AMPS 2.18.1 Release
Enhancements and fixes to Aria Media Publishing Suite (AMPS) for this release are described below.
Release Date
2 June 2023
Release 2.18.1 Contents
- New and Improved Functionality
- Application Fixes
- Status Changes on Existing Plans Following Migration (WFAMPS-4029)
- Fix complaint status (WFAMPS-4007)
- ERP: Incorrect service credit postings (WFAMPS-4054)
- ERP: Payments from PaymentRequests are disappearing (WFAMPS-4079)
- Term based campaign future change has not been applied (WFAMPS-4080)
- Subscription created with future activation date and term based campaign has no campaign details (WFAMPS-4104)
- Improvement to balance transfer functionality for payments and refunds (WFAMPS-4118)
- ERP: Unmatched payment not posted after match (WFAMPS-4122)
- SPECIFIC-DATE cancellation - Missing invoice billing period (WFAMPS-3923)
- Invoice XML to FarPay to support discount setting 'Invoice Display Method' (WFAMPS-4062)
- CSPECIFIC-DATE cancellation updated to cancel on later date does not credit invoices (WFAMPS-4055)
- ARIA core incorrectly issues invoices after Specific-Date cancellations (WFAMPS-4023)
- Tax is getting applied twice when user is selected tax-exclusive services for PRICE_PERIOD model (WFAMPS-3993)
- SPECIFIC-DATE cancellation in future bill period updated to cancel on earlier date not processed correctly (WFAMPS-4056)
- Payments with correct customer invoice marked FAILED (WFAMPS-4105)
- Credit and Reissue fails when handling surcharges (WFAMPS-3566)
- PRICE-PERIOD support for multiple chargeable services (WFAMPS-3597)
- Empty response received when canceling subscription (WFAMPS-4058)
- FINAL-INVOICE not being correctly calculated (WFAMPS-3337)
- Change of units on retailers doesn't work (WFAMPS-4022)
- Sender CVR is not correct in Invoice XML sent to FarPay (WFAMPS-4032)
- Invoices failing in Stampen & Polaris prod (WFAMPS-3994)
- ANNIVERSARY date cancellation does not move anniversary date when converting to SPECIFIC-DATE (WFAMPS-3992)
- Retry processing of Faray Payment & Agreement files (WFAMPS-4030)
- Refunds to be posted immediately once approved (WFAMPS-4057)
- Return of future changes does not reflect group queue / queue structure (WFAMPS-4065)
- Unmatched Payments in Failed Status (WFAMPS-4077)
- ERP: file size is large – to be sent in separate emails (WFAMPS-4094)
- Invoice XML “InvoiceTaxSpecification” not set correctly when taxes are not applied (WFAMPS-3720)
- Invoice XML has duplicate PriceModelSpecifications under services (WFAMPS-3414)
- ERP: Missing ERP posting file (WFAMPS-3979)
- compCheckComplaintEligibility provides complaintEligible status 'true' for cancelled subscription (WFAMPS-4059)
- MPI is active but unable to complain - Delivery of product is suspended (WFAMPS-4038)
- Exception encountered when attempting 'Credit and Reissue' of invoice (WFAMPS-4026)
- Unable to cancel Future Activation subscription immediately (WFAMPS-4097)
- Incorrect future execution date is set on DELIVERY-STOP when no title Calendar is found (WFAMPS-4004)
New and Improved Functionality
This section covers the release notes related to new functionality and capabilities added to AMPS. For this release no new enhancement has been developed.
ERP: Service credits to be recognized immediately with updated descriptions (WFAMPS-4089)
This client specific enhancement will allow service credits and discounts to be recognized in first period only and not periodize it over the duration of the invoice. In addition, “posting_desc” column will include more information about the invoice line being recognized.
Exclude line items in financial document xml for access services (WFAMPS-3528)
We have updated financial document processing to have functionality to include or exclude Service Lines in XML file generated for financial documents. A new parameter called "Include Access Invoice Lines [DocmIncludeAccessInvoiceLines]" will be used to control if the document should include service lines or not. The available options are “INCLUDE” (the default) which includes the service invoice lines, or “EXCLUDE” which does not include them.
OIOUBL: Change to AccountingCustomerParty, PartyLegalEntity, CompanyID (WFAMPS-4014)
This enhancement contains a minor change to OIOUBL to support the public standard requirements. AccountingCustomerParty, ID and CompanyID will now contain the same schemeID ("DK:CVR").
Application Fixes
This version sees the following application fixes deployed:
Status Changes on Existing Plans Following Migration (WFAMPS-4029)
To fix this issue, a change is made to simplify the process of status changes on existing plans following migration. The process has been adjusted to remove the code that deletes any future changes logged in Aria.
Fix complaint status (WFAMPS-4007)
This fix will allow users to update complaint status (compComplaintStatus) and in case of failures during sending information to distribution system, it will update compProcessingStatus. This distinction will allow users to close a complaint regardless of the outcomes of process sending information to distribution system.
