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Aria Knowledge Central

Components Inventory

What is a FlexCard?

FlexCards in Salesforce are a component of Omnistudio, designed to display contextual information in an easily digestible format. They allow users to quickly view data from multiple sources and act on it without navigating away from the current screen.

What is an Integration Procedure?

An Integration Procedure (IP) in Salesforce is a key part of the Omnistudio suite, designed to handle complex data transformations and integrations without needing extensive custom coding. It allows you to perform server-side processing, interact with multiple data sources, and orchestrate various business processes.

What is a DataRaptor?

A DataRaptor is a mapping tool that enables you to read, transform, and write Salesforce data. There are four types of DataRaptor: Turbo Extract, Extract, Transform, and Load.

What is OmniScript?

OmniScripts are a way for an application builder to design a business process by configuring interactions using declarative tools that are easy to use. They implement complex functionality behind the scenes. They enable you to craft dynamic customer interactions without code.

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