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Aria Knowledge Central

Revenue Recognition Reporting Conditions


In Revenue Recognition, all transformable services are either Deferrable or Non-Deferrable, and all invoice line items are represented on reports either for periods in which the charge originated, or in periods after the charge originated. Therefore, there are only four possible conditions under which originating invoice line items are represented on a given SmartRec detail report:

  • Deferrable/In Originating Period
  • Deferrable/In Non-Originating Period (future period)
  • Non-Deferrable/In Originating Period
  • Non-Deferraable/In Non-Originating (future period)

These reporting conditions determine the combination of entry types that can appear for that charge on any given detail SmartRec report.  The table below displays the combination of entry types that appear on a detail SmartRec report based on the four possible reporting conditions of an originating invoice line item:

Reporting Period Deferrable Non-Deferrable
Originating Period
  • Debit to Accounts Receivable
  • Credit to Deferred Revenue
  • Debit to Deferred Revenue
  • Credit to Earned Revenue
  • Debit to Accounts Receivable
  • Credit to Earned Revenue
Non-Originating Period (future period)
  • Debit to Deferred Revenue
  • Credit to Earned Revenue
No Entries
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