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Aria Knowledge Central

Disable a Service Location


To ensure auditing and full traceability, a service location can only be deleted if it is not associated with any services or services within a plan instance. However, if a service location is not associated, you can disable it. 

A deactivated service location is not available for selection with a service or a service within a plan instance.

Note: When a service location is disabled, any services that are associated with that service location do not automatically update. These services need to be manually updated with a new location.

Disable a Service Location

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Client Settings > Service Locations

  1. Select the service location.
  2. Select Inactive.
  3. Click Save. The service location is now disabled.

Delete a Service Location

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Client Settings > Service Locations

If the service location is not associated with any services, a red X displays next to the service location. Click the X to delete the service location.ServiceLocationList_6.47.png

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