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Aria Knowledge Central

AMPS 2.9 Release


New and Improved Functionality

This section covers the release notes related to new functionality and capabilities added to AMPS. For this release the following functionality have been made available:

Retrieve Product (WFAMPS-40)

This enhancement will introduce the ability to retrieve all details on a given product. Using the API it is possible to:

  1. Retrieve product details using the ARIA plan number
  2. Retrieve product details using the client defined product ID
  3. Retrieve all product details for a given title

Refer to the integration specification for the "Retrieve Product [ProdRetrieveProduct]" API. JSON schemas are also available.

This provides the ability to read the product details without the need to call "Get Eligible Offerings [SubsGetEligibleOfferings]"

Application Fixes

Format of value fields differs across migration input fields (WFAMPS-1725)

This application fix resolves an issue with formats of different attributes in the migration input files. The formatting was not consistent and contain a mix of European and US formatting. The formatting is now consistent across the file.

Underpayments within threshold not written off for immediately paid invoices (WFAMPS-2366)

This application fix resolves an issue where immediately paid invoices did not have the underpayment written off as expected. A check has been introduced to ensure that if a payment has been allocated to the new invoice and that payment comes within the underpayment threshold of the invoice, then the underpayment is written off. Payments on the invoice such as credit notes, service credits, etc. will not cause the underpayment to be written off.

Event timestamp update (WFAMPS-2372)

This application fix resolves an issue where the event timestamp in some events were off by 1 hour. The process has been updated to use the correct timestamp when handling the ARIA 734 event.

Presence of 'CANCEL_ACCT_PLAN_M' records in API_QUEUE preventing invoice creation (WFAMPS-2376)

This application fix resolves an issue where the presence of a cancellation or replace action prevented ARIA from producing the required invoices. To overcome this issue a number of changes has been made to the cancellation and replace actions in "Manage Subscription [SubsManageSubscription]". The following changes have been made for the SPECIFIC-DATE change method:

  • If the specified changeDate equals the current date, then the change method is changed to IMMEDIATE, and the action is performed immediately. No future action is created in ARIA or AMPS.
  • If the specified changeDate is a date in the future, and the date is identical to the anniversary date of the subscription, then the change method is changed to ANNIVERSARY. The change is registered in ARIA immediately for execution on the anniversary date, and a future change is registered in AMPS on the anniversary date.
  • If the specified changeDate is a date in the future and it is not identical to the anniversary date, then the future change is registered in both AMPS and ARIA immediately. The future change will be scheduled on the specified date. For cancellations, the contract created for the cancellation is schedule to take place 1 day earlier than the changeDate. This is to avoid creation of prorated amounts and is due to the way ARIA works.

Changing rate schedule on anniversary credits current invoice (WFAMPS-2378)

This application fix resolves an issue where REPLACE action in AMPS API "Manage Subscription [SubsManageSubscription]" incorrectly created credit notes for the current invoice. This issue has been resolved by introducing additional validation depending on the data being replaced. The following applies:

  • New Product to be assigned - If a new product is specified in newAriaPlanID / newAriaPlanNo, i.e., the current product is replaced with another product. changeMethod of IMMEDIATE, ANNIVERSARY and SPECIFIC-DATE is allowed. When changing the subscription, newAriaPlanRateScheduleID, numberOfUnits, selectedDeliveryDays, selectedDeliveryCharges can also be updated.
  • Same product with new rate schedule - If the same product is specified in newAriaPlanID / newAriaPlanNo, and a new rate schedule is provided in newAriaPlanRateScheduleID, i.e., one that does not match the current rate schedule then selectedDeliveryDays and selectedDeliveryCharges can also be updated. Supported changeMethod is IMMEDIATE and ANNIVERSARY. SPECIFIC-DATE replacement is NOT supported, as this causes issues when producing invoices early due to bill-lag-days settings
  • Same product and new rate schedule and units - If the same product is specified in newAriaPlanID / newAriaPlanNo, and a new rate schedule is provided in newAriaPlanRateScheduleID, i.e., one that does not match the current rate schedule and numberOfUnits have also been changed, then changeMethod supported is IMMEDIATE and ANNIVERSARY. SPECIFIC-DATE replacement is NOT supported, as this causes issues when producing invoices early due to bill-lag-days settings. When using IMMEDIATE change then proration credits, credit notes and new invoices will be generated.
  • Same product and rate schedule with new delivery charges or units - If the same product is specified in newAriaPlanID / newAriaPlanNo, and the same rate schedule is provided in newAriaPlanRate-ScheduleID, i.e., the same plan and rate schedule applies, and selectedDeliveryCharges or numberOf-Units are different than that already on the subscription, then changeMethod IMMEDIATE and ANNIVERSARY is allowed. SPECIFIC-DATE replace is NOT supported, as the change causes issues when producing invoices early due to bill-lag-days settings. When using IMMEDIATE change in this scenario, the rate schedule is changed immediately, but will not come into effect until the next anniversary invoice.
  • Same product and rate schedule with new delivery days - If the same product is specified in newAriaPlanID / newAriaPlanNo, and the same rate schedule is provided in newAriaPlanRate-ScheduleID, i.e. the same plan and rate schedule applies, and only selectedDeliveryDays is different than that already on the subscription, then changeMethod IMMEDIATE, ANNIVERSARY and SPECIFIC-DATE is allowed. This kind of change does not impact the billing of the subscription in any way. It controls only delivery of physical papers

