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Aria Knowledge Central

Define a Report Catalog


A report catalog allows you to organize your reports into categories. You can then include the catalogs in specific report groups. Users who belong to the applicable report groups will see the reports in the catalogs assigned to those groups.

Defining a Report Catalog

Getting Here: Click Analytics and Reporting > Reports > Report Configuration

  1. Click Define Catalogs.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, enter the name and description of this report catalog. Users who have access to the group will see the name, but not the description.
  1. Click Add New Catalog.

    You can then add the catalog to one or more report groups.

Adding Reports to a Report Catalog

Getting Here: Click Analytics and Reporting > Reports > Report Configuration

  1. Click Define Catalogs.
    report catalog.png
  1. Scroll down to the catalog to which you want to add a report.
  2. Select the report that you want to add to the catalog.
  3. Click the Plus button.

    To remove a report from a catalog, click the red X.

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