ERP: Incorrect service credit postings (WFAMPS-4054)
This fix doesn’t apply to ERP process for all clients. The ERP process has been updated and now allows invoices and credit notes to be produced with various combinations of a campaign, recurring plan, discounts and service credits applied. To use this feature correctly, be sure to apply the full payment to the produced invoice. This fix ensures that service credits are correctly applied and recorded.
ERP: Payments from PaymentRequests are disappearing (WFAMPS-4079)
This fix doesn’t apply to ERP process for all clients. To fix this issue, A change has been implemented to correct the handling of the initial payment. If a callback is received with a gateway status of "Executed" and the gateway amount received is different than the current gateway amount in the Payment Request, the gateway amount of the current Payment Request will be updated with the callback amount.
Term based campaign future change has not been applied (WFAMPS-4080)
This bug was introduced after release 48 of Aria Core. This bug will fix the issue where plan was not rolled over to new rate at the end of one term.
Subscription created with future activation date and term based campaign has no campaign details (WFAMPS-4104)
This bugfix has improved recording of term based campaign details in Aria. Now all campaigns with immediate or future action will have Campaign ID values set in Aria.
Improvement to balance transfer functionality for payments and refunds (WFAMPS-4118)
The feature that allows transferring of funds with-in accounts in aria needed improvements in providing correct information for Audit Trail. Following changes are made:
- Correct messages (generated by Aria Core) are used for both “FROM” and “TO” accounts.
- For the Refund, a RefundProcess of ‘INTERNAL’ is assigned and the TransSource is set to “BALANCE-TRANSFER”
- For the Payment, a PaymentSource of “MANUAL” is assigned and PaymentOrigin is set to “BALANCE-TRANSFER”
ERP: Unmatched payment not posted after match (WFAMPS-4122)
This fix doesn’t apply to ERP process for all clients. Unmatched payments will use paymentPostedDate to register payments after match, which was being set to paymentPostedDate. The ERP will now be able to report all payments that have been matched.
SPECIFIC-DATE cancellation - Missing invoice billing period (WFAMPS-3923)
This bugfix caters to the issue of missing invoice periods when a specific-date cancellation was used to override an existing specific-date cancellation.
Invoice XML to FarPay to support discount setting 'Invoice Display Method' (WFAMPS-4062)
“Invoice Display Method” was introduced to minimize number of legacy rate schedule that needed to be created in Aria to support migration. However, the OIOUBL document generated for accounts that got migrated with “Invoice Display Method” did not contain correct invoice amounts. To fix this issue, updated the process that populates the unit price in the AMPS XML.
CSPECIFIC-DATE cancellation updated to cancel on later date does not credit invoices (WFAMPS-4055)
This bugfix is for a specific date cancellation where a cancellation already exists on the subscription, and that cancellation date is before the new cancellation date. The cancellation process will now correctly credit the most recent invoice in full, reset the anniversary date back to the start date of the credited invoice, and then produce a new invoice covering the period from the start of the period, and the new cancellation date.
ARIA core incorrectly issues invoices after Specific-Date cancellations (WFAMPS-4023)
The new process will adjust anniversary date after a specific date cancellation has been registered. This enhancement will allow us to generate correct invoice at the registration of each specific-date cancellation. If user tries to change the cancellation date, by registering a new specific-date cancellation, the process will be able to generate correct invoice without leaving any un-invoiced period.
Tax is getting applied twice when user is selected tax-exclusive services for PRICE_PERIOD model (WFAMPS-3993)
The Subscription Management component has been updated to address an issue where customers are being charged twice the amount for tax when selecting tax-exclusive services on the PRICE_PERIOD rate model. The custom rate now correctly utilizes the tax-exclusive amount if the service has been marked as tax-exclusive in the catalog.
SPECIFIC-DATE cancellation in future bill period updated to cancel on earlier date not processed correctly (WFAMPS-4056)
To fix this issue, SubsManageSubscription has been updated to address an issue where nextBillDate was not set up properly. This bug was occuring in cases where user tried to register cancellation on a date earlier than an already existing cancellation.
Payments with correct customer invoice marked FAILED (WFAMPS-4105)
To fix this issue, PaymProcessPayment is improved to identify and mark payments associated to customer invoices as SUCCESSFUL. Upon receiving CASH CREDIT events, the get_cash_credits_details_m and the applied_cash_credits procedure will be used to detect and update payments associated to customer invoices.
Credit and Reissue fails when handling surcharges (WFAMPS-3566)
To fix this issue, updated the DocmManageDocument processes to improve handling of surcharges. This update will ensure that the DocmManageDocument processes tax correctly and not include VAT for surcharges that are tax exclusive. This release will also introduce the ability to correctly get base information on tax inclusive and tax exclusive amounts during credit memo generation.
PRICE-PERIOD support for multiple chargeable services (WFAMPS-3597)
To fix this issue, The process has been updated to improve the handling of multiple chargeable services. Different Charge Types are now included in the logic flow and different tax-rates/tax-inclusion is supported.
Empty response received when canceling subscription (WFAMPS-4058)
The issue where an empty response was sent when canceling a subscription has been fixed. The process was not setting correct response when it found an order-based invoice (without recurring bill from and recurring bill to dates).
