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Set Up Usage Unit Defaults for a Plan in the Product Catalog


You can set up usage unit defaults for a plan in your product catalog that are applicable to accounts you assign that plan to. Set these defaults from the Services screen of creating a plan by following the steps below.

Note: If you are creating a new plan and would rather set usage unit thresholds later, you can complete the plan creation and continue to assign the plan to an account. You can change a unit threshold at any time for individual accounts.

Setting Up Usage Defaults

Getting Here: Click Products > Plans > New button > Services

  1. Select at least one usage-based service to apply to the plan.
  2. Click Add Selected Services.

    Note: You can click Add New Service to add a new service instead of adding existing services.

    services that can be addedv2.png
    Selected services appear in the second section called Configure Selected Services.
  3. For usage-based services, make selections for Tax Inclusive Rates, Non-Refundable/Avalanche Earning, Pricing Rule, High Water Indicator, Advanced Billing Indicator, and Billable Unit Threshold.
  4. Select the Account Notice MTD Threshold checkbox.
    Notification column headers and input fields appear.5 usage defaults v4.png
  5. Enter a Threshold value, in units (in this example, 6,000 units).
  6. Enter a 1st level percentage threshold notification (in this example, 50%).
  7. Enter a 2nd level percentage threshold notification (in this example, 75%).
    Note: You may enter up to 4 threshold notification levels.
  8. Select the Account Notice PTD Threshold, Client Notice MTD Threshold, and Client Notice PTD Threshold checkboxes and follow steps 5-7 above to set up usage defaults for each of these fields.
  9. Click Next: Virtual Inventory.
  10. Complete and save the plan creation.
  11. Next you should assign the plan to an account.
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