Regression-Bundle Modification is not updated for the bundles created (WFAMPS-2384)

This application fix resolves an issue where the API produced an exception. To resolve the issue additional validation has been added to ensure the required information is available when needed. An issue with the API not returning correct name and description references for translations has also been resolved.

Regression-Remove Bundle is not removing the bundle created detail from the bundle management (WFAMPS-2385)

This application fix resolves an issue where the bundle was not correctly removed despite using an action of REMOVE. This has now been resolved, and the bundle is removed from the system as required.

Exception while checking contracts in Anniversary Cancellation (WFAMPS-2406)

This application fix resolves an issue where the cancellation of a subscription handled by "Manage Subscription [SubsManageSubscription]", triggered an exception in workflow due to missing information. This issue has now been resolved and the process correctly handles the missing details.

Payment events does not create FinmAMPSTransDetail information (WFAMPS-2429)

This application fix resolves an issue where payments made via an ARIA managed payment gateway like ADYEN or DIBS, was not correctly registered in AMPS. Payments made by credit cards are now correctly registered in the "Financial Management" tables when processing the payment events received from ARIA.

Changing payment frequency with a future unpaid invoice fails (WFAMPS-2431)

This application fix resolves an issue where future invoices were incorrectly credited. When changing the rate schedule of a subscription, ARIA does not trigger any proration, and therefore the future invoices should not be credited. The change in rate schedule will come into effect when issue the next invoice in ARIA.

Adjustment to Notification Emails (WFAMPS-2435)

This application fix resolves a number of issues related to the formatting of dunning and refund notifications.

Overlap at the delivery address (WFAMPS-2439)

This application fix resolves an issue where "Change Address [DistChangeAddr]" allowed overlaps in delivery days for a given address change, for example allowing delivery on Mondays for both address number 1 and 2. This has now been resolved, and if the caller provides overlapping delivery days, the API call will return an error.

Missing Sharer Details in SubsRetrieveSubscription (WFAMPS-2446)

This application fix resolves an issue where "Retrieve Subscription [SubsRetrieveSubscription]" did not return sharing information from the product in all situations. This has now been corrected.

Increase "Text Length" for fields in Tables (WFAMPS-2451)

This application fix resolves an issue where the length of certain fields in the database was limited to 255 characters even though they should be able to contain much more. The issue has been resolved by change the table definition to allow longer texts. The application fix covers tables in Discount, Bundle, Campaign and Complaint Management.

Change PERIOD setting in ERP for some postings (WFAMPS-2457)

This application fix resolves an issue where the setting of the period was not correct for postings with posting type PT and R0. The process has been updated to always use the transaction date in these scenarios, and also to change the period if the transaction date refers to a date in prior months, i.e. in the future it is not possible to have backdated PT and R0 postings.

Migration status updates failed (WFAMPS-2460)

This application fix resolves a number of issues in the migration process. In some situations setting the invoice status (to MIGRATED-PERM1 and MIGRATED-UPD") in "Invoice Details [DocmInvoiceDetails]" failed due to an incorrect payment status. This has now been resolved so the status is correctly set in all scenarios.

SubsProcessWriteOff - file not processed (WFAMPS-2461)

This application fix resolves an issue where the "Process Automatic Write-off [SubsProcessWriteoff]" did not correctly process each record in the report received from ARIA. This has now been corrected.

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