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Snowflake VM Object: Plan Instances

► Plan Instances




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
IS_DELETED BOOLEAN Denotes a True/False as to if the referenced data has been deleted via soft delete
REF_PK TEXT REF_PK The PK of the ref_type concatenated with a pipe as needed within the JSON
PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for a plan_instance
CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The occurrence (instance) of a plan for the referenced data
MASTER_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for an master plan instance
MASTER_CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT The client facing unique identifier for an master plan instance
PARENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER the parent_plan_instance_no for the referenced record
PARENT_CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT the parent_client_plan_instance_id for the referenced record
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
PLAN_NO NUMBER The Aria facing unique identifier for a plan 
CLIENT_PLAN_ID TEXT The client facing unique identifier for a plan
PLAN_UNITS NUMBER the plan_units for the referenced record
LAST_BILL_DATE DATE the last_bill_date for the referenced record
NEXT_BILL_DATE DATE the next_bill_date for the referenced record
LAST_BILL_THROUGH_DATE DATE the last_bill_through_date for the referenced record
LAST_ARREARS_BILL_THROUGH_DATE DATE the last_arrears_bill_through_date for the referenced record
LAST_ARREARS_RECURRING_BILL_THROUGH_DATE DATE the last_arrears_recurring_bill_through_date for the referenced record
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data
STATUS_NO NUMBER The clients status was updated at the timestamp for the customer referenced
STATUS_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The clients status was updated at the timestamp for the customer referenced
TERMINATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ the terminated_tstamp for the referenced record
PROVISIONED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ the provisioned_tstamp for the referenced record
RATE_SCHEDULE_NO NUMBER the rate_schedule_no for the referenced record
CLIENT_RATE_SCHEDULE_ID TEXT the client_rate_schedule_id for the referenced record
CREATED_RECEIPT_ID TEXT the created_receipt_id for the referenced record
DESCRIPTION TEXT The detailed description related to the referenced data
PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER TEXT The aria facing unique identifier for a purchase order
IS_USAGE_POOLING_ENABLED BOOLEAN A True or False indicator showing if the record has usage pooling enabled
USAGE_POOLING_COUNTER NUMBER the usage_pooling_counter for the referenced record
PROMOTION_CODE TEXT the promotion_code for the referenced record
BILL_LAG_DAYS NUMBER the bill_lag_days for the referenced record
BILL_DAY NUMBER the bill_day for the referenced record
DUNNING_STATE NUMBER the dunning_state for the referenced record
DUNNING_STEP NUMBER the dunning_step for the referenced record
DUNNING_DEGRADE_DATE DATE the dunning_degrade_date for the referenced record
USAGE_ACCUMULATION_RESET_MONTHS NUMBER the usage_accumulation_reset_months for the referenced record
USAGE_ACCUMULATION_RESET_MONTHS_RENEWAL_OPTION NUMBER the usage_accumulation_reset_months_renewal_option for the referenced record
USAGE_ACCUMULATION_RESET_COUNTER NUMBER the usage_accumulation_reset_counter for the referenced record
PRODUCT_FIELDS VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to product fields
CUSTOM_RATES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to custom rates
SERVICE_DETAILS VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to service details
BILLING_GROUP_NO NUMBER The designated billing group number for the referenced data
CLIENT_BILLING_GROUP_ID TEXT the client_billing_group_id for the referenced record
DUNNING_GROUP_NO NUMBER the dunning_group_no for the referenced record
CLIENT_DUNNING_GROUP_ID TEXT the client_dunning_group_id for the referenced record
RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL_NO NUMBER the responsibility_level_no for the referenced record
RESPONSIBLE_PLAN_INSTANCE_NO NUMBER the responsible_plan_instance_no for the referenced record
RESPONSIBLE_CLIENT_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID TEXT the responsible_client_plan_instance_id for the referenced record
SURCHARGES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to surcharges
BALANCE NUMBER The clients balance owed on their account for the customer referenced
CREATED_BATCH_ID NUMBER The aria facing creation batch id assigned upon landing for the referenced data
CREATED_BATCH_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The aria facing batch timstamp assigned upon landing for the referenced data, showing its creation in snowflake
UPDATED_BATCH_ID NUMBER The aria facing update batch id assigned upon landing for the referenced data
UPDATED_BATCH_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The aria facing batch timstamp assigned upon landing for the referenced data, showing its update in snowflake
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