage |
AC | Activation |
MS | Miscellaneous |
CN | Cancellation |
OR | Order Based |
TX | Tax |
MN | Minimum Fee |
RA | Recurring Arrears |
An Entity with IDs: status_no
and enum
(deprecated). "status_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Statement_Status entity.
Field name | Datatype |
status_no | Int |
status_no | Label | Description |
0 | New | Statement has been generated. |
1 | Sent | Statement has been delivered. |
2 | Paid | Full Payment has been received. |
3 | Late | Statement is unpaid and past due. |
5 | Late OK | This statement is late, but falls below the minimum balance criteria for active dunning to occur. |
6 | Late Electronic | This statement is late, but this account is processed via electronic methods. |
7 | Payment Reversed | The payment for the statement reversed |
An Entity with IDs: directive_no
and enum
(deprecated). "directive_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Surcharge_Directive entity.
Field name | Datatype |
directive_no | Int |
directive_no | Label |
1 | Add |
2 | Remove |
An Entity with IDs: level_no
and enum
(deprecated). "level_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Tax_Authority_Level entity.
Field name | Datatype |
level_no | Int |
level_no | Label |
0 | country |
1 | state |
2 | county |
3 | city |
4 | unincorporated |
5 | district |
An Entity with IDs: level_no
and enum
(deprecated). "level_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Tax_Exempt_Level entity.
Field name | Datatype |
level_no | Int |
level_no | Label |
0 | No tax exemption |
1 | State/Province Tax Exempt |
2 | Federal/National Tax Exempt |
3 | State/Province and Federal/National Tax Exempt |
An Entity with IDs: group_no
and enum
(deprecated). "group_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Tax_Service_Group entity. These values are client configurable and different for each client.
Field name | Datatype |
group_no | Int |
client_group_id | String |
An Entity with IDs: class_cd
and code
(deprecated). "class_cd" and "code" each independently identify the same Template_Class entity.
Field name | Datatype |
class_cd | String |
class_cd | Label |
A | Account Activation |
B | Broadcast |
BJA | Batch Job Alert Email Template |
C | Credit Card Expiry |
C2 | Electronic Collection Attempt |
C3 | Credit Card Update Required |
CCN | Copy Config Notification |
CEC | Contract End: Continue existing service without contract |
CECS | Contract End: Continue existing service without contract |
CECSS | Contract End: Continue existing service (standard rates) |
CER | Contract End: Renew automatically |
CERA | Contract End: Renew automatically |
CERO | Contract End: Rollover automatically |
CES | Contract End: Suspend service and billing |
CESP | Contract End: Suspend service and billing (prorate final invoice) |
CET | Contract End: Terminate service and billing |
CETP | Contract End: Terminate Service and Billing (Proration) |
CM | Credit Memo |
CN | Credit Note |
D | Dunning |
I | Invoice/Statement |
MPD | Master Plan Instance Deprovisioned |
N | Account Comment/Note |
NDO | Daily Unit Usage Threshold Over |
NDU | Daily Unit Usage Threshold Under |
NMO | MTD Unit Usage Threshold Over |
NMU | MTD Unit Usage Threshold Under |
NPO | PTD Unit Usage Threshold Over |
NPU | PTD Unit Usage Threshold Under |
NSP | Non Electronic Payment |
O | Other |
P | Password Reminder/Reset |
PMR | Payment Method Removal |
PMTR01 | Payment Reminder 01 |
PMTR02 | Payment Reminder 02 |
PMTR03 | Payment Reminder 03 |
PR | Default Payment Reminder |
PR1 | Payment Reminder 01 |
PR2 | Payment Reminder 02 |
PR3 | Payment Reminder 03 |
PT1 | Payment Terms Reminder 01 |
PT2 | Payment Terms Reminder 02 |
PT3 | Payment Terms Reminder 03 |
R | Contract Expiry/Renewal |
R2 | Electronic Refund Processed Notification |
RB | Rebill |
S | Service Plan Change |
S2 | Supplemental Service Plan Change |
T | Account Termination |
U | Unknown |
UCO | Unapplied Service Credit Usage Threshold Over |
UCU | Unapplied Service Credit Usage Threshold Under |
UMO | MTD Usage Threshold Over |
UMU | MTD Usage Threshold Under |
UPO | PTD Usage Threshold Over |
UPU | PTD Usage Threshold Under |
An Entity with IDs: behavior_no
and enum
(deprecated). "behavior_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Template_Distillation_Behavior entity.
Field name | Datatype |
behavior_no | Int |
behavior_no | Label |
1 | Distill and Send Message |
2 | Distill Message But Do Not Send |
3 | Produce No Message |
An Entity with IDs: type_no
and enum
(deprecated). "type_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Transaction_Type entity.
Field name | Datatype |
type_no | Int |
type_no | Label | charge/credit |
2 | External Payment | credit |
3 | Electronic Payment | credit |
4 | Balance Transfer To | charge |
5 | Balance Transfer From | credit |
6 | Write Off | credit |
8 | Invoice Reversal Line | credit |
9 | Balance Forward | charge |
10 | Cash Credit | credit |
12 | Electronic Refund Disbursement | charge |
13 | Check Refund Disbursement | charge |
15 | Dunning Charge | charge |
16 | Reinstated Charge | charge |
17 | Reinstated Payment | credit |
18 | Negative Balance Forward | credit |
21 | Invoice Charge Line | charge |
22 | Invoice Credit Line | credit |
24 | Credit Memo Line | credit |
An Entity with IDs: option_no
and enum
(deprecated). "option_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Usage_Accumulation_Renewal_Option entity.
Field name | Datatype |
option_no | Int |
option_no | Label |
1 | Recurring / Auto Renew (Default) |
2 | Single Use |
An Entity with IDs: reason_no
and enum
(deprecated). "reason_no" and "enum" each independently identify the same Write_Off_Reason entity.
Field name | Datatype |
reason_no | Int |
reason_no | Label |
0 | Bad Debt |
1 | Good Will |
2 | Billing Error |
3 | Sales Return |
4 | Promotional Discount |
5 | Other |
9001 | Charge Dispute Hold |
9999 | System-enforced conversion of dispute to permanent write-off |