FINAL-INVOICE not being correctly calculated (WFAMPS-3337)
To fix this issue, where final Invoice amounts were not being correctly calculated. DocmProcDunningNotice and SubsProcessFutureAction processes have been updated to correctly handle final invoice amounts where amounts are given tax inclusive/exclusive. The tax_inclusive_ind in get_all_invoice_information_m can be used to determine in tax inclusive/exclusive settings, and the taxation of the FIN-SUBSCRIPTION NSO used to produce the final invoice order has been also considered.
Change of units on retailers doesn't work (WFAMPS-4022)
To fix this bug, SubsManageSubscription API is updated to register an address change with updated number of units. This address change will send relevant information to distribution system.
Sender CVR is not correct in Invoice XML sent to FarPay (WFAMPS-4032)
This bugfix will set correct sender CVR when generation OIOUBL to be sent to FarPay. The CVR will be a valid one i.e., as per specifications and will have 8 digits with "DK" in front. Example: DK12345678.
Invoices failing in Stampen & Polaris prod (WFAMPS-3994)
Fixed an issue with the process that produces XML documents for both invoices and credit notes. Existing process was unable to fetch correct tax details for internal taxation (service no. 10004). New process will use line type retrieved from Aria for the invoice line, to get correct taxation information from taxation tables in AMPS. The process has also improved same process to get correct information for surcharges.
ANNIVERSARY date cancellation does not move anniversary date when converting to SPECIFIC-DATE (WFAMPS-3992)
To fix this issue, updated SubsManageSubscriptions to ensure that when executing an ANNIVERSARY date cancellation, any associated future unpaid invoices will be credited, and the cancellation will be scheduled to the anniversary of the paid period. This change ensures that upon cancellation removal the customer will only be charged for the services they qualify to receive.
Retry processing of Faray Payment & Agreement files (WFAMPS-4030)
To bugfix will allow AMPS to process any FarPay agreements or payments files that got failed due to issues with updating delivery ID. A new field “fileAllowRetry” is introduced which will enable AMPS to find records that need reprocessing.
Refunds to be posted immediately once approved (WFAMPS-4057)
To fix this issue, PaymManageRefund API is updated to immediately post refund requests where actionDirective received in request is “APPROVE” and the status of the refund is “COMPLETE”.
Return of future changes does not reflect group queue / queue structure (WFAMPS-4065)
To fix this issue, updated the SubsRetrieveSubscription response structure to improve the accuracy of the future changes representation. SubsRetrieveSubscriptionFutureChanges field of the response now contains an array instead of a single entry, and entries belonging to the same group are included in the list under the group.
Unmatched Payments in Failed Status (WFAMPS-4077)
Payment processing of unmatched payments is updated to generate a unique reference number. If the receiptNo of the payment process has length greater than 32 – it will be trimmed to bring it down to threshold.
ERP: file size is large – to be sent in separate emails (WFAMPS-4094)
This bugfix will allow splitting ERP file into more than one files if the size is too large and can’t be attached to the email.
Invoice XML “InvoiceTaxSpecification” not set correctly when taxes are not applied (WFAMPS-3720)
The process to produce Invoice XML is updated to reflect correct amounts for services (both tax inclusive and tax exclusive) when a service credit is applied.
Invoice XML has duplicate PriceModelSpecifications under services (WFAMPS-3414)
To fix this issue, document creation process is updated to add price model details only to the relevant services. Services that are not included (where ChargeType is not “CHARGE”), will not have price model details in invoice XML.
ERP: Missing ERP posting file (WFAMPS-3979)
This fix doesn’t apply to ERP process for all clients. The process was updated to zip the file before attaching it to email. It ensures that SFTP doesn’t get the zipped file.
compCheckComplaintEligibility provides complaintEligible status 'true' for cancelled subscription (WFAMPS-4059)
The API was updated to correctly send back complaintEligibility in response. The status is correctly set to “FALSE” for subscriptions that have been cancelled on or before complaint date.
MPI is active but unable to complain - Delivery of product is suspended (WFAMPS-4038)
To fix this issue, the process that create STARTS for REACTIVATION is updated toensures that a START will be created regardless of whether it is in a Temp Stop. The process update will also ensure that no Products will be delivered during the time that the process is in Suspended.
Exception encountered when attempting 'Credit and Reissue' of invoice (WFAMPS-4026)
Credit and Reissue process does is not available for campaign-based invoices. To fix this bug this process was updated to send back correct response in cases where invoice is not a regular invoice i.e., only type C or F invoices will be processed, in other cases the process will send relevant error response.
Unable to cancel Future Activation subscription immediately (WFAMPS-4097)
To fix this bug, SubsManageSubscription API is updated to make Aria API call using different set of values if current status of the subscription is 0 (inactive).
Incorrect future execution date is set on DELIVERY-STOP when no title Calendar is found (WFAMPS-4004)
To fix this bug, subscription cancellation is updated and a new check to determine if TitleCalendar exists for the period covering cancellation. This check is introduced only for PRINT and COMBO subscription. In case TitleCalendar is not found for cancellation date and the process is not able to determine correct dates for DELIVERY-STOP, the process will throw relevant error and exit without canceling the subscription.