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Aria Knowledge Central

API Credentials


You must configure Aria Billing Studio to call Aria's API. By default, the base API URL points to Aria's Stage Future environment for your testing.

Aria Billing Studio API Credentials

  • The Integration Procedure "Billing/Credentials/Get Credentials" holds the Aria Stage Future URL and the test client_no and auth_key for use in the API calls.
  • This Integration Procedure is called by the other Integration Procedures to retrieve these credentials for inclusion in the API JSON payloads.

    Note: Exceptions are the Integration Procedures used during ordering (Aria/CreateAcctComplete and Aria/AssignAccountPlan), which both have the URL and credential information hard coded into them by design (use only for demonstration or after client-modification).

  • <client_no> and <auth_key> should be encrypted and only need to be stored once per client install.
  • API URL needs to be configurable as it will change between testing against staging (Future or Current) and production Aria instances.
  • Aria Billing Cloud URLs
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