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Snowflake VM Object: Usage Records

► Usage Records




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
IS_DELETED BOOLEAN Denotes a True/False as to if the referenced data has been deleted via soft delete
REF_PK TEXT REF_PK The PK of the ref_type concatenated with a pipe as needed within the JSON
USAGE_RECORD_NO NUMBER the usage_record_no for the referenced record
CLIENT_USAGE_RECORD_ID TEXT the client_usage_record_id for the referenced record
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
AMOUNT NUMBER The amount of the referenced transaction value in the asociated currency
BILLABLE_UNITS NUMBER the billable_units for the referenced record
CLIENT_EXCLUDE_REASON_CD NUMBER the client_exclude_reason_cd for the referenced record
COMMENTS TEXT The detailed comments related to the referenced data
EXCLUDE_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ the exclude_tstamp for the referenced record
EXCLUDE_USER TEXT the exclude_user for the referenced record
EXCLUSION_COMMENTS TEXT the exclusion_comments for the referenced record
INVOICE VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to invoices
IS_EXCLUDED BOOLEAN A True or False indicator showing if the record is excluded
PLAN_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for a plan 
CLIENT_PLAN_ID TEXT The client facing unique identifier for a plan
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for a plan_instance
CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The occurrence (instance) of a plan for the referenced data
QUALIFIER_1 TEXT the qualifier_1 for the referenced record
QUALIFIER_2 TEXT the qualifier_2 for the referenced record
QUALIFIER_3 TEXT the qualifier_3 for the referenced record
QUALIFIER_4 TEXT the qualifier_4 for the referenced record
RATE NUMBER the rate for the referenced record
TELCO_FROM DATE the telco_from for the referenced record
TELCO_TO DATE the telco_to for the referenced record
UNITS NUMBER the units for the referenced record
USAGE_RECORD_PARENT NUMBER the usage_record_parent for the referenced record
USAGE_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ the usage_tstamp for the referenced record
USAGE_TYPE_NO NUMBER the usage_type_no for the referenced record
CREATED_BATCH_ID NUMBER The aria facing creation batch id assigned upon landing for the referenced data
CREATED_BATCH_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The aria facing batch timstamp assigned upon landing for the referenced data, showing its creation in snowflake
UPDATED_BATCH_ID NUMBER The aria facing update batch id assigned upon landing for the referenced data
UPDATED_BATCH_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The aria facing batch timstamp assigned upon landing for the referenced data, showing its update in snowflake
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