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Aria Knowledge Central

Generate an Invoice


You can generate a new invoice from the Invoices screen, if the corresponding account is in a billable state, by following the steps below.

Generating an Invoice

Getting Here: Click Accounts > search for an account > Statements & Invoices > Invoices tab

  1. Click the Generate Invoice link.
  2. Select one of the following from the Generate Options list:
  • Account: Generate an invoice for the entire account
  • Billing Group: Generate an invoice for a specific billing group. If you select this option, a dropdown menu displays a list of available billing groups. Select one to continue.
  • Master Plan Instance: Generate an invoice for a Master Plan Instance. If you select this option, a dropdown menu displays a list of available Master Plan Instances. Select one to continue.
  1. Select one of the following from the Invoice Type list:
  • Immediate Invoice: Generates the invoice immediately. If the Combine Invoices configuration setting (found in Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings) is True, you have selected Master Plan Instance in the previous step, and an account's Master Plan Instance qualifies for combined invoices, you can choose to combine invoices when you generate an invoice. A Plan qualifies for combined invoices if no invoices have been created for more than one previous billing cycle. Select one of the following options under Combine Invoices (If Applicable).
    • Short Cycle (Multiple Invoices): Create one invoice per billing period (default).
    • Long Cycle (Combine Invoices): Create a combined invoice that covers multiple billing periods. This option must be configured to be available. See Combine Invoices on One Bill for details.

Note: If a Plan instance has a pending Plan rollover, contract rollover, or other future Plan change, a long cycle invoice is not available and this selection generates an error message.

  • Pending Invoice: Generates the invoice in a "pending" status and can be acted upon later. An invoice that is set in a "pending" status displays in the Pending Invoices screen.
  • Advance Invoice: Generate the invoice in advance of the allowed bill lag days for a billing anniversary date. The amount of time that an invoice may be generated in advance depends on the billing intervals of an account's purchased Plans.
  1. If you are generating an initial invoice for an account, billing group, or Master Plan Instance, you can select an alternate bill day. This option does not display for advanced invoices or if an invoice has already been generated for the account, billing group, or a Master Plan Instance.

Note: Only one invoice may be created for any account, billing group, or Master Plan Instance at a time. No other invoice can be applied to these items until the current pending invoice is approved.

  1. Click Generate Invoice.

The invoice generates as a CSV file.

Note: The invoice does not generate if the account's billing date is in the future.

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