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Aria Knowledge Central

Configure Unbilled Usage Percentage Threshhold


If you want to receive event notifications when your customers’ unbilled usage balances reach, go above, or go below a percentage of thresholds that you specified, then configure the Unbilled Usage Threshold Adjustment Percentage setting.

For example, if you set the unbilled usage balance threshold at $100 for various customers, you can then specify that you want to receive event notifications when 80% of that threshold is reached. You will receive event notifications when the unbilled usage balance reaches, goes above, or goes below $80. If you do not specify a percentage as described, then by default, email messages and/or event notifications will be triggered when your customers’ unbilled usage balances have reached, gone above, or gone below 100% of your specified thresholds.

Configuring Unbilled Usage Percentage Threshold

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings

  1. Click Unbilled Usage Threshold Adjustment Percentage.
  1. Enter a Value that is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100.
    unbilled usagev2.png
  2. Click Save.
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