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Aria Knowledge Central

AMPS 2.10 Release


New and Improved Functionality

This section covers the release notes related to new functionality and capabilities added to AMPS. For this release the following functionality have been made available:

  • Enable remaining AMPS Payment Events (WFAMPS-1836)
  • Add missing information in AMPS events (WFAMPS-2246)
  • Require external systems to provide PaymRequestID in Callbacks (WFAMPS-2272)
  • Introduce API to list subscriptions only (WFAMPS-2504)

Each of the above enhancements are described in further below

Enable Remaining AMPS Payment Events (WFAMPS-1836)

This enhancement adds the missing payment events to AMPS. The following events are generated by AMPS:

  • PAYMENT/0001 Payment Collected - This event is triggered when the payment is posted against the ARIA account and thereby changing the balance of the account.
  • PAYMENT/0002 Payment Received – This is applicable when payments are received via the AMPS managed payment gateways like SPID and MOBILEPAY. The event is triggered when immediate confirmation of the payment is received from the gateway or when a callback is received shortly thereafter. A PAYMENT/0001 will also be triggered once the payment is posted against the account. If the payment is confirmed via the batch interface (for SPID), then a PAYMENT/0001 event is triggered when the payment is posted against ARIA.
  • PAYMENT/0003 Payment Requested - This event is triggered when requesting payment via the Direct Debit (Avtalegiro, Autogiro, etc.) integration or via AMPS managed payment gateways, such as MOBILEPAY and SPID. When payment is received or collected PAYMENT/0001 and/or PAYMENT/0002 are also triggered.
  • PAYMENT/0014 Payment Failed - This event is triggered when receiving notification from banks or financial institutions on failed payments, i.e. payments that for some reason could not be executed, for example due to lack of funds on the account, or the account having been closed. This event will apply only to payments via direct debit and AMPS managed payment gateways.

For SPID and MOBILEPAY gateways, a "PAYMENT/0003 Payment Requested" is triggered when the payment is requested from the gateway, and a "PAYMENT/0002 Payment Received" event is triggered when confirmation of the payment is received either in the response or via callback. For MOBILEPAY this will be very shortly after the first event. For SPID it will be when the PAYEX confirmation file is received at which point a "PAYMENT/ 0001 Payment Collected" event is triggered.

For AVTALEGIRO / AUTOGIRO (Direct Debit), the behavior would be almost the same. Here a "PAYMENT/0003 Payment Requested" event is triggered when the payment is requested from the banks, and a "PAYMENT/ 0001 Payment Collected" event is triggered when the payment is posted against ARIA. A "PAYMENT/0004 Payment Failed" event is triggered if a notification is received from the banks that the payment could not be processed, for example due to account being closed or insufficient funds.

For CREDITCARD payments via an ARIA Payment Gateway then events "PAYMENT/0012 Electronic Payment Succeeded" or "PAYMENT/0013 Electronic Payment Failed" are triggered. This already takes place today

For Bank transfers (OCR) only a "PAYMENT/0001 Payment Collected" event is triggered.

Add missing information in AMPS Event (WFAMPS-2246)

This enhancement adds additional information to a number of events. The enhancement covers the addition of the following information:

  • Title Code Digital – information on digital titles available for a given subscription
  • Title Code Offering – information on title offerings supported for a given subscription
  • Title Details – information the title associated with a given payment agreement
  • First Name, Middle Name and Last Name – information on personal name required in account contact information

The enhancement sees changes to AMPSPlanDetails structure of the following events

  • Subscription Added [SUBSCRIPTION/0001]
  • Subscription Modified [SUBSCRIPTION/0002]
  • Subscription Upgraded [SUBSCRIPTION/0003]
  • Subscription Downgraded [SUBSCRIPTION/0004]
  • Subscription Replaced [SUBSCRIPTION/0005]
  • Subscription Cancelled [SUBSCRIPTION/0006]
  • Subscription Rate Schedule [SUBSCRIPTION/0007]
  • Member Invited [SUBSCRIPTION/0008]
  • Member Accepted [SUBSCRIPTION/0009]
  • Member Cancelled [SUBSCRIPTION/0012]
  • Member Revoked [SUBSCRIPTION/0013]
  • Member Modified [SUBSCRIPTION/0014]
  • Subscription Automatic Changed [SUBSCRIPTION/0015]
  • Subscription Dunning State [SUBSCRIPTION/0016]
  • Complaint Registered [COMPLAINT/0001]
  • Complaint Updated [COMPLAINT/0002]
  • Complaint Closed [COMPLAINT/0003]
  • Complaint Redelivery [COMPLAINT/0004]
  • Complaint Compensation [COMPLAINT/0005]
  • Distribution Changed [DISTRIBUTION/0001]
  • Distribution Started [DISTRIBUTION/0002]
  • Distribution Stopped [DISTRIBUTION/0003]
  • Invoice Created {DOCUMENT/0001]
  • Credit Note Created [DOCUMENT/0002]
  • Dunning Created [DOCUMENT/0003]
  • Credit Note Raised [DOCUMENT/0004]
  • Final Invoice [DOCUMENT/0005]

The enhancement sees changes to AMPSPayAgreementDetails structure of the following events:

  • Payment Agreement Added [ACCOUNT/0009]
  • Payment Agreement Modified [ACCOUNT/0010]
  • Payment Agreement Removed [ACCOUNT/0011]
  • Payment Collected [PAYMENT/0001]
  • Payment Received [PAYMENT/0002]
  • Payment Requested [PAYMENT/0003]
  • Electronic Payment Succeeded [PAYMENT/0012]
  • Electronic Payment Failed [PAYMENT/0013]
  • Invoice Created {DOCUMENT/0001]
  • Credit Note Created [DOCUMENT/0002]
  • Dunning Created [DOCUMENT/0003]
  • Credit Note Raised [DOCUMENT/0004]
  • Final Invoice [DOCUMENT/0005]

The enhancement sees changes to AMPSContactDetails structure of the following events:

  • Account Created [ACCOUNT/0001]
  • Account Modified [ACCOUNT/0002
  • Credit Card Updated [ACCOUNT/0003]
  • Permanent Address Changed [ACCOUNT/0004]
  • Credit Card Expired [ACCOUNT/0006]
  • Account Archived [ACCOUNT/0007]
  • Payment Agreement Added [ACCOUNT/0009]
  • Payment Agreement Modified [ACCOUNT/0010]
  • Payment Agreement Removed [ACCOUNT/0011]
  • Invoice Created {DOCUMENT/0001]
  • Credit Note Created [DOCUMENT/0002]
  • Dunning Created [DOCUMENT/0003]
  • Final Invoice [DOCUMENT/0005]
  • Payment Collected [PAYMENT/0001]
  • Payment Received [PAYMENT/0002]
  • Electronic Payment Succeeded [PAYMENT/0012]
  • Electronic Payment Failed [PAYMENT/0013]

Require external systems to provide PaymRequestID in Callbacks (WFAMPS-2272)

This enhancement has been introduced to ensure that during a callback from the payment gateway, it is possible to uniquely identify the payment request sent earlier. Previously the method used to match the callback was not 100% accurate. If the paymRequestID is present in the callback it will be used. If not, the old method is used to match the callback.

Introduce API to list subscriptions only (WFAMPS-2504)

This enhancement has been introduced to performance optimize retrieval of subscription information for large accounts, i.e. where a large number of subscriptions exist. Previously returning about 500 subscriptions for a single account could take upwards of 60 seconds.

The new API "List Subscription [SubsListSubscription]" allows client applications to use a lightweight call to retrieve only a generic subset of data for each subscription. The new API allows for the same search criteria as the existing API "Retrieve Subscription [SubsRetrieveSubscription]".

The new API allows the caller to paginate responses, so that a limited number of subscriptions are returned. In a subsequent call, the next set of subscriptions can be retrieved. To use the new API, changes are required in the client applications.

Application Fixes

PaymAMPSPayRequest in RESERVED status (WFAMPS- 2261)

This application fix resolves and issue where payment requests for MobilePay were stuck in "RESERVED" status. This has now been resolved and the status is now set to "EXPIRED" or "EXPIRED-CANCEL" as necessary.

PaymGWCallbackStatus can't Match GatewayExternalID for MobilePay (WFAMPS-2275)

This application fix resolves an issue with the integration to MobilePay. The issue was that AMPS was unable to match the callback with the original request causing payments not to be correctly processed.

Administer Subscription doesn't make a CM on current invoice and no future invoice is made (WFAMPS-2449)

This application fix resolves an issue in "Manage Subscription [SubsManageSubscription]" with the processing of ANNIVERSARY and SPECIFIC-DATE replacements. Additional validation has been added to ensure that only valid combinations of the method and date are supported. Also the process now replaces SPECIFIC-DATE replacements with ANNIVERSARY replacements if the date specified is the anniversary date. The handling of credit notes has also been corrected.

A change has also been introduced to ensure that the cancellation contract is not applied during replacement of products.

Unprocessed Events in BEM PROD (WFAMPS-2458)

This application fix resolves an issue where the logging of information did not include all details on the missing invoices. The invoice number has now been added to the log for easier troubleshooting.

Account modified event (ID 2) - Is not correct after email / username change (WFAMPS-2488)

This application fix resolves an issue where the "Before" image of the account modification was not set in all situations. This has now been resolved, and the "Before" image is now set. For action ASSIGN, the before and after image will remain identical as the changed information is not part of those structures. Instead the change can be seen only in the structure with the id's

Distribution detail report - Email recipients list should use different system constant (WFAMPS-2489)

This application fix resolves and issue where the distribution detail report was sent to the wrong set of recipients. This has now been resolved. The distribution list is now found in system constant "ToEmailAddressForFullDIFile" has been added and being used in full DI extract file recipients.

When deploying version 2.10 to client environments, this new system constant must be configured.

AMPSSubscriptionReplaced with no information about replaced subscription (WFAMPS-2491)

This application fix resolves an issue where the "Before" image of the subscription modification was not set in all situations. This has now been resolved, and the "Before" image is now set in all relevant events

Not able to perform anything on account 2603837 in CIM (+500 subs) - BMD-9937 (WFAMPS-2500)

This application fix resolves an issue with very long response times on "Retrieve Subscription [SubsRetrieve-Subscription]". The issue has been resolved by retrieving only needed data from ARIA when listing the subscriptions. Also see WFAMPS-2504, which also improves performance of the retrieval of subscriptions.

DistChangeAddr - Incorrect error message for Delivery Days cannot overlap (WFAMPS-2564)

This application fix resolves an issue where AMPS reported an error indicating an overlap in distribution addresses for a single period. The issue has been resolved by ensuring that the validation on overlaps is performed with a single address change only, and not across multiple changes.

Align API names as per specification for GDPR flows (WFAMPS-2593)

This fix resolves an issue with API naming for AcctGDPRShowAcctData & AcctGDPRDeleteAcctData

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