Data Feed 62 Release
Data Feed - 62 Release Notes
- Data Feed - 62 Release Notes
- New Installment Term Object (EXTRACT-9832), (EXTRACT-9833), (EXTRACT-9834), (EXTRACT-9835), (EXTRACT-9836), (EXTRACT-9730), (EXTRACT-9731).
- NSO LOM - add default installment term (EXTRACT-9732)
- Invoice Line / Pending Invoice Line - installment_term_no reference (EXTRACT-9733)
- Order Line Qualifiers Snowflake Support (EXTRACT-10017)
- Installment Changes on Statement (EXTRACT-9737)
- Installment Change on Order Line (EXTRACT-9761)
New Installment Term Object (EXTRACT-9832), (EXTRACT-9833), (EXTRACT-9834), (EXTRACT-9835), (EXTRACT-9836), (EXTRACT-9730), (EXTRACT-9731).
(Data Feed, Universal Connector, Snowflake)
A new catalog object called Installment Term has been added into Data Feed. A sample payload of this new Installment Term object can be seen below:
{ "client_term_id": "Term-5-Statements-Aligned", "created_tstamp": "2024-12-27T12:42:14.718+01:00", "days_til_due": null, "days_to_start": null, "description": null, "frequency": null, "interval_type": null, "interval_value": 5, "is_aligned": true, "lump_sum": { "allocation": { "ids": { "type_cd": "P" }, "type": "Lump_Sum_Allocation" }, "amount": 45, "days": null, "days_til_due": null, "notification": { "ids": { "option_no": 1 }, "type": "Installment_Notification_Option" } }, "name": "Term-5-Statements-Aligned", "nonsubscription_offerings": [ { "ids": { "client_sku": "SKU_181734661534", "nonsubscription_offering_no": 6948 }, "type": "NonSubscription_Offering" } ], "status": { "ids": { "status_no": 1 }, "type": "Installment_Term_Status" }, "term_no": 501, "updated_tstamp": "2024-12-27T12:42:14.718+01:00" }
Both Snowflake and Universal Services now also include this new Installment Term object.
Snowflake objects associated with Installment Term include:
- sharez.vm_installment_terms (merged main installment table)
- sharez.vc_installment_terms (change main installment table)
- sharez.vm_it_nonsubscription_offerings (merged main installment nso mapping table)
- sharez.vc_it_nonsubscription_offerings (change main installment nso mapping table)
NSO LOM - add default installment term (EXTRACT-9732)
(Data Feed, Universal Connector, Snowflake)
A new field titled <default_installment_term> has been added within the NonSubscription_Offering LOM with the following field structure:
"default_installment_term": { "ids": { "client_term_id": "TESTING1", "term_no": 65 }, "type": "Installment_Term" },
Both Snowflake and Universal Services now also include this new <default_installment_term> field.
Below are the affected Snowflake table names:
- sharez.vc_nonsubscription_offerings
- sharez.vm_nonsubscription_offerings
Invoice Line / Pending Invoice Line - installment_term_no reference (EXTRACT-9733)
(Data Feed, Universal Connector, Snowflake)
A new field titled <installment_term> has been added in the Transaction and Pending_Invoice_Line LOMs. The <installment_term> field has the following structure:
"installment_term": { "ids": { "client_term_id": "TESTING1", "term_no": 65 }, "type": "Installment_Term" }
Both Snowflake and Universal Services now also include this new <installment_term> field.
Below are the affected Snowflake table names:
- sharez.vc_transactions
- sharez.vm_transactions
- sharez.vc_pending_invoice_lines
- sharez.vm_pending_invoice_lines
Order Line Qualifiers Snowflake Support (EXTRACT-10017)
(Data Feed, Universal Connector, Snowflake)
The supplemental field <order_line_supp_fields> has been added within the Order Line LOM to hold Order Line Qualifiers. A sample of the field structure is as follows:
"order_line_supp_fields": [ { "field_name": "order_line_q_name_11732320324", "field_value": "order_line_q_val_11732320324" }, { "field_name": "order_line_q_name_21732320324", "field_value": "order_line_q_val_21732320324" } ]
Both Snowflake and Universal Services now also include this new supplemental field.
New Snowflake views have been created to support the <order_line_supp_fields> field:
- vm_order_line_supp_fields
- vc_order_line_supp_fields
Installment Changes on Statement (EXTRACT-9737)
(Data Feed, Universal Connector, Snowflake)
A new field <is_on_installment> has been added in the Statement LOM to indicate whether or not the statement contains installment related details. A sample of this boolean field can be seen below:
"is_on_installment": false
Both Snowflake and Universal Services now also include this new field.
Below are the affected Snowflake table names:
- sharez.vc_statements
- sharez.vm_statements
Installment Change on Order Line (EXTRACT-9761)
(Data Feed, Universal Connector, Snowflake)
A new field titled <installment_term> has been added in the Order_Line LOM to display the installment that is linked to the order line. A sample of this new field can be seen below:
"installment_term": { "ids": { "client_term_id": "No-LumP-Sum-Aligned", "term_no": 601 }
Both Snowflake and Universal Services now also include this new field.
Below are the affected Snowflake table names:
- sharez.vc_order_lines
- sharez.vm_order_lines