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Aria Knowledge Central

Schedule a Report


You can schedule a report(s) to run automatically by following the steps below. You can view or cancel a scheduled report at any time.

Scheduling a Report

Getting Here: Click Analytics and Reporting > Reports > Run/Schedule Report.

  1. Click the plus sign next to the report catalog containing the report that you want to schedule.
  2. Click the report that you want to schedule.
  3. Select your report options:

    schedule report 1.jpg
    The options will vary depending on the report that you selected. The option "Include Test Accounts" is available for all reports. Additional options may appear, depending on the report you selected.

  1. Select the date range on which to report.

    Select the Start Date and End Date for your report from the Select dates by reference dropdown based on pre-defined criteria such as the beginning of the current month or the end of the prior year. This is the default selection that displays when you select Run a Report.

    The date range options will vary depending on the report that you selected.
    schedule report 2.jpg

    You can also select dates by calendar to select your report date range using a calendar.

  1. Select your report publication options:
  • Publish for: Select Publisher Only if you are the only one who should be able to see the report or select an audience to specify a group of people who should be able to see the report.
  • Start Schedule: Select the date and time when the report should start being generated.
  • Frequency: Specify how often the report should be generated.
  1. If you have file transfer push profiles enabled, select your file transfer options.

    File transfer push profiles allow you to have reports transmitted to your file transfer server using Aria’s daily batch processes. These reports will be available on your file transfer server the day after they are generated.

  • File Transfer Destination: Select the file transfer push profile that you want to use for the report.
  • File Name Prefix: Enter the prefix that you want to use in the report file name.
  • File Name Extension: Enter the file format that you want to use. Currently, only CSV is supported.

To enable file transfer push profiles:

  • Contact Aria Systems Customer Support to define your file transfer push profiles.
  • Enable transmission of output files: Click Configuration > click Billing > click Batch Processes > set the status for send output files to On.

Note: If you have file transfer push profiles enabled, you can have Aria transfer reports to your system(s) immediately instead of after Aria’s daily batch process runs. To do so: click Configuration > click Client Settings > click Miscellaneous Settings > click File Transfer Initiation Time Frame > select Immediate.

  1. Click Schedule.

    A summary of the report options will appear in the Current Schedule at bottom of the screen. Click the red "x" icon to cancel a scheduled report.

    A daily Aria batch process generates the reports. The generated reports display for viewing under Analytics and Reporting > Reports > Published Reports.

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